posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 06:32 PM
If I were to believe this...,
I wanna be first in line to complain:
What hubris, GFL comes here to tell us what "love" is. Dude, you ever hear of Woodstock? When was the last time you all got together to rock out
loud for days on end? The kids there were more loving than any religious festival I have ever heard of, and where were you then?
When the 'cloud' descended upon us, where were you? You announce a change that will eradicate our understanding of life itself, you think that's
wise? Seems a bit like ham-handed showmanship to me.
And who's grand idea was it that we have to suffer the torment of disease and blight, aging and decrepitude to earn our 'wings' into this new
Utopian federation of yours? What are we? Pets, that we have to perform through repeated tests of endurance of survival and the self-destructive
responses it evokes before you will grace us with the rescue which you imply?
We have developed an identity throughout the 'eons' to which you refer. That identity is to be shattered in a moment? And to hell with those who
can't deal with it or accept it? That's not exactly a rescue, is it? Sounds more like a 'harvest' to me.
You had better do more than bring us some useless philosophy that some will embrace, and no doubt die for. Meanwhile the remainder is what? Culled?
Abandoned? Discarded? I can guarantee that some of those people who are in the 'fearful' group are people I care for. Shall I abandon them
seeking the promised 'bliss?'
... The rant would go on like that for quite a bit longer....
Mankind seems to have a burning desire for a 'savior' and a 'salvation'. We had better get used to the idea that we must first save ourselves,
before we can surrender our 'love' to some beings from afar. If they exists, would they understand this rant? Could they perceive as we so, in
contextual understanding, or would the be alien to the point of seeing us as not much more than savages, or even animals?
On the other hand, what do we have that they want? Why bother with us at all? If this is some kind of ascension mission they exercise as a way of
life, why wait until October, where are they RIGHT NOW? Busy? Dinner? Perhaps impotent to act?
I would refuse to respond as a sheep. Bring 'em on I say, I don't hate you, but don't demand trust and love of me. That is something you must