reply to post by Echo3Foxtrot
1. How many different types of ETs are there that we know of?
Examples of types of beings with entirely different physiology reported in cases:
-Beings above 2 meters tall similar to human physiology
-Beings below 1 meter tall similar to human physiology
-Beings above 2 meters tall non similar to human physiology
-Beings below 1 meter tall non similar to human physiology
-Beings in the shape of a thick soft cylinder crawling to the ground emitting strong smell and sound (single case, close contact, African
-Beings in the shape of orbs of lights and displaying intelligence
-Beings having a plethora of different decorations on different parts of their physiology like beings with horns protruding from their heads, strange
types of hand nails.
-Two eyed creatures one eye located above the other (probably single case, close contact, France)
-1 eyed creatures,
-Large eyed creatures
-Small eyed creatures,
-Beings with almost identical to human physiology (several cases, close contact)
-Beings appearing having claws instead of hands (single case, many witnesses, close contact being described as an unsuccessful attempt of abduction by
witnesses in sailing boats, the Bermuda triangle)
-Beings having teeth or artificial devices or parts of their physiology protruding from their mouths, (several cases, close contact, usually above
human height physiology)
-Beings with a plethora of different shapes of heads
-Beings with several different types and number of visible fingers, some having only two some being equipped with up to 6 (several cases, close
-Occupants of vehicles being described as "insectoids" (some cases, close contact)
-Occupants of vehicles resembling fish like characteristics (single case, body recovered and photographed, possibly in Argentina)
-Occupants of vehicles that were described as being robotic in appearance resembling general human physiology (legs, hands, head) with varying sizes
and shapes (several cases, close contact)
-Occupants of vehicles that were described as resembling mechanical devices in appearance (at least one single and famous case, close contact,
England, where the contactee was also verifiably injured)
-Creatures that no appearance was detected but only their presence and means of communication and have displayed intelligence (some cases, following
or preceding a close contact)
-Supposed claim that creatures 1 foot long, 2 to 3 inches wide were photographed being attached to astronaut gear during lunar missions. (website now
gone offline, no luck in finding traces in waybackmachine do not remember tittles or key words, but Lucianus the ancient writer pictured a similar
description which also termed what best can be translated as "treelike" in one of his fiction works, he mentioned that it lives both in earth and
the moon, also some old local folk stories describe a similar enigmatic plantlike creature, a flesh tree)
-Types of communications displayed, baring images and sound of beings with no actual detection of the physical shapes of the visitors (some cases,
usually following or preceding a contact with an unidentified vehicle/s)
-Several types of different vehicles landed and exposed interiors with no occupants present (several cases, close contact)
4. Are there hostile ETs that have made contact?
5. If there are different types or just one "race" of these ETs, what the hell do they look like?
Two races, everything of course according to what was witnessed, I am interested in, are:
Race 1: also has been referred as the "Giants". Generally described as rude or unsympathetic.
-Beings above 2 meters tall similar to human physiology
-Beings having teeth or artificial devices or parts of their physiology protruding from their mouths, (several cases, close contact, usually above
human height physiology)
Race2: Enigmatic. Generally described (one case I know off) as being friendly and curious.
-Occupants of vehicles that were described as being robotic in appearance resembling general human physiology (legs, hands, head) with varying sizes
and shapes (several cases, close contact)
7. Why does the government want to keep things so hush-hush?
We must consider the possibility that some times they are in the dark, pretty much like we are.
[edit on 5-8-2008 by spacebot]