posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 12:09 AM
Yeah, we had some heat/ dry lightning here south of Dayton yesterday night.
I stood outside and watched it as I was moving into my new apartment, it was really quite a sight to see. However, it did start to rain lightly after
about an hour or so of just lightening, but only lasted for about fifteen to twenty minutes, followed by more of this heat lightening.
I noticed some of these reoccurring same position flashes, I personally think it was all due to the humidity last night. I also took note of the
gorgeous purple/white color of some of these bolts, I wish I had a camera..
All in all though, nothing really special, just another storm but the footage is always a nice thing to look at, I hope you can get to it soon. If you
need any help uploading/converting or whatever just U2U me.