posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by stuballs77
Hopefully we will all have the definitive answer sooner than later. We live in a very technological age now where everyone has a digital camera or
phone with image taking facilities so if there are aliens flying in our airspace, it's becoming more and more likely that they will be caught on
Because this is happening, it's not unreasonable for the 'press' to stop and think, "hang on - perhaps there's something to this". As the
evidence mounts, it becomes harder for them to ignore it, or take a whimsical view of it because in the end they might end up looking like ignorant
Also we have commercial flights into space in the not too distant future so if there's something up there that the governments or military etc
aren't telling us, then were all going to find out via a rude awakening. Possibly a worst case scenario - so perhaps it's in their interests to
start warming the general public to the idea that we aren't alone after all.
Heck, even the Vatican has taken the idea on board. I guess that says something about where this may be heading. A new enlightenment for human kind
perhaps? Who knows! All I can say is "watch this space".