queenofsheba (on the phone) has no internet and asked me to play a song. I said ok. She picked this one and I saw the lyrics and said...hey!! "we
will", just say it's to your cat lol!!
She said ok, cause she didn't know what it was about but liked the song.
I should just get another dog. queenofsheba is a pain in the brain (lol) oh jeeezzzz ...well, will see if she takes me up on the tickets (my buy all
in) crap!!
she is in MN at her mom's and no internet,,, and her cell phone is dead..oh..I can't do crap!! Damn!! I hate that!! Damn!!!
did I say damn!!
I'm waiting..like a nut job lol!! Like in the Navy..but Less danger...right?? A Border collie ..I had one b4 ..15 years..that do!