posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 12:02 PM
Ah yes, the Singapore Arms 'Grande Cockup', as it should have been called. Nothing really new there my friend.
All the weapon was, is a re-chambered 7.62 milly AR-18 'Widowmaker' capable of firing the 'new' 5.56 milly NATO round or with the insertion of a
new breech block & barrel insert, 9 mm rounds.
Typical Malaysian [then] attempt to capture a slice of the small arms trade with a fast bit of marketing.
It ended in total faillure because the weapon itself, was just another attempt at upgrading the AR-18/M16 concept.
Nobody wanted it, least of all we Brits who would have liked the M16 but had to settle for the equally excellent L85A1 [now L85A2].