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Could Wind Farms Cause Climate Change?

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posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 06:28 PM

Could Wind Farms Cause Climate Change?

Just as a coal power plant consumes coal to create energy, wind farms consume wind. That means they literally eat it up, sucking energy out of the atmosphere. If more and more of them are built, what will that mean for the planet?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 06:28 PM
This is just to funny!

Wind mills are eating the wind!

These enviro-wackos are insane and just plain crazy.
Even when you give them what they want, they still find a way to whine and moan. They will never be happy or satisfied so why even try to appease them. Sad, just sad.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 09:04 PM
I've wondered this. Every cause creates an effect.

We're so obsessed with trying to fix a problem that doesn't even exist, we're actually going to end up creating a problem!! The irony is killing me!

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 09:12 PM
I saw or read another article/show on how realtors are against windfarms because they are an eyesore and no-one, they project, wants to build/buy a home with windfarms in the vista.

What a bunch of


Wait a minute. Could it be the work, all this bitch'n and moanin', of lobbyists for the coal, hydro or nuclear industries? Bash the good idea in the only way ya can? With ignorance and vanity? It seems a weak tactic, but, here we are laughing about it.


posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 09:12 PM
I think mirage is right. Wind farms are a far greater threat to the climate than anything else. But look at it this forcing the world from a safe power source, to wind, they can actually say there were right about climate change by making it happen on their own, and ignoring those consequences and blaming it on CO2. For a long time, I thought the people behind the Global Warming mirage were just greedy liar and easily-conned fools. But now...while a lot of them still fall into that category, Ive become convinced that the plan is far more sinister, and revolves more around some desire to destroy the world as we know it. The power of ignorance is great, but I don't think it is great enough, on it's own, to account for the hoax of man-made climate change.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 09:17 PM
Heres a little thinker for you.

Most Scottish wind farms are built on areas of peatland. Now, for every tonne of peat dug up, 70% of that tonne is stored CO2 (Peat is a carbon sink). When its dug and moved it dries out, thus releasing its stored CO2 into the air.

This creates a wonderful paradox.

The wind farms actually CAUSE far FAR greater CO2 damage to the atmosphere than they can ever save in their entire life time.

Add to this the millions of tonnes of concrete that has to be made for the bases of each wind turbine, and they turn out to be immensley environmentally destructive things to build.

Oh the irony.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 09:39 PM
Somewhere over the last few weeks I posted something similar to this in another thread. A little research showed that the heating trend reported by NOAA in the northern hemisphere coincides with the emergence of wind farms as a major source of electricity.

Gah, I wish I could find that old thread with all of the links... been digging through my posts, but no luck yet.


posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 09:45 PM

We can put this somewhat evasive answer in context by imagining another possible outcome of our study. Suppose for example, we had found that the unintended effects were a thousand times smaller than the benefits.

We could then have published a paper stating conclusively that these climatic effects could be ignored. There would have been no need to do further work aimed at reducing the uncertainties in our estimate because it would make no difference whether the unintended effects were a hundred or a thousand times smaller than the intended climatic benefits. But that is not what happened.
We found that the unintended effects may be (very roughly) as large as a fifth of the intended climatic benefits. Because there are substantial uncertainties in this estimate we still cannot say whether it will make sense to consider these unintended climatic effects in future decisions about the development of wind-power. We must fall back on the classic academic conclusion that more work is needed.

University climate Prof.

Some people laugh, but large scale wind farms can and do effect the local environment.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:36 PM

These enviro-wackos are insane and just plain crazy.
Even when you give them what they want, they still find a way to whine and moan. They will never be happy or satisfied so why even try to appease them. Sad, just sad.

These guys make "enviro-wackos" look like Exxon execs. I don't think this has anything to do with wind-loss....sounds more like what a previous poster said, the lobbyists don't know what to lie about anymore.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:19 PM
I support a ban on all wind farms, wind chimes, windmills, sailboats, and all the birds who are greedily eating up our precious wind. Also before people start to get any bright ideas about destroying the sun we must rid our planet of all solar panels and plant life. I would like to say to all who would use any other source but oil stop and think of the planet.

Seriously I can't believe there have already been a few post who buy into this. You can't be serious. Can you????

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 06:45 PM
What a load of hooey!!

Wind does not affect ambient air temperature, it only makes you feel cooler because your sweat evaporates more quickly in a breeze. Less wind will not have any effect on "global warming." Does wind affect temperature?

Furthermore, wind is simply air rushing from an area of relative high air pressure to an area of low pressure. If you actually manage to impede the air flow, the pressure will still equalize and the exact same amount of air will move from one place to the other to accomplish it. The only difference would be that it might take a bit longer.

The only side effect I can see is that, since one of the causes of atmospheric disturbances (i. e. storms) is differences in relative air pressure, if we actually manage to cause pressure equalization to take a bit longer, the duration and intensity of a storm or two might temporarily increase.

Hey, where's our Oz Weatherman to chime in on this, anyway? (pun intended!)

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by Heike

How dare you bring actual science into the discussion. We need to judge these issues on gut feeling and what we believe. The physics of wind should have no impact on how i feel about the issue.

Interesting that the people that claim that humans dont have an effect on the environment with use of fossil fuels will claim that wind power can have an effect.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 08:14 PM
Could this article be full of shiat so we don't become energy dependant?

I think so. What next? Solar energy is creating global warming?

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