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John McCain is a racist

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posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by RRconservative

You're right you know.

He's the one "we've been waiting for". I can't wait for him to "unify" our world.

And by the way....this thread is ludicrous. Race baiting at it's best.

[edit on 5-8-2008 by nyk537]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
I guess voting against a MLK Holiday is just as racist as voting against Lord Messiah Obama?

I wouldn't be surprised if Lord Obama, if elected, makes a move to eliminate MLK Day and replace it with Obama Day. He is "The One" you know.

What I've posted about McCain was Fact!

Something he DID and HE SAID.

Most of what you post about Obama is name calling!

All you talk about is these stupid titles that don't come out of Obama's mouth!

Other people may be calling him these names that you are, but those that are calling him those names are USUALLY the people who don't like him!

Imagine THAT!

I for one haven't called McCain any "names" even though I don't particularly like the man.

McCain has already said things that show he's ready to attack Iran, so I might say that if he's president we would probably end up in a war with Iran.

On the other, I doubt you heard anything about Obama replacing MLK Day and replacing it with Obama Day, which is TOTALLY ridiculous!

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Keyhole

What can I say? Other than I think for myself.

I don't need to hear someone else say "Lord Messiah Obama" or need someone else to suggest Obama taking MLK day and taking it for his own. I came up with that on my own, based on Lord Obama's actions.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 01:15 PM
After going to Capital Hill Blue page(which is a Website that is non-partisan and does not promote either party one way or another) and reading the entire article on JMcC, this is what disturbs me. It shows a lack of character on his part to speak in such crass and racist terms(yes, even 20 years ago!). I do believe that he has a temper problem as well which does not belong in high political office.

I dare say that in all the slurs on Mr. Obama, none have mentioned any lack of character or racism. In fact as has been mentioned here before...anything that has been slung at him has been "name calling" at its best. Find me some blokes that sat with him and overheard him calling his wife a slu* or a cun* to her face.

Being a senator and having a potty mouth is one thing but to be the leader of the free world and represent the United States of America is distinctly another.

What really worries me is that what you see with Mr. McCain is not what you will get if he is elected. He smacks of hypocrisy!

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 03:11 PM
Christ I'm glad to live in an America where real racism like lynchings, dragging blacks behind trucks, burning crosses on front yards, smashing truck drivers in the head with cinder blocks during riots because the driver is "the wrong color" at the "wrong time", and social "leaders" trying to rabble rouse by declaring any action that doesn't go their way as racism in an attempt to call for wide scale demonstrations are all things of the distant past and so far gone from our memories that we can now label a man sharing jokes and not voting for a man to get a forced national day of recognition as being figureheads of racism.

It's damn funny to me. McCain voted against MLK Day because he was opposed to the feds forcing a holiday onto the states. It was a state sovreignity issue and he, as an elected representative of a state in which the MAJORITY were opposed to MLK Day, had a responsibillity to his constuents to support their ideals and their interests. There's a reason Arizona voters didn't want MLK Day and it had nothing to do with racism. When the state acknowledged it as a holiday, we lost Good Friday. WHO IN THE BLUE HELL GOES ON VACATION ON MLK DAY??? How many people travel on Easter to be with family? King was a Christian, he could have dug the reasoning behind it. I'm sure he'd have greatly appreciated getting that Friday off to help him travel instead of burning a paid day off.

As for the jokes, so freaking what? My God, remember when America and Americans had skin and testicles? Doesn't anybody remember "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me?" Seriously, Louis Farrakhan has openly spoken about "killing whitey" and "killin' jews" and takes less flak over it than does some white dude that 30 years ago was overheard by a classmate dropping an n-bomb. I'll tell you something else, I'll crap in my hand for a week if Barack Obama has never in his life laughed at someone using the word "cracka-ass" or referred to a caucasian as "whitey." The difference? "Oh, he's entitled because of all that his people had to go through... and besides, "cracka" is nowhere near the same league as the N-word is..." BALONEY! If it's racist for one group, it's damned racist for all groups. The only solution is for everyone to grow a pair, recognize that words are meaningless compared to a man's actions, and get over it already.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by CO Vet
Gotta appreciate how the Dems think experience takes a backseat to adolescence. But then, over the past few years, they have deevolved to now supporting a rap star messiah.

Oh refering to Obama as the Messiah that is classic. Did you think of that all by yourself? Very original. Oh wait, that is the right wing talking point of the week. You want to throw in closet muslim, or unpatriotic or some other slanderous false comment. Making blatently false statements can really hurt your credibility.

Excellent job of thinking for yourself. So are you taking the voting advice from Bill O, or Limbaugh, or Hannity. "Yes master, I will repeat all the talking points you tell me to repeat, I will vote for who you tell me to vote for"

You could at least try to come up with your own lies and propaganda.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Obama is down in the polls. The second coming is in jeopardy.

Let's get with a George Soros website to see if we can did up some dirt on McCain.

McCain told some off-color jokes 20 years ago! Whoop de-freaking do! How is telling a joke racist? It may not be in good taste, but it is far from racism.

As far as the term gooks is concerned. He earned the right to call his captors anything he wants to. In fact "gooks" is kind of mild, after all he went through.

If you tell a racist joke, you are a racist. Its really not that hard to figure out. And you justifying of these remarks truly says a lot about your own character. No one earns the right to treat people in a racist fashion.
Good luck defending your own racist beliefs. You are a dying breed.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by drwizardphd

I guess that makes it ok to continue to perpetuate those ideas. Problem solved. You cant be a racist if you were born before 1960. Thanks guys glad we could clear this up. Now since you are old enough, feel free to continue with furthering racial stereotypes.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
I guess voting against a MLK Holiday is just as racist as voting against Lord Messiah Obama?

I wouldn't be surprised if Lord Obama, if elected, makes a move to eliminate MLK Day and replace it with Obama Day. He is "The One" you know.

I havent been keeping count but how many times have you referred to Obama as "Messiah" this week. Will you get a free tote bag from Bill O or Limbaugh. Keep the lies alive RR. You are truly a follower.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
reply to post by Keyhole

What can I say? Other than I think for myself.

I don't need to hear someone else say "Lord Messiah Obama" or need someone else to suggest Obama taking MLK day and taking it for his own. I came up with that on my own, based on Lord Obama's actions.

Are you seriously claiming that you started referring to Obama as Messiah first and that you think for yourself. Because that is a total lie.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

excelent post and and i agree with you 100%. Everyone is racist, I for one find racial jokes funny and while they are not in good taste its still funny.

I don't like the double standerd that blacks what with it though. I think its crap that they can use the n-word to each other but if a white person does it his/she is racist. Thats bull----. They complain about being trageted when they do the same stuff to whity... its dumb just like the logic they're using.

McCain was born in a different time period and was tourted by asains or whatever they call themselves..(all a bunch of idoits to me) so i can see y he would hate them. Not my problem. I dont get offened when people call me whitey are cracka because it makes them sound sooo stupied for even opening their month.. Besides Obama your messiah or whatever has been race baiting like his whole campian..

"I dont look like those guys on the dollar bills." lol
"He is young, inexpreniced, oh and did i mention he's black?" really i didnt notice

Just some quotes of teh Holy One from his campain. He is setting us back about 150 years on race realations. Refill your Kool-aid dems.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by RX83GP02]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by drwizardphd
It's just a relic of the past, when McCain was growing up there was no such thing as political correctness.

Ahh, the good ol' days! When you could call a spade, a spade.

Political correctness sucks. The younger generation has it all wrong. And when they get older and mature they will see why...they will understand. It's an excuse to tolerate things intolerable. It stifles liberty. It wants us all to think alike. It's a method of control. It's a fad that will eventually die because it's a lie.

I shouldn't have to accept or tolerate anything I don't like. If I don't like this group or race, than so be it. It's my opinion. I don't have to have your opinion. I should be able to voice my dislikes. Everybody's afraid to come out and call things what they truly are because if we do we are considered bigots or hatemongers. As a country, we need to speak out. If we do not, we will not last.

I'm so tired of all the pansy ***** footing that makes opinions a moot point. You can't even have an opinion anymore. Which is exactly what our government wants. The youth of our country is falling into their hands.

Long live total incorrectness!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 12:55 AM
His loyalty lies with Israel, so in a way he is racist yes, anti-white racism that is.

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