posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 07:17 AM
I think a couple things need to be placed into perspective.
First, just about 75% of our traffic comes from non-member guests (it used to be around 85%, but more and more members are spending more time on ATS
over the past two months). And with that in mind, we get just over 1.2 million monthly visits from search engines, with just about half of all of that
traffic landing on deep content, or in other words, old threads. With nearly three million distinct pages of content on ATS, going back to 2003, most
of our content would be classified as "old threads." With that in mind, it's no real surprise that we see a few anonymous posts on older
Did you catch that part about an increased percentage of members are on the site at any given time? For the past three years, we've been holding very
steady at a traffic rate of 85% (+/-) non-member guests, and 15% (+/-) members in both daily and monthly traffic analysis. Since the introduction of
anonymous posting, that ratio has slowly been tipping to 75/25, and just recently the percentage of members posting nudged up from 50% to
51%. It looks as though providing a "taste of ATS" through the anonymous feature is causing more
people to join and participate as members. That's a good thing, right?
And finally, given the nature of our intent to find the truth within provocative and difficult topics, shouldn't we be more magnanimous? While it's
normal to be somewhat selfish about what we do here, the reality is that we do this so that more people can become aware of what we think on these
matters. Whether it's a new thread or ancient topic from 2004, it shouldn't matter what causes a guest to be inspired to contribute... we, the ATS
membership, inspired someone to contribute. Isn't that why we do this?