posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:22 AM
Well...I am not a psychologist YET...I have my BA in Psychology now and will be starting my masters soon so I can throw out my take...or
rather...those psychology professionals before me. Their take after all is what I know now and I have zero ego that because I am a student that I am
some professional. I digress...(lucky you because I can talk for hours!)
Dreams as they are can represent one of a few things.
1. A deeper view into one's own psyche and experiences
2. A reflection of an unsatisfied want or need
3. A manifestation of a physical disruption
4. Merely a set of random images
I will delve into each one specifically
1. Often times a person can dream about something unbeknownst to them. As mentioned in a previous post, thinking you daughter has little or no
knowledge of the outside world at this age is probably false. You are obviously a fine parent. You want her to experience life. She porbably has
experienced more than you and even she realizes. Often times a flood of information can push something into the subconscious. She could harbor some
irrational fear or general anxiety she is not yet brought to light
2. Also, she may have an unwanted need or desire not being satisfied. Fear not, it does not need to mean mommy and daddy don't treat her well. It
could just mean she is coming into her own and things haven't happened for her yet. You can be parent of the year and you will still never provide
ever single item and action she needs. Now I am not saying she wants to blow up the world but if this desire isn't fulfilled it can cause negative
subconscious thoughts and images.
3. Many time people who believe they have seen images or hear voices often are undergoing unknown physical issues. These dont' have to be volatile or
fatal by any means. Hormones can easily affect the quality and quantity of sleep and dreaming. Also, there is a phenomenon called electrical or 60 hz
interference. Every item and molecule on this planet has a natural tonal frequency or resonant frequency. Strike that frequency and it will vibrate.
Ge a tuning fork set at 128 Hz. Strike it and then place it near another tuning fork of 128 Hz. What will happen is the second fork will begin to
resonate. The exact same thing can happen to the brain and other organs. Often times the 50-60 Hz of your house's wiring can cause issues such as
illness and hallucination.
4. Finally, it could be as simple as a regular old dream. Anything is possible.
With that let me say I am not saying it isn't possible that a teenage girl couldn't have a prophetic view but I think darn near every person has
dreams at some point of this manner. I would wager that one of these or other medical/psychiatric sciences could explain this.
Don't get me wrong, I am not calling your daughter crazy because if she is crazy by this dream then I am a raving lunatic with the crap I have had
pass through my noggin.
Good luck and I hope this helped