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[HOAX]GFL spaceship DID NOT APPEAR on Oct.14th, 2008[HOAX]

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posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by Dock6
Yes, she seemed sincere, no doubt

and it took courage to speak as she did on You Tube

So we should give her full marks for that

I don't believe it was a deliberate hoax

After watching Goodchild on You Tube, I also believe her
prophecies were delivered in good faith. I'm sure she believed what she was told

I'm quite sure that was the point of the broadcast; to keep you all hooked, and it looks as though she may be succeeding.

It took no courage at all, she simply realised that her profit margin was about to drop off quickly without some sort of explanation. So full marks indeed, but not for the false sincerity which some people seem to mistake as real.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:26 AM
Her response did sound sincere, I think at least it's a step towards healing now as she shows that she acknowledges the situation and wants to figure out where she goes from here. If she had a serious mental problem I'd expect something a little more "enthusiastic" then her tone used.

Why is it such a big deal if anyone gives her a second chance? It doesn't sound like she'll be doing any predictions for a little while, so no one will probably have the chance to believe again. I for one would love to hear what she has to say about all this in 30 days, after she has a chance to channel again or whatever to ask some questions and what she finds out in all of it.

I wouldn't rule out the demon or at least not so nice spirit messing with her, there's something to be said about leaving the door open in the spirit world. Things not fully understood are best left alone when you're messing with spirits.

Poor lady...

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by timelike

She never had me hooked

I've been one of the more strident debunkers, disbelievers, sceptics in the thread

But it doesn't take a genius IQ to realise there were a lot of other ways she could have extricated herself from the debacle this became, if she'd chosen.

For example, she could have simply said 'No comment'

She could have used suicide or threat of

She could have claimed illness

Could have claimed she was subject to mind control

and so on.

What she said is right ... if this had been a deliberatehoax and if this had been a deliberate money-making scheme ... she could have dodged the time and date and simply left the 'date of arrival' fuzzy

--- in that way, she could have milked this for years, gaining publicity and money

But she didn't. She gave a date.

You'd only do that if you believed what you were saying

She was conned. Don't know by what or whom, but she was conned

And they've left her hanging there to dry

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by rikk7111 Whats the record here?

Sleeper I believe
I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials
355 pages

But that thread had substance... not like this one

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by timelike

I also was never anywhere close to being 'hooked'

AND my heart power and spiritual belief was on full blast during the entire event

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by wylekat

you forgot to mention the part.. that since she started channeling with white cloud.. her disorder dissapeared... I cant remember how long ago its been.. but its been years..

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:44 AM
She may have been subject to euphoria created by those around her, and interpreted her prediction after being coaxed by others.
It could be rational to assume those closest to her cojouled her into believing what she was seeing was the coming on that particular date.
Of course this is a theory but not beyond the realm of possibibilty.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by Dock6

you say she was conned????? she was conned by herself.. the channeled messages she was recieving.. was her own conscienceness(?) .. kind of like a split personality talking to herself.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by N. Tesla
demons really? thats whats she channeling? maybe shes jsut crazy or an attention hog. she is a crazy old git. and im happy this is labled as hoax

This I have often wondered about so called alien channellers. How do they know they not dealing with spooks/ghosts or demons. Im almost more convinced these things exist more than aliens. Im also sure other dimensions on Earth do exist and god knows whats lurking in them
Its a very dangerous game to link up and talk to anything you cant see and totally understand.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:56 AM

What she said is right ... if this had been a deliberatehoax and if this had been a deliberate money-making scheme ... she could have dodged the time and date and simply left the 'date of arrival' fuzzy.
--- in that way, she could have milked this for years, gaining publicity and money

But she didn't. She gave a date.

Not necessarily Dock6. If she was brainwashed somehow, then giving a date is irrelevant. Let's just say she was brainwashed. Do you think the people who brainwashed her care about her well being. She was simply used & manipulated into delivering a message to the masses, with the main goal being to see how many people actually believed in her message. This could simply be a test for some other future event. So basically it was probably a dry run, a test to judge people's reactions. But if she wasn't brainwashed, which is probably closer to the truth, then it's safe to say she's the sole manipulator with an agenda all of her own. No doubt to make a quick buck at everyone else's expense.

[edit on 16-10-2008 by kindred]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by timelike
I'm quite sure that was the point of the broadcast; to keep you all hooked, and it looks as though she may be succeeding.

It took no courage at all, she simply realised that her profit margin was about to drop off quickly without some sort of explanation. So full marks indeed, but not for the false sincerity which some people seem to mistake as real.

Nope, she could have done beter than that, if she wanted a stable income she could have gone the quinsey way and just spew out excuses of our vibration being crappy and keeping us on the hook by giving a date perpetually in the future untill we destroy or save ourselves. She may have gained sympathy but her credibility is shot and no doubt her income will go down because of this. Not smart in ways of marketing.

[edit on 16-10-2008 by Harman]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:06 AM
So I suppose she is refunding all the money from her book the bridge then right???

YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!!

So she knows she is wrong about the FOL which means she should know shes wrong about WHITE CLOUD, which should mean, she should shut down the site, stop making money off peoples misery, go away and .......


[edit on 16-10-2008 by kcfusion]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:21 AM
Also to all those saying if she wanted to make a career off this she would have kept the date fuzzy like everybody else.

I think following market strategy works just as well

1. Release book see how sales are doing!
2. Sales bad! Give an exact date of "arrival", stating over and over again that this is what you "Believe" to be true, emphases on the Believe.
3. Maximise Sales and Exposure to by making the date within a 2 month period.
4. When they dont show, re-iterate that you believed it to be the truth! That you were fooled by a Demon! ( remember, FOL is only as small aspect of her site, she still has White Cloud!)
5. Worst case scenario, after all the B.S has calmed down and the sympathy vote in, you still have your original Followers ( income ) and probably a few extra gulible fools. And hey a nice bank balance to show for it!

This was a quick buck making scheme by the blossom goodchild organisation, who possibly did not realise it would get so out of control!

Also How come we havent seen the "channelled" FOL apology or excuse?? If she really believed in what she was saying, wouldnt she have surely asked them a Question or 2?????

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by kcfusion
Also How come we havent seen the "channelled" FOL apology or excuse?? If she really believed in what she was saying, wouldnt she have surely asked them a Question or 2?????

She explained it on the youtube thing. But i grant you the possibility of your explanation. Although it would been a bad option out of a whole range of options.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by weneedtoknow

OMG how lame.

"it's no one's fault" (that Oct 14 didn't happen) - In other words - Don't blame Blossom even though she said it would happen.

"we are ALL in this" - like it's the fault of the audience that it didn't.

Worst - (paraphrase) "I wanted eveyrone to be positive about this so it would happen." - like they could think it into existence?

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by kcfusion

Jeepers, mate ! Wow.

Sympathies to you. Seems you had a heck of a lot invested in this woman's prophecies.

Some of us didn't. We sat back and observed. Maybe we're more mature, more experienced, simply naturally wiser, who knows.

Whatever the case, what's done is done. She's alive and from the sound of her, she's going to come through this a lot wiser as well. As will most who're aware of her predictions (believe it or not, 99% plus of the world's population still remain unaware of the entire GFL 'thing' )

It's not a hanging offence. People make mistakes. People get conned. People ALLOW themselves to be conned. History is filled with dramatic prophecies that failed to manifest. It's part of the human condition.

She could have been set up by human mind-manipulators. Or perhaps they were non-human. Will we ever know ? Won't it remain a matter for speculation ?

Today's a new day. Another day in the rest of our lives. The clock keeps ticking and time moves on, taking us with it.

Some will be more sceptical in the future. Some will continue to hope and to call that 'belief'.

But we're all one day older, one day closer to death.

We buy a meal, costs $50.00.
In due time, it's eliminated
Then we eat another meal ..often of dubious nutritional value

Some paid .. I don't know .. $20 (?) for a Goodchild book ?
Or invested several hours on her blog

If it had worked, people would be happy with their investment /spiritual meal

If it didn't come to pass .. no biggie .. they hadn't really lost anything
Still had the same house, same job, same partner, etc

That's life

and we move on

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by kcfusion

Quite right kcfusion! It seems that there are still some people here desperately cluthcing at straws, if their desire to believe is so strong then they deserve to be conned by these fraudsters!

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
Blossom: "I have no idea why they didn't show."

Answer: You are channeling demons, who LOVE to deceive, did you think God was lying when he said to NEVER speak to spirits?

Apparently so Blossom.

To me that's just as crazy!!! Spirits and demons indeed; she may as well have been chanelling the Federation of Light!

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:46 AM
People are conned every day

The sexy girl used in tv and print commercials to sell off-road vehicles

Movie stars promising if you just buy X-brand creme, you too will look like a movie star

Breakfast food manufacturers promising your kids will be filled with energy for hours and will function better in class

Hope. They're selling hope.

They've been selling hope since Time began.
Witches with their potions .. only a few halfpennies will win you the man/woman of your dreams

or feudal lords who promised the peasants that if they downed their tools and charged the enemy, they'd all be safer, richer and have more land

Hope springs eternal

We're a hopeful species

It's one of our more endearing qualities

You'll never suffocate hope

It never grows old

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by Harman

A bad option?? or just a new Option?

I am a salesman (yeah I know I hate me too lol) and If I didnt want to continue with the FOL stuff forever and wanted to make money off it, I think I would have done it exactly the same way as she has done it! Now she can get Rid of the FOL from her website after making most definitely quite alot of money and continue with her original stuff.

All she did was maximise sales over a short period of time with a topic she would only like to keep going for a short period of time! Also how would you maximise the exposure of the site for that short period of time with so many others selling the same story?? Answer is simple, commit to a nearby date, slightly change the ETs from GFOL to FOL and cha ching count all your cash!

And also for those who say but the fallout is not worth it so she must be genuinely decieved. A month from now (not even) it will be forgotten about and guess what, she will still have her loyal followers. Its genius I tell you!

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