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Greys look like lizards

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posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 06:14 PM
is it just me or do greys look like tadpoles?
this could explain them being under the control of reptilian beings....also has anyone heard the theory that greys, reptiles
nordics all evolved on earth and the nordics r descendants of ancient indians and greeks, while the greys evolved underwater? they look like humanoid tadpoles to me

so i guess its reptiles vs mammals huh?


posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 06:17 PM
ive heard that theory about greys and read an interesting topic on it.but i havent heard anything about that nordic theory.could you perhaps tell me where to find some information on it?it sounds fascinating

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 06:43 PM
Have you ever seen a photo of a grey or met one? I haven't so I certainly couldn't comment on this topic.

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 06:55 PM
Have you ever seen a praying mantis? I see them from time to time in Arizona. They look even more like aliens when seen in person.

[Edited on 13-3-2004 by kinglizard]

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by retardedgenius
so i guess its reptiles vs mammals huh?

Humans, as mammalians, also have an reptilian complex brain segment as well. We are part reptilian and part mammal in the structure of our brain. The reptilian complex of our brain deals with:

  • sex
  • aggression
  • establishment of territory
  • foraging
  • hierarchies
  • the establishing of groups

I agree that Greys look like lizards.


posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Mikomi
Have you ever seen a photo of a grey or met one? I haven't so I certainly couldn't comment on this topic.

Ditto.Never seen a pic or consistent image of their appearance.Well,at least not the reptilians.

[Edited on 13-3-2004 by 11thdimension]

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 09:54 PM
of dolphins. Check out this link:

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 10:13 PM
I heard that Greys are genetically engineered humans, not sure if that has much to back it up though. Just something I heard about.

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 10:58 PM
All I know is that greys, reptilians, and nordics are all different in pysical appearance. Greys are what they are, grey colored. They say the reptilian types work for the greys. And the nordics look like people with blonde hair & blue eyes but fallow under their own command.

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 11:49 PM
there are indian stories of their ancestors that they had what wewould now call flying saucers and may have also had nuclear weapons....very interesting. What if they went to space long before we did and have colonies there and r just visiting us now?

posted on Mar, 14 2004 @ 12:35 AM
Ok, I watched this thread long enough that I have to put this in here. I am quoting myself from this thread because it's a bit more considerate than making you read the entire thing to get to what I had said. This is collected and compiled info from many, many sources (including some from this site).

Before I go on... I don't really buy into this whle story at all, but I'm keeping an open mind... just like GOD... I choose not to worship any god because I don't know what is right or wrong, so I am basically a religious rogue until I have the evidence for myself.

Anyways, the story goes that the greys evolved in Antarctica from a reptile species. Once they realized that Humans were evolved enough, or discovered humans, or whatever, they interacted with us. Atlantis was the most advanced and peaceful group of humans, so the Greys gave them technology to aide in their daily lives. Turns out that someone figured out that the same technology could be used as weapons and they pretty much screwed up and destroyed themselves before it even left the island. Anyways, the greys managed to leave the planet (much like we are trying to do today) and save their species from the expanding ice cap. I don't know why they didn't just move in with the humans, but I could imagine it was out of fear of being turned into slaves, or maybe it was a disease thing... or possibly they tried and we barbaric humans just decided to kill them because they were different or smarter.

Anyways, the Greys went to some distant galaxy and ended up becoming incapable of reproduction, or had hard time, or something so they started cloning. Once they did that, they no longer had need for reproductive organs and eventually became sexless.

OK, here's a split in the story.

1==> The greys are having problems now because , just like inbreeding, the clones of clones who were cloned, and who's fore'fathers' were cloned, are experiencing medical anomolies. (One theory is that they are here with the DNA mixing trying t alleviate this). The soul is supposedly the same, just the body dies, so they would throw it in a vat for the next generation to feed on. Supposedly each Grey has one or more clones waiting for his soul.

2==> The greys found a planet that is habitable, but after establishing their colony, they found that they weren't the only intelligent species there. There were other lizard-like creatures that were of a higher being, and lesser being. This is what I was talking about in the first post, where one is more intelligent than the other and the lesser intelligence being is used for mele attacks. So, the Greys ended up being forced to be slaves, in a sense. They were kinda forced out of their technology, so to speak. They obviously (from such reports of fragileness) not able to do labor tasks, so they were basically forced to be scientists... much like some of Hitler's scientists.

Well, some of the greys managed to escape and come back to their home planet (earth) where they could build an army capable of defeating the Draconians and liberating their race. I can't remember all of this, but this is what I pretty much got from what I've read. Basically they came back for our aide, hoping that we were evolved enough to handle their technology responsibly this time. Betcha they got a hell of a suprise!

So that is what I've come to understand about the whole thing. I've heard more of the first part than the second part.

Also, and I can't remember how the greys fit into this, I remember reading about what used to be the atlanteans being basically an Aryan race (could Hitler have heard this? Is that why he thought blonde hair and blue eyes meant superior?). Supposedly earth used to be a galactic vacation spot until the last cataclysm (which supposedly nearly destroyed the earth's biosphere). So, this once beautiful vacation spot was turned into a sort of jail, kinda like Australia was. I believe this was a scientologist proposition... actually, I think it is because I remember something about Elron Elray's reincarnation, L.Ron Hubbard. Scientologists are pretty screwed up, so I'm naturally disinclined to believe any of the scientologist crap.

So there... a quick comp of the Grey conspiracy. Like I said, I won't truely believe anything until I have proof for myself... partly because I came to the conclusion a long time ago that it's only a lie if someone can prove it... I just took a piss... I could be lying, or I maybe not. You can't prove either way, so don't believe either way, just remember it in case it IS proveable one way or another later down the road. Also, believe it COULD be true, just in case it is... that way you aren't totally caught off guard. Just don't get netted into the conspiracy stuff. Keep your distance and keep a good eye on it.

I realize this may not coincide with alot of stuff others have heard or read, but it is what I could come to conclude from my researches, thus the 'split' in the story. Take what you will from it. I don't claim any of this to be true, as I strongly implied before. It is just a comp from stories.

*EDIT: Forgot to link the original thread.

[Edited on 14-3-2004 by Earthscum]

posted on Mar, 14 2004 @ 12:53 AM
One thing I messed up in the original post is the use of 'souls' concerning the greys. The greys supposedly work off a collective consciousness, so they actually work as a single entity, much like an ant colony. They don't have 'souls' like we do, but rather parts of a singular conscience. I forgot about this, sry... why I'm posting now. The cloned bodies are vessels for parts of the collective, so one could assume they could clone an entire army and not have to worry about introducing a 'soul' into the body, but rather would only introduce the collective. It is much like Borg collective (for the Star Trek fans out there).

posted on Mar, 14 2004 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Earthscum
One thing I messed up in the original post is the use of 'souls' concerning the greys. The greys supposedly work off a collective consciousness, so they actually work as a single entity, much like an ant colony. They don't have 'souls' like we do, but rather parts of a singular conscience. I forgot about this, sry... why I'm posting now. The cloned bodies are vessels for parts of the collective, so one could assume they could clone an entire army and not have to worry about introducing a 'soul' into the body, but rather would only introduce the collective. It is much like Borg collective (for the Star Trek fans out there).

I have a book that says that same thing. They leave their bodies when they die and just climb back into another, clever buggers.
There's a lot of info on the greys in it but I don't know if its reliable or not (another one from an insider).
Called "Life With a Cosmos Clearance" I think. If this author is full of crap someone let me know

posted on Mar, 14 2004 @ 05:49 PM
I found your post about the Greys being related to Dolphins, or at least similarly descending from the Ceateans, extremely interesting. I think such a theory is much more plausible than the greys being reptilian, or a human hybrid. I think the larger issue about these creatures having the same genetic codes as Earth animals/humans yet originally coming from different areas in the galaxy is extremely interesting. I believe that one could very reasonably posit that those species visited Earth long ago and seeded the planet, or something similar to that. However, none of this is definite nor proven; I simply think this theory and indeed the theories that these extraterrestrials are closely related to humans is far more plausible than these creatures being completely removed from us. Until Later.

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