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If Isreal is found guilty of doing 911 for the US Govt. what should our response be.?

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posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 08:54 AM
I'm into the what if's..? -- I'm not a nazi or any other thing other than a man who loves his country and I keep running into things that point to a foreign land as being a part of a crime. nothing more nothing less, if the points pointed to China then replace Israel with China. understand, I'm not what AIPAC would call Anti-Semite.

Just what if... and what should be our response if proven

Should we declare war on Israel and intern all the Israeli citizens within the US Borders...?
Should we stop funding to Israel...?
Should we place Isreal on a terrorist nation list and blockade the country..?
I don't have a clue, the vast majority of Israeli's in the USA a good honest folk.

what other things should I think about...?

[edit on 3-8-2008 by BornPatriot]

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by BornPatriot

Ordinary people can't do much about an Israeli attack if one were to occur. Also many of the Bush regime's insiders are dual Israeli/American citizens.

There is also a video around that I couldn't find (I realize that's lame) where someone goes into the middle eastern section of the state department and has trouble finding anyone looking at anything but from an Israeli perspective.

Usually a foreign affairs department will make use of those of it's citizens, who have backrounds from overseas, to staff departments of state dealing with those areas. The whole middle east is overseen in the US State Department overwhelmingly by people of Israeli or Jewish backround.

You should look into the case of the USS Liberty, an American spyship torpedoed, napalmed and strafed by Israel during the Six Day War. Pay close attention to the way President Johnson handled the incident.

To cut to the chase, you, as an American citizen will have to put up with the special privileges that Israel's special status grants it until such time as a major change in direction of US foreign policy reduces the value of Israel as a strategic ally (some might say, dog-wagging tail) of the US.

Israel has attack the US before (see vid below), in connivance with the US government, it is alleged, and may well have done so on 9/11, although I don't think the Americans would have entrusted Israel with a black op of that importance. People aren't aware of it but they have a reputation of effing up, as they did, from their (secret operational) point of view, with the Liberty. They failed to sink the ship. (Unfortunately the linked video doesn't go into that aspect of the story in enough detail to make it clear why they failed to sink the ship, but the details are available elsewhere.)

Google Video Link

Edited for clarity and to tone it down just a little. I find this subject very irritating. And by the way I do believe there should be a state of Israel. I just wish it were located somewhere in North America.

[edit on 4-8-2008 by ipsedixit]

[edit on 4-8-2008 by ipsedixit]

[edit on 4-8-2008 by ipsedixit]

[edit on 4-8-2008 by ipsedixit]

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 03:35 PM
I know this will not sound good to most, but isreal is the last stronglhold in the region against the forces of ignorance and violence. In arguments I only argue the point that granted the Isrerali army and people arent any better or worse than the others in the region, but they hold one ideal i agree with. That is a democratic style state. Now we must understand they are under seige from the hordes of hell. And if they did 9-11. And if the bible is accurate and there is a god who told us that in the timeline if we turn against isreal, all the worlds cities will go up in smoke. meaning some group of jerkwads might push the button destroying us all out of there greed and ignorance, but still someone 2000 years ago had the forsight to predict such possibility.

Im not justifying Isreal because in Gods eyes all people on earth are like children. We havent even broken out of the terrible twos. Always screaming and yelling, fighting. Grow up, get up, Go.

Isreal is the heart shakra of the world. If dark energy is brought to the heart, the world will turn into darkness. seriously. it will.

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