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Was Vince Weiguang Li a MKULTRA type killer?

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posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 05:18 AM
His hand was bandaged in a photograph the day after the attack. Maybe from his hostilities but also maybe he cut his own hand- I read that MK-style ops sometimes involve that. Response to disturbance of "memory cap"? His Name: Vince Weiguang Li...I googled "Weiguang mind control" and found multiple references to Shen Weiguang and Information Warfare, all of it from journals out of Ft. Leavenworth.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 06:02 AM
This seems like it is related to Information Warfare b/c nobody is reporting on WHO V. Weiguang Li is, his background, history, etc...the discussions go immediately to fear, cannibalism, gun control, etc. Fear and mistrust infecting Is he related to Shen in any way? The "beheading" act is uncanny in light of Shen Weiguang's coinage of term "electronic beheading".

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 08:53 AM
Ok this is what cnn says about him:

Li's employer said in an interview Saturday that he was shocked to learn that his "model employee" had been accused of the grisly attack. Vincent Augert, an independent contractor who distributes newspapers in Edmonton, said that Li was one of his most reliable carriers.

"He was very punctual and always cleanly dressed," he told The Associated Press. "He was a very nice, polite guy. We would've had no reason to let him go before all this happened."

Augert said Li had worked for him since last July and caused no problems.

"I had no odd suspicions about him at all," Augert said.

Augert said that Li called him two weeks ago to say he needed a day or two off to go to Winnipeg for a job interview at the end of July. He said Li called him back and left a message with the dates, but never followed up after that.

"That was unusual for him not to call back, and then when he didn't show up for work on Tuesday, we got worried," said Augert, who said it was sometimes difficult to understand Li because he spoke quickly and had a strong Chinese accent.

Augert said he called Li's cell phone Thursday, and his wife answered. She told him that she hadn't heard from Li, who had told her he had to leave for a few days because of a family emergency.
Man who beheaded bus seat mate defiled body, police tape says

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

So from what i have read so far is that this guy was normal on Tuesday then Wednesday night he stabs someone to death, cuts there head off and shows it to the crowd, then ends up cutting off pieces of flesh and eating it.

OK I take a bus and a train everyday, and this crap is just Crazy!

I wonder if he was/is religious?

I don't know much about China's mind control yet, but I did find this link that is cool:

Human Network Attacks

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 09:34 AM
Yep. "Human Network Attacks". Thats the same article that references "electronic beheading" before IW campaigns. A strange coincidence. I couldn't find out on the web if Vince Weiguang Li is connected to Shen Weiguang. Since Shen Weiguang is Chinese military it might be hard info to come by. But the infowar angle is hot! And now another emotional thread exists on this topic on ATS about beheadings , assigning guilt and shame and heroics and "imagine you were there" and "what if it was you" and " I woulda shot him" types of communication. Infowar! But FEW are asking: WHO IS V. WEIGUANG LI!!!

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 09:50 AM
Paranoid Schizophrenia is a perfect label to give someone who may be in a program similar to MK-Ultra. If he is in a mind control program, the strange bus trips, and worries of people out to get him are very well founded. Oh btw the VA-Tech killer mailed a package to MSNBC, he wanted to get a message out. There were multiple videos in the package according to the MSM on the net. Yet was all that information released to the public, or only select bit's and pieces...?

Winnipeg Free Press: Polite exterior, troubled soul

She recalls an unusual conversation with Li shortly after he got a red-light ticket in Winnipeg. "He started talking about how 'they were after me, there was nothing there,' " the woman said.

And there were the unannounced bus trips that would catch his wife by surprise -- such as the time he hopped on a Greyhound headed to The Pas, later explaining that he wanted to look at some land he was thinking about buying.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 10:13 AM
This is a good example of why i am glad to live in Texas, and proud to be a Texan.

The Canadians worry about "NA gangs". We have the Mexican Mafia, Latin Kings, MS13...gangs exist everywhere. The difference here is our legislators allow us to defend ourselves (see recent incident with Mr. Horn shooting two illegals who were robbing a house).

Arming your people doesn't increase violence. It provides a deterrent. In Texas, before you fight you darn well BETTER be sure you are prepared for the end results. I, for one, am i avoid fighting all that i can.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 10:43 AM

Augert said that Li called him two weeks ago to say he needed a day or two off to go to Winnipeg for a job interview at the end of July
reply to post by LDragonFire

So he goes for the "Interview" and riding back home from the "interview". He cuts someones head off in an area that that is public, guarantees lots of witnesses and is a service used by the people to travel. It just doesn't make sense. It has caused a sensation. Will policies arise out of it that people will accept without objection? I can almost guarantee it.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:20 AM
Why is "bigfatfurrytexan" posting in THIS thread? This is the V.Weiguang Li/MK Ultra thread! Not the decapitation freakshow/Texas Pride/ race baiting thread! That is EXACTLY the type of emotional, knee-jerk reaction that an Information War /MK Ultra style campaign is DESIGNED to provoke! Is anyone moderating this?!! Please understand, bigfatfurry, I am pro-gun ownership, pro TEXAS! But we are discussing MK Ultra style mind control here! Not why people should be prepared to defend themselves against Mexican and Mexican-American gangs! I know, that History channel special on the Latin Kings WAS scary. But lets stay on topic....WHO IS V. WEIGUANG LI! Not what are our FEELINGS about his shocking cannibalistic episode.There is another thread for that. Emotion is energy in motion and MK Ultra types know how to direct and re-direct that energy. Who is he connected to? What is his history? Was he programmed?

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Swingarm

This happened just outside Portage la Prairie/ Brandon Manitoba, did I miss something here

Prairie towns down the number one...Regina, Winnipeg...Portage etc....very close sociodemographic.....hence the shock in Regina....WInnipeg and Portage which is on the outskirts of Winnipeg.

Back on topic..

In the mythology of PLA IW study, Shen Weiguang, a soldier in a field unit, beganwriting about information warfare in 1985, publishing a book entitled Information
Warfare that was later excerpted as an article in Liberation Army Daily.9 Chinese IW
doctrine did not achieve an analytical focus, however, until the Gulf War in 1991

The question, therefore, could be posed in the following manner: Is there a Chinese IW strategy?

One of the most interesting Chinese IW concepts is the notion of “overcoming the superior with the inferior,” which draws
inspiration from both Sun Zi and Maoist “People’s War.”

The article refers to a soft does not seem to hint at MK Ultra except when it takes into account that the human mind cannot be firewalled.

The article hints at acts of terror among the populace before any conventional means of IW.

It is very strange that these guys have the same name...the Chinese guy who wrote the article that was publiched in the Peoples Army Journal shares the name WEIGUANG.

I could not conclude out of the article any hard fact that could tie this into MKUltra yet it seems to be one logical reason behind the gruesome killing.

I wonder when Vince Weiguang came to Canada.

His employer said that he had a thick Chinese accent.

I wonder if any more of his background will be released by the RCMP?

The mystery behind the attack is still dark.

[edit on 3-8-2008 by whiteraven]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by lakespirit
Why is "bigfatfurrytexan" posting in THIS thread? This is the V.Weiguang Li/MK Ultra thread! Not the decapitation freakshow/Texas Pride/ race baiting thread! That is EXACTLY the type of emotional, knee-jerk reaction that an Information War /MK Ultra style campaign is DESIGNED to provoke! Is anyone moderating this?!! Please understand, bigfatfurry, I am pro-gun ownership, pro TEXAS! But we are discussing MK Ultra style mind control here! Not why people should be prepared to defend themselves against Mexican and Mexican-American gangs! I know, that History channel special on the Latin Kings WAS scary. But lets stay on topic....WHO IS V. WEIGUANG LI! Not what are our FEELINGS about his shocking cannibalistic episode.There is another thread for that. Emotion is energy in motion and MK Ultra types know how to direct and re-direct that energy. Who is he connected to? What is his history? Was he programmed?

No race baiting, be assured. My apologies....i should have considered the context of the thread.

To discuss this topically:

I have several years experience working in mental health. This guy seems to be a good example of someone who "snapped". A psychotic break of some sort.

I have seen MANY instances of people having psychotic episodes that occur out of nowhere. Everything about this story speaks to that type of scenario.

I have read quite a bit on Mk Ultra, Manchurian Candidates. I particularly enjoyed the Andy Pero story:

This doesn't seem to be like that to me.

However....lets suppose that it is....why? What purpose does it serve? I have my thoughts, perhaps the audience has others?

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by whiteraven

OK... It's just that Regina is almost 300 miles away.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:44 AM
although MKUltra is a possibility, the newly revealed information about eating the guys flesh sound more like a cult-type thing to me. Does anyone know of this type of thing occurring anywhere else?

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:50 AM
Iám a paranoid guy. The one that looks always negative. the person who understand a weiguang li. When he took the bus, he was sure to make victims. Just only sought for the right one(s). The right one was sitting at the backseat. So that anyone would leave him slaughetring his victim. Weiguang was a looser already, beheading a unknown person makes him not a Rambo, but makes him a capital looser. If anybody in the bus had a gun. Weiguang already lost his live.
Weiguang Needed to kill somebody, before he can accept himself as a looser. Weiguang commited a suicide not recoqniced. any other policeforce would have killed weiguang. Just because he asked for it in any way. Now weiguang lives with something he can only pay for, with his live.
We people need to support suicide. We support: Islam, Homo's, Pedo's, drugs and wars agains irak, but we have problems with suicide. That is what is learned here!!!!

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

That is one creepy story Biggie.

How much weight do you put into what Andy Pero says.....

and since you work in this area what would be some tell tale sighns of MK Ultra?

What action by Weiguang makes it look like a Pychotic break rather then MKUltra?

I am not questioning you I would like to educate myself more in this area.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by whiteraven

i don't work in mental health anymore (although my wife still does as a nurse).

it is the whole story, though. Like i have seen this sort of thing happen before.

New reports are also supporting. the discussion is going deeper than his boss (i manage 300 people, and couldn't pick the murderers out to be honest):

They say Li was clearly battling mental illness, but refused repeated offers to see a doctor and get help.

"I think, in their culture, (the issue of mental illness) is kind of frowned upon," the woman said. She works in the mental health field and said it was obvious Li was struggling.

"He was definitely schizophrenic, probably paranoid schizophrenic," she said. "He needed help but he just wouldn't get it."

There was the constant paranoia, a feeling that he was always being watched and that others might be out to get him.

There were his bizarre, rambling stories that seemed to come out of nowhere.

And there were the unannounced bus trips that would catch his wife by surprise -- such as the time he hopped on a Greyhound headed to The Pas, later explaining that he wanted to look at some land he was thinking about buying.

"I don't think he actually had any money. This was probably just a symptom of his disease," the woman said.

Indeed. Like it is scripted. Like i said, i have seen it many times.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 09:56 PM
That is the first time i saw anything about his mental health. It makes the whole thing easier to digest why he would do something like that. He seemed to be good at hiding it from his employers though because when he worked at a church the guy he worked for said he seemed normal and that he did not have any bursts of anger.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by whiteraven

Okay I have my theory; to me this entire scenario is like a deja vu; the only thing is the last time it happened; McLean was the killer and he sat on the seat this Wei Guang sat; he also saw the girl; i am wondering either the bus is demonic; the girl or the highway; maybe it will happen to whomever sat at that seat.

I know this sounds as crazy as what happened but I think maybe there is a twilight zone or some demonic forces at work

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by whiteraven

Okay I have my theory; to me this entire scenario is like a deja vu; the only thing is the last time it happened; McLean was the killer and he sat on the seat this Wei Guang sat; he also saw the girl; i am wondering either the bus is demonic; the girl or the highway; maybe it will happen to whomever sat at that seat.

I know this sounds as crazy as what happened but I think maybe there is a twilight zone or some demonic forces at work

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by whiteraven

Okay I have my theory; to me this entire scenario is like a deja vu; the only thing is the last time it happened; McLean was the killer and he sat on the seat this Wei Guang sat; he also saw the girl; i am wondering either the bus is demonic; the girl or the highway; maybe it will happen to whomever sat at that seat.

I know this sounds as crazy as what happened but I think maybe there is a twilight zone or some demonic forces at work

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by whiteraven

Okay I have my theory; to me this entire scenario is like a deja vu; the only thing is the last time it happened; McLean was the killer and he sat on the seat this Wei Guang sat; he also saw the girl; i am wondering either the bus is demonic; the girl or the highway; maybe it will happen to whomever sat at that seat.

I know this sounds as crazy as what happened but I think maybe there is a twilight zone or some demonic forces at work

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