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Secret CIA Prison on Diego Garcia Confirmed

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posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:59 PM
This was also reported in The Times around that time, too.

Strange no-one takes any interest in real problems though. Everyone is concerned with knife-crime in London (that is nothing new anyway), and ignore the things we're up to!

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Wotan

Originally posted by Sky watcher
So I guess during WW ll we had no secret prisons right? You people are so gullible and ignorant. When you catch foot soldiers in a WAR, You put them in prison till the war is over.
Do you think we brought all the Germans that we caught back to the U.S. and gave them a trial? No, Only someone with an AGENDA like Dementia Detective would think that or say it on a daily basis.

I know, Maybe we should send him to Afghanistan so he can tell the NATO forces there how it should be done.

I am so sick of you and your the U.S. is so evil crap. Go be a terrorist then so someone wearing the American Flag can shoot you in the head and shut you up.

WW2 was totally different and you know it. The Germans were POW's and as far as I know were NOT tortured.

We are talking about the US using UK territory to do its dirty work on and abusing the UK's trust and blatently lying to its No.1 ally.

Mark my words this will have a backlash as far as US/UK relations are concerned.

We no longer care about England and her worthless army helping us. You could not even take Basra without our tanks first clearing the way and you bailed on us and gave that city to Iran, Thanks. Iran now runs Basra and steals 200,000 barrels of oil a day.

Many Germans were shot not tortured. How is this war any different. You have maniacs who have no regard for human life forcing their will on other people. Now once again Europe did nothing to squash the problem and the U.S. had to move in and take matters into our own hands when the terrorist made it our problem.

And trust me, Europe is very happy behind close doors that we are there DOING THEIR DIRTY WORK.

Ask Iraqis or Afghans who they respect more now that they have a say on what goes on in their countries, That they can and are fighting the extremist in their countries and winning. They see what we have given them and they are now helping because they see the light at the end of the tunnel.

You people do not get the point. The terrorist behead their enemies without a thought. On the battle field you will see U.S. troops giving medical care to a wounded terrorist. Now who are the bad guys? Yeah I thought so.

You are on the wrong side of this argument. You can post ridiculous stories all you want about how the U.S. is so evil and bad but you need to realize one day you are going to be forced to choose sides. Who's would you rather being with? We in the U.S. are one peace loving and compassionate people but do not screw with us because we will not lose a fight. They started the war and we will finish it, If you do not like that then go cry in a corner because doing it here will not help you.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Sky watcher

So basically what you are saying is that YOU think its right that an ALLY TORTURES suspected terrorists on its NUMBER ONE ALLIES territory?

I dont think you would have liked it much if the UK had a prison for all the IRA terrorists housed on American soil, would you?

We are not questioning whether the war is right or wrong. What we are questioning is the FACT that the US is holding and torturing prisoners on UK territory and then BLATENTLY LYING to the UK Government about it.

PS: If you think torturing another human being is right, then you are one SICK INDIVIDUAL.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by Wotan
reply to post by Sky watcher

So basically what you are saying is that YOU think its right that an ALLY TORTURES suspected terrorists on its NUMBER ONE ALLIES territory?

I dont think you would have liked it much if the UK had a prison for all the IRA terrorists housed on American soil, would you?

We are not questioning whether the war is right or wrong. What we are questioning is the FACT that the US is holding and torturing prisoners on UK territory and then BLATENTLY LYING to the UK Government about it.

PS: If you think torturing another human being is right, then you are one SICK INDIVIDUAL.

This is my first post on this site. This just irritated me a bit. Torturing another human being is wrong. It should not be seen as the correct thing to do...but under certain circumstances it's acceptable. Torturing methods sometimes work, the unfortunate thing is that sometimes it is more than it should be. There needs to be a line drawn somewhere. Where do we draw the line? One thing that makes it so I don't worry about innocent people being tortured so much is because if you've made it to one of these CIA prisons chances are you were HIGHLY expected of committing a very serious crime... You're not there for just killing one person or just for stealing. You're there for something much bigger than that.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by shmoota

I am sorry I am not buying that line of because the CIA have you prisoner you must of committed a terrorist act. What happened to proof of guilt?

As for the intelligence services, time and time again they have been proven to be wrong, not only the US but the UK's as well.

Torture is morally and ethically wrong in all its forms no matter what the circumstances. It is a well proven fact that confessions under torture are not admissable evidence - I thought these barbaric practices died with the inquisition.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by shmoota

kinda off topic...
i agree tourture is ok in CERTIAN situations.. but the problem with that is, you leave that "LINE" up to interputation to any person, that will be doing the tourtuing. thats what makes me say, no no one should be able to do that to another human being.

laws always get misintreputed wrongly, thats just plain nature, to bend the law the way we see fit to the current situation, what needs to happen is each law needs to be "explained" very carefully, so that we dont have stuff like "case law". case law is retarded, cause it leaves so much room for bending, and differnt intreputations, and this is what makes case law a criminals best freind, it will either hang u or help u, theres no real 50/50 when it comes to case.

on the topic,
this prison, if it really is a cia torture prison, its wrong, basically due to the reasons posted above, the torture line shouldnt be given to anyone really, due to whats stated above.

what the hell would these guys do if there was a massive flood? imagine being locked in a cell, and water riseing all around you

(spelling on a few words, sorry)

[edit on 3-8-2008 by noone81]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 02:38 PM
If torturing someone can get information out of them that will stop some of our lads in Iraq getting killed then so be it. It's their own fault for not just handing over the information in the first place.

Also, i'm sorry but theres no way the UK Government DIDN'T know about this supposed secret prison.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 02:39 PM
Maybe I am missing something, but where is the proof that the UK top officials in government, or in the military don't know this prisoner camp is there? If they did know, it's highly unlikely they would call a BBC press conference and admit it! With satellites and all the high tech surveillance techniques if it actually is there, isn't it likely the top UK officials are aware of it? Seriously, I doubt most governments @ the highest levels in most countries are any more forthcoming with top secret details than the US government is!

[edit on 3-8-2008 by xtradimensions]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by xtradimensions
Maybe I am missing something, but where is the proof that the UK top officials in government, or in the military don't know this prisoner camp is there? If they did know, it's highly unlikely they would call a BBC press conference and admit it! With satellites and all the high tech surveillance techniques if it actually there, isn't it likely the top UK officials are aware of it? Seriously, I doubt most governments @ the highest levels in most countries are any more forthcoming with top secret details than the US government is!

For a start there is a small permanent Royal Naval Landing Party that is stationed on the Island made up of Royal Navy and Royal Marines. There has been a prescence there since it was once RAF Gann.

And the fact remains that the US Government lied to the UK Government about its activities on the Island.

[edit on 3/8/08 by Wotan]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:16 PM
Those of you so "Outraged" at this information are going to be very disappointed. There's NO way this Island will ever revert or be reoccupied by anyone but the UK and US. Its too damned strategic to give it back to anyone. It is what it is and all the bloviating on how bad it is will NOT change that fact. WW3 might change thing..but I doubt it!!


posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Wotan

Ok, so the UK government/military knows about the camp. So where is the proof the highest levels of UK intelligence/military were deceived? It would make sense even if the UK officials at the highest levels knew that they would deny it? I am highly doubtful that the US government is the only government that denies top-secret military secrets or is the only government that is untruthful if it keeps the heat off them and deflects blame. To believe that would be to believe that the UK top brass/officials are that gullible and naive, which I highly doubt. It also implies that they have no methods of gathering independent information which I also doubt..

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:36 PM
Its the mere fact of abusing a host nations territory that is the issue here and the fact they (US) lied TWICE about it when asked by the UK Government.

It is all about TRUST and the US Goverment has abused that trust.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
Those of you so "Outraged" at this information are going to be very disappointed. There's NO way this Island will ever revert or be reoccupied by anyone but the UK and US. Its too damned strategic to give it back to anyone. It is what it is and all the bloviating on how bad it is will NOT change that fact. WW3 might change thing..but I doubt it!!


I hate to disappoint you buddy, but you only have a few years left on the Island. I suggest you read this link:-

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Sky watcher

Ever thought that we British didnt go rushing into Basra, because we dont really like killing everything and destroying everything in our path?

We dont really like killing lots of innocent women and children because of a couple of dozen insurgents?

Innocent people live in Basra, and none of the innocent deserve to be flattened by a tank?

Maybe its a better way to fight a war and winning the confidence of the innocent, after all while the Brits where walking around in just a beret, the Americans where still in full battle dress not knowing who the enemy where, its called fighting the real enemy,i have never seen a 6 month old baby with an AK47.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 04:32 PM
You know what strikes me as odd?

There really is NO reason that the 'secret rendition' sites have to be found out. I mean there are hundreds (if not more) of adequate naval vessels available for the job. Many aren't even operated by the regular Navy, so disclosure wouldn't be a problem.

Also, while the vilest of actions does not surprise me any longer coming from our ideologically-driven administration and cabal, by using Diego Garcia for such a purpose they would, potentially, open up a world of problems for the security of ALL THE OTHER ACTIVITIES that go on there. Not illegal ones, just sensitive and classified.

I believe that while the trail of 'detainees' may end at this base, this is NOT their final destination. That would be foolish. Too much human traffic in the area, and too many agencies operating around that location.

But I am no expert. I cannot argue against the notion that this remote location has been the site of at least SOME of the shenanigans that TPTB have been undertaking. If they are being held there, their inbound and outbound logs CAN and SHOULD be 'audited' by the military authorities. Will they?


posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
We no longer care about England and her worthless army helping us. You could not even take Basra without our tanks first clearing the way and you bailed on us and gave that city to Iran, Thanks. Iran now runs Basra and steals 200,000 barrels of oil a day.

Nice to see you back up your allies for all their efforts and bloodshed.

Originally posted by Sky watcher
You have maniacs who have no regard for human life forcing their will on other people.

Correct. The CIA are maniacs and they have forced their will coupled with american imperialism in the guise of pigfaced greedy corporations.

Originally posted by Sky watcher
Now once again Europe did nothing to squash the problem and the U.S. had to move in and take matters into our own hands when the terrorist made it our problem.

Maybe, and this is just a random though there, the US brought this problem to their own table again given their methods and consistent interference with other countries.

Originally posted by Sky watcher
And trust me, Europe is very happy behind close doors that we are there DOING THEIR DIRTY WORK.

Ok everyone we can relax now we have the knowledge and trust of this poster. Again perhaps US foreign policy and meddling had something to do with the current state of affairs?

Originally posted by Sky watcher
Ask Iraqis or Afghans who they respect more now that they have a say on what goes on in their countries, That they can and are fighting the extremist in their countries and winning. They see what we have given them and they are now helping because they see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Which ones? The ones that cower in the presence of US forces out of fear at being randomly shot by some trigger happy pinhead. Or the ones that are still waiting for little things like clean water, electricity and basic infrastructure. Oh maybe we'll ask the heroin rich Taliban who are happily basking in the money pouring in from records drug profits. Obviously some of that is a cut for the CIA though, they need their take too.

Originally posted by Sky watcher
You people do not get the point. The terrorist behead their enemies without a thought. On the battle field you will see U.S. troops giving medical care to a wounded terrorist. Now who are the bad guys? Yeah I thought so.

An impressive display of insanity no question. Thanks for that enlightening view. I'm not even sure you know what the point is yourself.

Originally posted by Sky watcher
You are on the wrong side of this argument. You can post ridiculous stories all you want about how the U.S. is so evil and bad but you need to realize one day you are going to be forced to choose sides. Who's would you rather being with? We in the U.S. are one peace loving and compassionate people but do not screw with us because we will not lose a fight. They started the war and we will finish it, If you do not like that then go cry in a corner because doing it here will not help you.

Hmmm back to this again. Your argument that there are "ridiculous stories" may just be the fact that you cannot and will not accept other viewpoints. I'm not saying the US is all bad, they are a strong and proud nation with good citizens, but their government is a few fries short of a happy meal at times, especially on foreign matters. One could argue that maybe the US started it again with their belligerent policies. It can go both ways.

I will say this though. Your nick is well suited because you must have your head in the clouds wandering about aimlessly with some of your melodramatic assertions.

As for the topic I feel for the natural citizens of Diego Garcia who as other posters have indicated were run out of town and told not to look back. Yep just another great example of who the bully on the block is over & over again,


[edit on 3-8-2008 by brill]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Sky watcher

Unfortunately for many level headed Americans, you're the reason why Americans are seen around the world as Over-Eager, Trigger Happy Idiots.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Wotan

I was reading all of this on my blackberry earlier and now have been able to sit down and read it all properly. I now realize that the UK of course knows about the US base there, as the US has leased the area from them until at least 2016 and possibly 2036.

I still am uncertain though, to how anyone can be certain what the top level officials in the UK government/military knew or didn't know about what is/was taking place on the island. The Time magazine article and other articles seem to imply that hearings need to be conducted to see exactly what the UK Prime Ministers in the past few years knew/know, as well as military officials. To assume that the top UK officials had no knowledge of the happenings on the island is making a presumption that I can't quite make yet. I certainly don't believe the US government is above lying to the people, but I also don't believe the UK government is above it either, especially to attempt to absolve themselves of guilt. A skeptical eye is a good thing, but shouldn't be trained on just the US government/military in my opinion.

The UK is desperate to put distance between itself and the US as of late, and this seems to be another case of pointing fingers to deflect blame and implication. IF top UK officials knew about the supposed torture, I still am very skeptical they would admit it without first lying through their teeth, deflecting blame, and then finally suggesting they were duped by the evil US, all of which could quite possibly be all false. It's possible the UK government/officials/military knew nothing about the torture, if it happened, but them saying that isn't proof enough for me, sorry.

I of course don't support torture and hope none of this is true, but I fully realize it's possible.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by xtradimensions

I dont doubt that MI6 probably knew what was going on as they are as thick as thieves with the CIA. Whether the UK Government knew as such is another matter ..... It wouldnt surprise me if they didnt know what was going on.

I wonder whether there was some ''whistle-blowing'' going on or an expose about to happen to bring this all to the fore.

Also the current political party in Government (Labour) are now fighting for their political survival and have a very high chance of not being re-elected. This ''leak'' like you say could be to try and distance themselves from the US to curry favour from the electorate.

If it is found out that the Prime Minister and his Cabinet have tried to cover this up, then bye bye Labour - Election time.

[edit on 3/8/08 by Wotan]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Harlequin

Did anyone ever mention that just about a hundred percent of 'native residents' of Diego Garcia Archipelago are afflicted with VD? VD stands for 'venereal disease', a term archaic now that is now called 'sexually transmitted disease'. Maybe these folks merely 'went on vacation' to english prisons in order to get a penicillin shot.

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