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What if the cancer couldn't be cured?

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posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 12:14 PM
Ok, here is the deal.

As you probably know there are many health agencies around the world that are trying to ''cure the cancer'' and as we have a lot of people dying from it, we are more likely to give money to our loved ''Foundation against cancer''. Everything here looks heroic and I'm proud that there are so many people fighting against cancer in the world BUT there was something I thought few minutes ago that REALLY disturbed me. Have you ever thought that cancer could be caused by our evolution?

As you know the cancer is when you have , somwhere in your body, a tumour caused by a mutation or a genetical instability (cytogenetic anomalies) of a normal cell. So the question is, could it just be something that we just CAN'T cure because if it is something that is caused by our evolotion, and this is what I believe, the only solution would be to stop our body's evolution and god only knows how to stop an evolution so if this is really what cancer is and a man like me found what cause it... why wouldn't our governement know about it? (It's a BIG what if, but it looks logical to me.)

Here is the conspiracy, what if the governement cover-up the cancer's''coming from'' and creates ''Foundations against cancer'' to stole our money ? Have you ever considered that since the wars against middle east begun we heard a LOT more about ''Foundations against cancer'' , might it be another way to stole our money without using impot?

Here is the conspiracy my fellow ATS folks OR should I say, here is the theory

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 12:29 PM
I give a higher probability that if someone is stealing your monetary donations to cancer research it'll be the doctors and scientists themselves.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 12:34 PM
Yes our fellow doctors might be up with this but what I wonder is that, here in Canada, our publicity are sometimes from our government so that means that he would be up with the same ideas as our doctors... It's weird because they say ''Give us money we'll cure cancer'' and what now? For the last ten years we have probably given at least few billions dollars in donations and ? Do we hear much about the progress ''agianst cancer'' ?
We don't , we have to search for ourself.. We don't even know what they are doing with our money and we keep giving.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 12:46 PM
If we live long enough - we will all (or almost all - every rule has its exception) die of cancer eventually. Cellular control/reproduction/ suicidal mechanisms break down due to stress of different toxins/radicals (a lot of them are made by our body too) and information gets corrupted over time and eventually certain cell of ours becomes cancer one - uncontrollable. From this it can go down the slope - devision, metastases, death of normal cells due to competition/toxins and death of organism as a whole. So you are correct - cancer is result of evolution in which surviving for a very long time is less important then surviving for enough time to create several offsprings while maximizing performance. However it does not mean that it cannot be cured.
It is a very complex issue. Cancer cell is our cell gone mad. So it is very hard to target it and not its normal neighbors. On the outside it usually has the same markers (with anomalies in numbers perhaps) and to differentiate between it and other innocent cell is hard even for immune system.
Usual therapeutic approaches go for weaknesses/different performance of cancer cells vs normal ones. Cancer cell consumes certain molecules in excess - make toxin similar to this chemical and it will kill more cancer cells then normal ones. Regulatory mechanisms are not working or working poorly - introduce toxin that normal cell will usually not use but cancer cell will use and stuck in certain phase. It divides much more often - mess up with devision mechanism and once more cancer cell will die in greater numbers then normal ones (though rapidly dividing normal cells will suffer too). Radiation will damage cancer cells more due to their messed up repair mechanisms. All this sometimes work but there are tones of complications - like different types of cancers that behave not the same or pumps throwing toxins out of the cell and much more.
This is probably why this battle with cancer is going on for so many decades without significant success in most cases (however some cancer can be cured even now in good percentage and generally 5 year survival is much better now for lot of cancers) and people still die from different cancer types.
However, it is not something that cannot be beaten. There is much more understanding of immune system that constantly combats cancer cells and slips not that often , so if we could repair its "slip" from outside - it will continue to "eat" cancer cells by itself. My bet - thymus selection can be made outside the body to ensure that cancer cell will be treated as a foe. It will solve most cancer cases. I think it is decade plus away.
If i am wrong on this - we begin to master nano sized machines. In a century nanobots in our blood stream will do what we want and what immune system fails to do. So cancer is not unsolvable. Question is will we survive as humans that long though.
ps - sorry for long post.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 01:02 PM
Don't be sorry, we need people's opinion such as your and it's not long for nothing, what you said is totally logical and makes sens to me. Star!
So here is the theory , it is solvable but wil we survive?... To be honest I guess our elites will survive if they already found a solution they would make more money if they don't reveal it ... it's logic, they send troops to death for oil without care... they'd kill anybody for money! Love our elites meh!

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 01:22 PM
Yes, maybe it is not CURABLE, but, what about something that is nearly the same.

We may never find the ultimate solution, but what if you just suppress the symptoms. That is what many modern medicines do. You could mutate the cancer cells into something not as bad, and use common medicines to suppress the symptoms. You would have to be pretty drugged up, but it could work?

*I wouldn't trust any answers here, even myself, since, most likely none of us have gone to medical school, but if they have... go right ahead and listen.*

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:38 PM
Yes mutating the cells in something not ''as bad'' could help.. for a short time thought. Remeber, we , humans, are still and will always evolve whatever we do and to be honest if we play with the cells and mutate , are we not playing with ''lady nature''? If we play with thing such as cells, could , later, we evolve in something that could kill us? I mean, if we mutate our cells thats kinda changing our evolution and as we know, our evolution has always tried to help us survive. We, at the beginning of the times, were little cells and nothing much than little cells. Now what we'Ve got are eyes, noses, hands etc... we've evolved and I think that we should not play in those fields since our ''heroic moves'' could turn out tu be ''bad moves'' and then exterminate us all... Play with medication but I disagree playing with mutation, why does the human always feels powerfull against everything , there are some things that must remain untouched, well it's my opinion, no offense there.

Let the nature do what it has to do, it is not our job

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 12:03 AM
There are cures around for cancer that are found to work exceptionally well if the cancer is caught in its early stages. The answer is not in modern mainstream medicine.

Google Ph levels and cancer. Many of the treatments can be found in everyday, readily available compounds. Of course, because many of these treatments cant be patented (as they are commonly naturally occuring), and because they dont work 100% of the time, the FDA wont certify them.

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