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Shift in mindset towards Ufo's/Aliens

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posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:01 AM
Just an observation really but i have noticed recently that more and more people that i talk to are certain that life outside our planet exists. Not life such as i am sure the Pheonix lander will find, but real honest to goodness little green men. If i shared my opinions as a believer with the same people ten years ago i am sure that i would have been laughed off as a crazy but these days it seems that it is generally accepted that we are not alone. I have heard alot of talk about the public being prepped towards disclosure and i now believe that this is happening faster than we think. Just so you know I work with the public in a very respectable cafe every day, and more often than not people approach me about the subject or i overhear them talking about it at the tables.

I am interested to hear your thoughts on the subject.


posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:12 AM
It's pretty simple! As our understanding of life increases - such as the study of extremophiles, so does the prospect of life outside our planet! It's just matter of us becoming more intelligent and progressing as a species. I think we are coming to realize that life finds a way and we are neither alone nor unique in the universe.


[edit on 5/8/08 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:21 AM
I agree with this thought process entirely but it just seems to me that many more people of late are thinking that it will only be a very short time before there is a major event or disclosure. This leads me to the conclusion that the mass media is possibly prepping us for such an occurrence.

Thanks for your reply


posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by stuballs77

Hopefully we will all have the definitive answer sooner than later. We live in a very technological age now where everyone has a digital camera or phone with image taking facilities so if there are aliens flying in our airspace, it's becoming more and more likely that they will be caught on 'film'.

Because this is happening, it's not unreasonable for the 'press' to stop and think, "hang on - perhaps there's something to this". As the evidence mounts, it becomes harder for them to ignore it, or take a whimsical view of it because in the end they might end up looking like ignorant fools.

Also we have commercial flights into space in the not too distant future so if there's something up there that the governments or military etc aren't telling us, then were all going to find out via a rude awakening. Possibly a worst case scenario - so perhaps it's in their interests to start warming the general public to the idea that we aren't alone after all.

Heck, even the Vatican has taken the idea on board. I guess that says something about where this may be heading. A new enlightenment for human kind perhaps? Who knows! All I can say is "watch this space".


posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:44 AM
Thanks again
It certainly is a very interesting age to be living in and i hope that we can embrace any changes to our accepted view of the universe with open arms and not ignorance.


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