Hey guys!
Well I've decided, due to the fact that there are different things people disagree about aliens UFO's, etc.
So If you guys could give me some input on how I should change the info I
give in any way, or even add anything would be appreciated.
I don't want anyone here saying aliens are not real, and spamming on the the thread. I'm just trying to compile all of the information I can about
this subject
---UFO's (Alien Spacecraft)---
Bob Lazars description of an alien craft.
Second paragraph on the page, right side.
---Aliens (Extra Terrestrials)---
According to some sources we know of about 37 types of alien.
An A-Z list of aliens.
---Alien Planets---
No current proven information.
One possible answer(unlikely): On mars, aliens forced to live underground due to their technology wiping out the surface of the planet.
---Alien Symbols---
Possible alien symbols. If anyone know more could you do at least a crude drawing in paint and out them in photobucket so I can see them.
A site containing possible symbols.
A few examples of abductions are ( may be carried out by different species of alien). Taken after being abducted
1: Implants (may increase mental capacity, allow aliens to control you at will?)
2. Intercourse (Allowing aliens to make hybrids?
---Officials claiming to have seen aliens---
People such as High ranking officials seeing aliens, eg, President Roosevelt
---False Alien Information---
False information about aliens eg, Aliens are really super advanced dogs!
Ok thats it so give me your feedback and I'll edit this post!