posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 07:48 PM
I have posted this in other forums, with no responses.
Just take a moment and think of the implacations that something like this has.
I wonder if they have tried this on humans(as a whole).
Or if it has been tried on manmade things, like plastic.
Could we use such knowledge to find things that were created to cure cancer, or other ailments?
Or find uses for things that we had no idea of.
Mabt their is a molicule whos main reason for being is to creats a link to GOD. Like some sort of drug.
I rember reading some time ago about some people who re-created the anointing oil Moses used, and found that it was a very powerfull halonogen.
Maby we could "get a shot" and speak to the creator ourselves.