posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by furiousracer313
My initial reply was a little harsh and for that I apologize, but you do not seem to realize the scope and dangers of what you are proposing to do.
By an underground base I'm assuming you mean some kind of bunker, to house 10 - 20 people, assuming for an extended period of time, you would require
a lot of space. Seeing as you are talking about getting permission for the city I will also assume you are not living on some kind of acreage. You
are looking at costs in the range of tens of thousands of dollars in materials and labor and even that will probably only get you a glorified root
Think about 10 - 20 people living together in a trailer, trust me it's not very pleasant, but lets assume it works out and nobodies going to get
cabin fever or go stir crazy. Now think about trying to put that trailer underground. How deep do you want it? Probably more the just a layer of
sod on the "roof" right? Remember your going to need a lot of concrete to reinforce the sides and the ceilings to account for the extra weight. Do
you live where it freezes in the winter? Frost heaves in the soil will put even more stress on the structure.
That's not even scratching the surface, I'm not a structural engineer so I know very little of everything you will need to account for. Seasoned
professionals build mine shafts and sometimes even they have structural problems or (god forbid) collapse, so a few young adults who don't even know
what kind of equipment to use to dig a hole are biting off way more then they can chew and run a very good chance of serious injury or death.
Beefeaters idea is plausible, but again for 10 to 20 people to be somewhat comfortable your going to quite a few of those cargo containers and a very
big hole. The bigger the hole the more things can go wrong.
Any structure that is entirely underground is incredibly dangerous. Flash floods, frost heaves, and even the structure settling could cause things to
buckle, crack, or break which can cause the whole thing to cave in and in the case of a flood your structure is going to fill up with water fast. A
malfunction in the ventilation system, and for 10 - 20 people your going to need a big system, could leave you all asphyxiated in your sleep, 10 - 20
people are going to use up a lot of air in no time.
I would highly recommend talking to you father and/or the owner of the construction company to get a better idea of the complexity and dangers
involved in what you are proposing before you start digging up the backyard.
[edit on 2-8-2008 by deadboi]