Ok, some time i had the presumption that media shaped public opinion and reaction and that was the end of it. Now i think otherwise while observing my
surroundings and the opinions they hold for possible/true and the way they handle it.
Six years ago i was sliding in the abyss of conspiracy theories, after the mandatory six months of mental panic about the state of the world and the
near future i calmed down and just accepted what is and may be while softening my gloom and doom view on the world knowing that only bad news is news
and the good things barely register on the conscious level or on the internet (at least on the big news-sites and conspiracy sites).
So i figured my info was scewed to the side of 'we're all gonna die and everybody is evil!' while it shouldn't have. Sure it's gonna be
interesting and we may even get a Blockbuster movie ending at some point but there is always hope untill the last second, obviously.
Anyway, i was never realy ashamed of what i thought to be true and always told people what i thought about worldy affairs if the topic came up. I
talked about people getting killed in suspect circumstances, possible future projects coming at us, even the whole 500 million people will be left
over after some cataclysmic event worldwide. Well, the worst of the worst so to speak. just barely under 'we'll all be eaten by reptillians' on the
scale of scary and unbelievabillity if you never heard of it.
Well, most of the time in the beginning when i started talking to friends/family/colleagues they would just brush it off not go into it or would go
against it while keeping polite ofcourse. I am not someone to foam at the mounth and get wide-eyed when i talk about it. So if you wouldn't speak my
language you would think i was talking about the weather or the newest Ipod, you sure wouldn't think i was talking about the world population being
massacred, chipping, bioweapons and the whole thing horror/post-apocalyptic/dystopiatic movies are made of. (body-language helps
But the last year or so the topic would pop up, i would talk about what i believed and something miraculous happened, people were talking back to me
with an additute like 'yeah, i heard about that, sounds plausible but whatever ey?' not in a defeatist tone mind you but in a detached one. I think
in my surroundings with people really not keeping busy with this sort of stuff the acceptance of it and the way they handle a possible coming
catastroph is pretty stunning. They don't keep themselves busy with it but they know something is iffy, how? Not even they can really tell you but
where it wouldn't 'compute' 5 years ago it's now pretty much obvious.
Is this a 100th monkey phenomenon at work? Getting it started seperatly untill some criticall mass builds up untill it expands in the
mass-consciousness? And the acceptance of it, what is the deal with that? If someone tells you that you have a 90% chance of dying you would get
pretty freaked out i think, i certainly would in the beginning but when it is on a global scale or maybe when it is to big to stop there is a sort of
acceptance that kicks in.
Anyway, it seems there is hope for acceptance of non-mainstream worldviews and MSM is pretty much helpless to stop it, our Subconcsious News Netwerk
still works IMO
[edit on 2-8-2008 by Harman]