posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 07:03 PM
Recently we had a thread on ATS about people experiencing feelings of 'waiting for something'.
Many people described a frustration, or a sense of anxiousness on this thread.
I am not going to link to the thread, as it it late, I am tired, and will probably have to start this thread from scratch if I try something elaborate
such as providing a link.
However, I did want to share something with the readers on ATS, and to ask a question.
Here is my story:
I have been telling my significant other for some months now that I have felt very frustrated, restless, anxious, and impatient. The reasons for these
feelings are unknown. I have spent many an hour pondering the possible reasons for these feelings and have been unable to shed any light on the
You can imagine my surprise however, when I spotted a link on ATS that was talking about the same feelings I had been having - Synchronicity at work
These feelings have not gone away, merely been joined by another, if equally pervasive feeling in my conscious thoughts.
This is a feeling of a calm... a calm before the storm.
Often I have this feeling flow through my mind, then the feelings of frustration and 'waiting' are quick to follow. I have been able to push these
feelings to one side if I busy myself with my daily life, but they are still there churning away in my mind.
Several of my associate and even friends have suggested similar feelings, although no great detail is ever discussed.
One or two people have commented how 'quiet' life seems to be at the moment. Whilst others have said odd things like 'any day now' or 'it's
coming'... by this I mean the comments are usually out of the blue and never really discussed fully at any time by participants of the
None of the above peturbs me emotionally, but it certainly arouses my curiosity.
Now that I have shared this snippet of information, is anyone else experiencing the same sense of 'calm'?
Can anyone shed any light on why I might be experiencing this?
Am I just neurotic?
* This thread is possibly in the wrong forum, if so, would a moderator kindly move it to the correct forum please?