posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 12:53 AM
Originally posted by Core90
So God, the omnipotent creator of the entire UNIVERSE, who is perfect in all ways, throws people into hell or obliterates them from
existence(depending on your belief) for not believing in him.... because he's insulted? ... that just by exerting our will, we can make the
ultimate being in the universe 'flip out'?
Not to mention that he MADE us, including our minds;
It just doesn't make sense that a loving God wouldn't just reveal himself to us(or perform miracles to make us believe), or give us as much time as
we need to reconcile with him, when he KNOWS there are people who won't come to him in this life because of the way he made them.
[edit on 1-8-2008 by Core90]
(There was so much crap in here that I had to break my own rebellion and cut 'n paste. Oh bother.)
Let's start at the bottom. It turns out our loving God did reveal himself in the personage of Jesus Christ. Did you want him to hang around for
2000 years or so in order for everyone to get a good look? Do you believe any historical record or just recent ones?
Next, it makes perfect sense to me that God wouldn't come down again to do a few parlor tricks for us. We still wouldn't believe. They didn't
believe Jesus after a book full of impressive miracles. But I suppose you think they are all fabrications. Is it just that stories in the bible are
all untrue or are you skeptical about all writings about past ages? How long ago does something have to have happened for you to apply this
uncertainty function to the information?
Now the big one: he made us including our minds. You know that your mind isn't static. How about this - he gave us rational minds? You and
everyone else on the planet are driven by your self-serving preferences that drive your decisions and determine your actions. Unless you're
clinically insane, you make decisions to take actions that optimize your objective function of the day. Notice that your decisions can be completely
different than everyone else's on the basis of your preferences but you can still be completely rational as long as you're working to optimize your
personal objectives. So, it's not that "God made me this way" which is the off-key song of so many blamers in this society. We all strive day and
night to improve ourselves so let's not lay down when we can't make good decisions. The fact is, people have their own preferences and they bloody
well like them very much. Their decisions, while often times harmful looking to the outside world, scratch an itch others cannot fathom because we
don't know what they prefer.
I don't see one bit of petulance on God's part in this. You seem to think the bible demonstrates that he is 'insulted' and 'flipping out'. If
you prefer to do your own thing without regard to God while you're running around this earth as the biological microbe described by Daniem, then
cheerio! But why should God give you a second look for entrance to eternal life with him? You sound like a product of the MoPO - you want in because
you think it makes sense to let you, someone so fun, so charismatic, so charming in to spend eternity with God. It's so reasonable. The MoPO want
you to believe it's all about you.
Frankly, you're just rejecting an O3 God's authority to run things the way he sees fit. Good luck with that approach - I don't think he's going
to make more than one way to get in and it has nothing to do with anything you can accomplish.