Just about lost everything tonight...could have, should have....had my out...I could have my house free and clear...stupid kid and Christmas;
May we all say the things this year that we didn't say last year.
If I've posted this too soon, I'm sorry. Please don't let it stop anyone from posting it again. As I have just done (GoWt3 posted it first this
year, methinks).
Back from a little family get together 13 people. Good to see my older brother. He hasn't changed.. he tied knots in all my gift bags when I wasn't
looking, and I had to get a knife to get in them.. then when I did ..in one of them my folks had put cash money in one of those bank envelopes..my
brother asked, "how much did you get" ? I showed him
two twenty's and a ten. My brother then pull out his envelope and out came a 100 dollar bill and a few twenty's, (he had added those earlier to his
fifty, I found out later) jerk ..lol!!