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Into The Dragon's Mouth: Trying To Understand Ron Paul And His Supporters

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posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Johnmike
Way to not describe how you'd do any of that. Maybe you're drunk or something. You need to back currency, you need to put new bills into circulation, and best of all, you need to change the currency without its value changing massively. But I guess you didn't get to the actual "figuring things out" part, you just open your mouth. And sound like an idiot.

Yes we need to back the currency, that would be a great start, becuase right now, the FED only backs it with...... nothing. Thats what a fiat currency is. Paper, nothing more, it represents debt, not commodity.

So how would you do it? You abolish the Federal Reserve act. Then Congress would be bound by the existing constitutional laws that state "Only the Congress shall have the power to coin money". Backing it would be easy as well, since the constitution states that ONLY Gold and silver shall be legal tender.

I think people believe that there always has been a central bank, and thus forget that the USA became the most powerful and profitable trading power in the world before 1913. That was before the FED, before the welfare state, before the warfare state, and long before the income tax.

I guess the answer to your question an be found in the Governing document that this nation abides by. I'm sorry if you've never read it.

[edit on 3-8-2008 by aravoth]

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by MegaTherion

WETHER YOU KNOW IT OR NOT,NOT ONE PENNY OF YOUR INCOME TAX GOES TO SERVICES. all income tax goes to paying off the debt we owe to the fed on the money they loan to the US. it is a scam that the fed came up with when they were created.
and as avaron said noone has the right to coin money except the government.
that makes the congress,to say the least,traitors. but they love it because they can create money from nothing. that way they make you think they're really doing something good because when they create money from nothing from nothing,you're unlimited as to what you can do.
you need to read about intrest too. thays another can of worms. a beast that will never stop being fed.

[edit on 4-8-2008 by Spectre0o0]

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 12:49 AM

This is a good video to explain the scam that is fractional reserve banking

[edit on 4-8-2008 by Swingarm]

[edit on 4-8-2008 by Swingarm]

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 03:32 AM
this pri-k is a spin doctor and if he is not one he dose not know what the fu-k he is talking about so pay no attention

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by Johnmike

Well I'm a huge proponent of a strong Navy, simply because it takes forever to build ships. Same with the Air Force. You can't just increase the size if you're at war - you die. Thank goodness we don't listen to this.

---The whole point is not to go to war. If I am not saying dismantle it. I am saying mothball, eliminate, reduce it. There is absolutely nobody out there no adays that would invade america.

How can you "reincorporate" the Marines into something they were never part of? Their mission is definitely not part of the Coast Guard.

--- the marines are a part of the navy, the navy is going back into the coast guard. It is the responsibility of the navy to protect the american waterways.

So their goes our intelligence capability! Very nice.

--- They have become very corrupt. They need throughly vetted, and cleaned out. Black ops need to be gone. This is one of the reasons we are in as much trouble as we are.

This doesn't make sense and you didn't include the National Guard. You really need to reconsider your military policy and familiarize yourself more with our military structure.

---Actually the National Guard should always remain a seperate unit. These are personel that can work within the U.S. under the law. Provide security, disaster relief, etc. We don't need the active Army doing this, nor should we want to.

So in your fascist regime, you would force everyone to serve the government, force them to surrender control of their private lives. And you would force the government to subsidize all secondary education. This would cost a fortune, and disregards personal freedom. You are insane; I think China would like your policies though. Maybe Stalin if he were still alive, he'd love it.

--- Call it fascist if you want, but in order to have a free society people need education. Education should be free.

What about you massive, impossibly expensive and unconstitutional government subsidization of all the college education in the entire country?

--- Do you really think it would cost more then the Iraq war?

Yeah, we'll just pull the money out of our ass to pay everyone social security up front.

--- With monies saved from scaling back the military, and foriegn aid. Yes we can begin to repay. It may take several years, but people would get there money. Once they're paid off, this is money that can be used to pay off our debt. Currently we can no longer afford alot of stuff. we keep pushing it off to the future generations. Its time to wake up and smell the poo we are in.

So you want to destroy America's industrial capability and remove millions of jobs. And raise prices. Real good, man. Once again, Stalin would have loved you, not so much Hitler. This will kill small businesses as prices skyrocket and our corporate base is destroyed. I guess banks don't help, either. You really haven't thought this out, have you?

--- If those corporations control more then 1-2% of a given area, then they are too powerful. Prices will rise because you have americans making products not some other country. As prices rise, so do the wage.

Originally posted by camain
Mandate that 99.9% of all equipment sold to government must be made 100% in the U.S.A. This means all the way down to the bolts that put the car together.

I guess you're going to pay for this, right? Because I'm sure not with my taxes.

--- Taxes should significantly be depleted with my policies. Why are you so against the american right to work, to prosper.

Well professional, educated economists, who actually know what they're talking about, disagree with you. You haven't thought this out, have you?

--- Actually when I was invested in the market, I chose my investments, and you know what, I pulled 15% interest back on them. Additionally, just because you have a PHD does not make you an expert. There are actually several economists that agree with ME. One of the main points in investment is diversification. This is no different. We need services, industrial, and government to grow and thrive. If you have an imbalance, everyone suffers.

So you want to destroy ability to produce drugs, killing millions. Real good, dude. And you want to take away our ability to decide what drugs to take ourselves, forcing us to follow what the doctor says. Real good. I guess you know how to grow drugs on trees, because you want to break up drug-producing corporations. Once again, I'm sure you'll be paying for the massive price increase of drugs, right? Because I'm not.

--- No I want them to stop make recreation drugs that make my pecker hard, or have me smile when I step in a pile of poo. They need to work on drugs the cure diseases, not mask the effects of them. Do you realise a new vaccine hasn't come out since the 80's? This is because laws were passed to allow for pharmacutical companies to advertise directly to the people. Before that, they advertised to the doctors, as it should be.

Except the >12 years in training (for a standard doctor, forget a specialist) and the massive debt they've racked up from college and medical school, and the shortage we're having of doctors. But I guess supply and demand doesn't mean anything in your tyrannical regime.

--- if the training is free, then one they have no debt, 2 there doing it because they want too. I see no reason why they should command a higher salary.

Same applies to CEO salary, but if there are no corporations who is going to pay someone 300 million a yr to fail.

Overall, I think you are sarcastic, and have an inferiority complex. I stated my opinions, and in my opinion I have very logical beliefs. If you don't agree with them thats your perogutive. Don't vote me in for president then
. Still lets try to keep this on the up and up, and try to keep this on target, you want to talk more, do it in u2u.



posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 07:19 AM
I didn't have time to read the whole thread so sorry if this has been mentioned before, but Ron Paul intended to stimulate the US economy by withdrawing all the U.S's 600+ foreign bases, which cost the U.S over a trillion a year.
That would more than "take up the slack"

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 10:18 AM
instead of all this dis info blah blah blah why dont you just agree that the system we live under is entirely corrupted and the media is controlled to a point that a REAL popular canidate will NEVER win the office.

what a snow job....

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by aravoth


'No corporation can pass laws'

I'm sorry but that one makes me laugh so hard my belly hurt and I make a hissing sound in the back of my throat.

I'm pretty sure that's what lobbyists DO.

kind of like in Mr.Smith Goes To Washington.

or maybe Thank You For Not Smoking.

yes, they are movies, but I beleive they fall into the category of Art imitating Life.

and my research suggests that the Energy Policy of the USA is dictated directly to Dick Cheney by the Petroleum Industry, behind closed doors.

further research suggests that any war waged by america since WW2 were solely started to increase the profits of the corporations that produce weaponry, security forces, helicopters and other war paraphernalia, reconstruction firms, and often enough the Drug Trade.

and as I have read, in 1913, your magic date of economic triumph for the US, there were very few unions, meaning that the majority of industry ran on the work of children and minorities, and people were owned by 'the company store' literally. They were payed in company scrip

theres a reason the bolsheviks gained a following, however corrupt they were: 'the capitalist machine is oiled by the blood of the worker'

while I am for a balance between socialism and capitalism, I know this is true because I have literally oiled those machines with my own blood.

saying that medicaid and medicare are to blame is a cop-out and a lie.

insurance companies, sure, I'll go for that one.

and Hospitals don't just treat everyone the same. I've seen it happen. in my illustrious career as a jack of all trades, I have worked in a hospital, and I must say that I have seen medicaid patients and especially the uninsured get 3rd rate treatment, or simply dismissed with a shaky prognosis. simply because there is a law, doesn't mean the hospitals abide by them.

I actually saw an economist on Fox News talking about the economy refer to the workers as 'Tools'. on TV.

workers aren't soft machines, they aren't 'tools' for corporations to make money. this is an example of dehumanization.

but trusting corporations and talking about the pre WW2 era as somehow better is silly.

I think maybe YOU need to research economics a bit better, because even the uneducated know that if you have 2-3 very large companies, they will work the system and buy senators, and use illegal means like intimidation and outright violence to eliminate the competition.

they will use every lawyer and P.I. and Journalistic Contact they have to destroy the small business owner's reputation and finances.

wise up?

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