posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 03:16 PM
Does anyone have the feeling that sometimes they are being watched..
It is becoming more and more common for me, and sometimes, it really freaks me out.
A week ago, I came back from my job at at two different camps, both on the St. Croix River bordering Minn/Wis. The first camp I staffed at had the
most profound sensation....
Okay, I was sleeping in a remote tent with one other person for a little under a month. I'm about to fall asleep at around 11:30, when I realize I
need to use the bathroom. I get up, I leave my tent area, am walking down a slight hill with buildings/dorms on both sides (they are empty) I walk
about 75yds to the shower house. As I approach it, I look around. The main buildings are light up with flood lights basically, it is bright around.
And as I am walking towards this, I start to shiver, and I keep on glancing back towards the woods/cabin area (empty) (by the way, I was one of twenty
people in camp, when it can hold 200, very eerie).
I have the strangest feeling that I am being watched. I get to the point when I break into a run. I am normally not scared very much. But I am almost
having a cold sweat...
And the other time....
I am the first one to returning to the staff tent area, at about 1am, and I am crossing, an empty, gravel parking lot. I get the same feeling, I had
been feeling this off and on through the night. I walk about, but my hairs are sticking up, and I feel cold...
Also, I camp a ton, and I normally don't feel like this.. It was very scary, I now get the same feeling when walking outside my house, even during
the day...
Thanks for any who ready this, I just needed to get this out of my system, it has been bugging me even since it started.. And, any advice or
suggestions on this..?