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Chemtrail planes for sale at Evergreen Aviation

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posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 06:01 PM
Missing Blue Sky,

I was not trying to attack the person posting the picture, only pointing out that it is a photoshopped photo. I always thought photoshopped photo's being used as proof (one way or another) of something no matter the source was frowned upon here at ATS.

Show me a real picture of these planes actually flying in formation and dumping something over a city for real to prove the debate about chemtrails and you'll possibly convince me something more sinister other than weather modification (which are not chemtrails at least in the traditional sense) is going on.......oh and I will eat my pencil too

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 07:45 PM
Hah, I guess you do want to argue semantics and implications that I didn't make. A contrail is a contrail, add aluminum and/or barium to the atmosphere and you're making a chemtrail by most people's definition. You(Essan) apparently don't want to come to grips with now not only the soil/snow samples from more then one area, but a product that talks specifically about what everyone has been saying (weather manipulation via released chemicals [h2o is a chemical too btw] into the air). It's okay to be wrong sometimes man really, you can just say it....we still love you.

btw, where's your proof showing that you know for sure without a doubt that every line everyone in the world sees in the sky is simply a contrail? Since skeptics like to scream "evidence? evidence?!" why don't you guys do a bit of the proving for once? Yes I know how contrails are made so don't bother posting that again, I'm not debating how they are made or their existence. I'm debating you know for a fact that every thing everyone sees you seem to have the uncanny ability to know exactly what it is....without being there let a lone with any evidence to back up your claim. Oh man I forgot how much fun it is to dance the con-chemtrail cha-cha!

hey look at me, I'm a skeptic! Where's your evidence!? Where's your evidence?!

[edit on 7-8-2008 by Shakesbeer]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Shakesbeer
why don't you guys do a bit of the proving for once?

It doesn't work that way. If someone claims to have a third eye, then its that someone the one supposed to provide evidence that he has a third eye. If he fails to prove it then skeptics do not have to bother and try to disprove something that probably wasn't real in the first place.

Here Mr. Shakesbeer, a little test for you:
Yesterday night I caught an alien. I have it locked up in my room, but I will not give any evidence because I fear the NWO will track me down. BTW I am behind a proxy so my IP won't say anything about me. Obviously, if you don't believe my story, you are a skeptic. So I invite you to try and prove me wrong, and if you can't, that will make me the first ATSr to ever catch an alien. How's that sound?

[edit on 7-8-2008 by daniel_g]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by daniel_g

We all have a 3rd eye, it's called the Pineal Gland it literally sees using rods & cones and from a frontal view would be at about the middle of the forehead...that being said:

Your analogy is horrible, unless of course you want to argue which context I was using the word "skeptic" as either a noun(proper or informal) or as an adjective. You guys are claiming that "chemtrails" don't exist yet you'll even provide links to weather modification programs when that's exactly what everyone has been saying is going on and you're "debunking" this how exactly? Oh yeah that's right, semantics, good job!
So can you come up with another non-applicable analogy, that last one wasn't ridiculous enough, let's shoot for completely outlandish this time.

Oh and I'm not trying to prove anything other then "weather modification" is what "chemtrail people" are talking about, and there is in fact an airplane being marketed on the manufacturer's website for precisely that....darn those coincidences!

Was JFK killed by a magic bullet too? Did two aluminum airplanes completely demolish two steel framed building too(was building 7 just a "coincidence" too for that matter?)? Just because you come up with an easy answer that doesn't mean it's correct guys...I thought you would have learned that from being here for awhile now.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by QBSneak000


I regret using the word attack, I had just come off another chemtrail thread and I was fired up. I will try to behave better in the future. I should have just stated it was Evergreens simulated illustration. The Supertanker is a new concept and I do not think they are even in use yet, I think the website says they will be available summer 08.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Missing Blue Sky

No worries bud, this is why we are all here. To debate hot issues and keep each other on our toes.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by Shakesbeer

I'm not discussing contrails/chemtrails!

I'm pointing out that weather modification is a well known and much used process that does not involve flying at altitude.

Tell me how cloud seeding results in contrails/chemtrails appearing in a clear sky and you may have a point. Weather modification by its very nature takes place in or above pre existing low level clouds.

Chemtrails are a completely different issue. It's no different to arguing that an aircraft adapted for crop dusting is proof of chemtrails.

Okay, one can argue that since weather modification (like crop dusting) involves spraying chemicals into the air and thus technically the results might be called chemtrails and I'd certainly argue that it's something we ought to be concerned about. But weather modification does not and cannot result in the appearance of high level contrails such as those which (I believe) are mistakenly called chemtrails.

Next thing people will be arguing that the smoke trails produced by aerobatic display teams prove chemtrails are real. At least they look like chemtrails!

I sometimes wonder if people here are ever interested in the truth or whether they just automatically disagree with anything that appears remotely 'mainstream' and does not support a conspiracy?

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Shakesbeer
reply to post by daniel_g

Oh and I'm not trying to prove anything other then "weather modification" is what "chemtrail people" are talking about, and there is in fact an airplane being marketed on the manufacturer's website for precisely that....darn those coincidences!

I haven't said you were trying to prove something else, and since you want to link "chemtrail" to "weather modification" then it's very imprudent for you to state that the airplanes in question are precisely for that purpose. (hint hint: weather modification doesn't need chemtrails, I think you said it yourself)

BTW I never claimed that chemtrails don't exist, never provided any links to weather modification programs and never debunked anything, so if the comment wasn't headed at me then please be more specific next time

Anyways, since nobody else seems to want to(and I won't bother because as a debunker wannabe nobody will believe me), why don't you give them a call and ask them if their aircraft is or will be chemtrail capable? If they are not, how exactly can weather modification be achieved with those aircraft?

3850 Three Mile Lane
McMinnville, Oregon 97128
TEL: 503.472.9361
FAX: 503.472.1048

BTW my analogy may have been horrible, but according to the way you want things to work I still have an alien locked in my bedroom.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by daniel_g]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 11:59 AM
great post! and keep up the good investigative research ... and don't let these naysayers get to you. thanks for the post.

google: evergreen airlines cia

google: evergreen airlines cia heroin

Evergreen operates Arizona CIA airbase with
world's largest fleet of 747s and participates in dropping
Chemtrails on USA.

also see,

[edit on 8-8-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 12:05 PM
Daniel_g yes, keep your damn "alien" in your closet, no one cares. Besides anyone who believes in aliens or NWO is an unpatriotic (the country you live doesn't matter you're still unpatriotic) crazy-person...
-sarcasm alert-

Essen & Daniel - I like how essentially you two argue everyone's definition of "chemtrail" instead of just saying "Yeah they do have weather modification listed as one of that plane's functions" even though it's written right on the page

So now you're not only dictating what everyone sees over their heads while you are not present, but you want to tell everyone what they mean by "chemtrail" now too? heh nice...

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Shakesbeer
So now you're not only dictating what everyone sees over their heads while you are not present, but you want to tell everyone what they mean by "chemtrail" now too? heh nice...

Well then, care to tell me what chemtrail is?

This is what Jeff Rense's website has to say about it:
"chemtrails (CTs) look like contrails initially, but are much thicker, extend across the sky and are often laid down in varying patterns of X's, tic-tac-toe grids, cross-hatched and parallel lines. Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails expand and drip feathers and mares' tails. In 30 minutes or less, they open into wispy formations which join together, forming a thin white veil or a 'fake cirrus-type cloud' that persists for hours"

That's probably the only description on the web that can be 'trusted'. But please, go ahead and contact Mr. Rense and tell him you want to redefine the concept of chemtrail. After he gladly accepts your new definition, then try to get the lesser known conspiracy theorists to accept it as well and change the wikipedia article. Then come back here and tell me evergreen airplanes are chemtrail airplanes and I'll agree, 100%. But in the mean time I'll keep arguing that those are not chemtrail aircraft. Why? Because the title says they are when in fact they are not.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by daniel_g

NOW is credible and speaks for everyone?! When did that happen? Maybe Mr. Rense should email all of us and let us know when exactly that took place? -shakes head- I'm just stating my opinion. I am not making some kind of decree like so many here deem themselves worthy to do for some reason. -shrugs-

Step 1 - Cha-cha-cha
Step 2 - Cha-cha-cha

Come everyone it's the Con-chemtrail Cha-cha!

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by daniel_g

That description fits normal aircraft contrails - as observed, photographed, described and copied since at least WWII - down to a T

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Shakesbeer

Essen & Daniel - I like how essentially you two argue everyone's definition of "chemtrail" instead of just saying "Yeah they do have weather modification listed as one of that plane's functions" even though it's written right on the page

I know they have weather modification on their website. I know that weather modification is big business in the USA. So what?

Or are you telling me now that chemtrails are actually cloud seeding operations - which perhaps explains why no-one sees them?

Are you saying that this high level contrails which persist and sometimes spread across the sky are not chemtrails? At least in that we;d be in agreement

The term chemtrail as far as I know has a specific definition - as shown by Daniel. If you wish to move the goalposts and say that any chemical spraying of any sort from an aircraft is a chemtrail then yes, of course chemtrails exist. The most common form of which is usually called crop dusting.

(In which case too we're arguing at cross purposes and ought to retire to the bar for a pint or three and have a good laugh at how silly we both are

[edit on 8-8-2008 by Essan]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Essan

hmm maybe

Sorry for the one line reply, but I don't know, maybe...sounds like a good theory you got there. -shrugs- I never claimed to know for a fact one way or another, just presenting information as I receive it...just like you guys

But I don't for some reason everyone thinks you have to fight to have a conversation, so if that's what you think works best,'re a poopy-head! Better now?

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Shakesbeer

I've been called worse

What I will agree on is that weather modification - whether it be responsible for chemtrails or not - is something I think there should be much more investigation into and control of. I don;t like the idea of any chemicals being sprayed into the sky, and there are also very real concerns about 'unintended consequences' of such operations.

And I'm rather glad we don't indulge in any here in the UK (though there were experiments back in the 1950s).

Maybe we ought to have a (non chemtrail) thread on ATS to discuss weather modification?

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Essan

That would be an interesting discussion. What are some of the effects of known methods of "cloud farming" or "weather modification"? What term do you think we could all agree on while referencing those wacky-lines-in-the-sky and the "purdy" clouds they make?

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Essan

Essan, you are obviously scared of connecting weather mod with chemtrails.

Anyone who has any sense, can see the two are one in the same.

What's your angle? Are you part of it. It seems to me that everytime someone links the two, you bring in your skewed info as if you are the authority on everything atmospheric.

As someone who has watched the clouds and been around cloud seeding all his life, I can tell you with 100% certainty that cloud seeding and chemtrails are one in the same.

But thanks anyway for trying to divert us from the truth. You should get a big fat government (tax payer) bonus for your considerable efforts in the disinfo department.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Manasseh
reply to post by Essan

Essan, you are obviously scared of connecting weather mod with chemtrails.

Anyone who has any sense, can see the two are one in the same.

Ok, why don't we start by defining what a chemtrail is once and for all here on ATS?

I'll start - By Manasseh stardards here is a chemtrail:

And here some weather modification taking place:

/end sarcasm

Manasseh, the problem is that Crop Dusting, Water Bombing, and Aerial Seeding operations cannot be called 'chemtrail' because they already have a proper name: Aerial Application

Aerial Application is no conspiracy, it's been going for as long as humankind has had wings, the public knows about it, and yes, some of it involves weather modification. Chemtrails are different, or at least that's what wikipedia says, and I'll quote: "It specifically refers to systematic, high-altitude spraying of chemical substances for unknown purposes, resulting in the appearance of supposedly unusual trails".

Now you be my guest if you want to change what the article says, but IMO they give a pretty good description of what chemtrail people complain about.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by daniel_g]

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by Manasseh

As someone who has watched the clouds and been around cloud seeding all his life, I can tell you with 100% certainty that cloud seeding and chemtrails are one in the same.

Since you clearly know more about the subject than I do, perhaps you would care to explain to everyone how and especially why cloud seeding takes place in the manner and at the altitudes at which alleged chemtrails are usually seen? And how well it works?

I supposed it could be argued that it's rare indeed for damaging hailstorms to occur on days when 'chemtrails' are reported. But then, since I placed an elephant trap in my fridge no elephant has yet managed to pinch my butter.

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