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Wal-Mart Warns Employees of Democratic Win

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posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

Well for such a thing you first need a non-corporatist union, and then to NOT force workers to pay a share... cause non-consensual corporatist unions have always been the favorite of the Chicago mobsters.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 08:35 AM
I was a Teamster for 22 yrs. Never paid a dime when my wife's or kids went into the hospital. They got carried away and the national freight agreement ensued. At the same time I got divorced and custody of my 3 kids. I already had custody of my oldest child with my first wife. I could no longer travel and be gone more than one night.
Then came the Operating Engineers. I retired after 22 yrs. Paid $10.00 per month + 1% wages. I made a minimum of $65,000.00 some yrs over $100,000.00. One week I made $6,126.00, still have the stubs. I collect $2300.00 per month. The health and welfare fund paid $4800.00 for two eye implants just before I retired. It took care of ALL my and my childrens medical needs.
We found 1 crooked business agent, promptly threw him out, he gets nada!

Don't paint all unions with the same brush!!!

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by RRconservative
I think liberals hate Wal-Mart because they don't need government help to prosper. They are jealous of Wal-Mart because Wal-Mart helps out the middle class more than government does. That and they succesfully keep greedy Unions out of their business.
[edit on 1-8-2008 by RRconservative]

Where did you get that liberals hate Wal-mart? let me guess... mush loosebowels.

Actually companies like wal-mart are destroying the middle class by forcing out small local businesses which are the real backbone of the economy.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by NGC2736]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:41 AM
Unions are a joke and should be outlawed. They only shelter lazy and unprofessional workers, My company is managing a $1.5 billion project which uses union labor and it being my first union project I have never seen such a waste. The job could be done in half the time and half the cost if union labor wasn't used.

If walmart unionizes it will only go from very bad service to even worse.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Lecter
Unions are a joke and should be outlawed. They only shelter lazy and unprofessional workers, My company is managing a $1.5 billion project which uses union labor and it being my first union project I have never seen such a waste. The job could be done in half the time and half the cost if union labor wasn't used.

If walmart unionizes it will only go from very bad service to even worse.

Unions are why you don't get paid Chinese sweat shop wages with no benefits.

Before unions became a force in this country the average worker didn't have squat for rights or pay or benefits.

Yes there are flaws in the system and yes some unions are corrupt but then again its up to the members to change it... and if they don't... they are the ones who get screwed.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:56 AM
A lot of business in the south are very anti-union. I worked for one such company that even had their own anti-union propaganda video. Before they would hire you, you had to watch it.

It basically stated that unions were big scams that only wanted your money. On the other hand, they were like a part of your family, and would take care of you without outside intervention. Should you choose to vote for unionization of the plant, they couldn't guarantee your continued employment.

They might have to shut down the operation, and move to Mexico where people had a better work ethic, and were willing to work for a fair wage. LOL

In my experience, some unions are definitely better than others. The teamsters are not perfect, but they do see that you get a living wage and decent benefits.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:04 AM
Excuse me, but I am seeing a pattern here that needs to be pointed out.

With all due respect to the obvious and heinous evils of WalMart, government, unions, mobsters, society in general, rich people in particular, pond scum, head lice, and anything else we might have reason to vilify... Why are people so adamant about arguing how their organization is corrupt? Are they not part of the group? If your government does something you don't like, then it is your job to get rid of them. If your union leaders do something you don't like, then it is your job to get rid of them. If your employer does something you don't like, it is your responsibility to get rid of them (either management or just quit altogether).

Seems to me that's one of the biggest problems we have throughout society globally: everyone wants to complain about how something is wrong, but they won't do anything to change it.


posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by grover

sounds to me that Wal-mart is putting up a nice smoke screen to keep employees from unionizing.

Some unions are like that. I joined the one for restaurant employees and it was the biggest waste of money ever. We paid a lot to not even have phone calls returned during a crisis.

BUT, many unions are very advantageous.

Methinks that Wal_mart doesn't want to have to pay their employees living wages and health benfits .

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:13 AM
a star for you redneck... I have worked in union free service establishments my whole life and all I can say is that unions couldn't be worse than some of the scumbags I have cooked for.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by yankeerose

They should take on Guthrie's song and change the words a bit, but still use

"You can't scare me, I'm stickin' with the union." hehe

I personally cannot stand Wal Mart. They don't have one near where I live anyway. Have to drive 4 hours to get there.
But we have a Canadian Tire, which is almost just as bad.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:37 PM
Go union! It's the only way retail workers are going to get a living wage.

It's no surprise that Wal-Mart is scared of them. I understand that they fire anyone who even uses the word at work; also that they spy on their employees to make sure they aren't organizing.

In my younger days when I worked as a waitress I belonged to a union--AFL/CIO. Those of us who were unionized got better wages and working conditions than those who weren't. The dues were piddling. No restaurant work is easy or highly paid but our jobs were better because of the union.

I live in what's euphemistically called a "right to work" state--meaning you have the right to work "union free." There is very little union activity here. Needless to say the average wage is lower than the national average. Still, all the plants are closing and moving to Mexico or overseas, so the high cost of labor isn't the reason.

Not all of the unions are run honestly or well; that's no reason to reject them altogether. The union membership does have a say in how it's run, and if they don't they can always organize their own.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 07:57 AM
With my Union I'm safe from say, a Head Manager who comes in drowning babies and kicking puppies before he even clocks in and has a reason to be in a bad mood.

It also helps me with pay. A raise every six months each one getting larger with each six months.

And insurance? Health, dental, and vision for just 4 dollars a week.

Wal Mart? Fired at a drop of a hat. Crappy wages. No benefits or chance of raise unless they really feel like it. And of course all that lead in EVERYTHING they have. Even their lead has lead in it.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by grover

Where did you get that liberals hate Wal-mart? let me guess... mush loosebowels.

Errrrr.... I got it from you!

From your opening post:

"I point blank refuse to shop at mal-warts anyway... I would rather pay a little more to a smaller local business than give a dime to those corporate pigs and bullies any day."

If Rush says it, it means we were thinking it in the first place. Not the other way around.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by RRconservative

My dislike for mal-warts has nothing to do with me being liberal... it has everything to do with how they force out small, local businesses which are the real backbone of this country.

I prefer to keep my money local whenever possible and if you really care anything about where you live, you will too... it keeps the money in the community and helps it prosper.

It has nothing to do with a conservative/liberal thing.

They don't call you guys dittoheads for nothing RR.... and it is not a compliment.

[edit on 4-8-2008 by grover]

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 09:40 AM
I don't like Wal Marts policies, but it's an undisputable fact that they save the consumer loads of cash. I'd prefer to shop locally, but their prices are at least double that of Wal Mart. I realize they have higher overhead, but I think most of them still are making a hefty profit. When they start supporting me, I'll do likewise. I can't even say their service is better in my area. They think they're doing you a favor by waiting on you, and don't mind telling you so..

When every dollar counts, it's not hard for most people to decide where they're going to shop. That 5 to 10 dollars you save each purchase can be the difference between making it from one paycheck to the next.

Unions are not a panacea, but I think they're better than the alternative, being completely at the mercy of the employer. They both want your money, but the union realizes the more you make, the more they make.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by LLoyd45

I don't know where you live or who you deal with but every local business I have ever delt with have been happy to deal with me.

Have you considered (and I am not saying its so) it might be your attitude towards them?

For example:

When they start supporting me, I'll do likewise.

[edit on 4-8-2008 by grover]

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by grover

I don't know where you live or who you deal with but every local business I have ever delt with have been happy to deal with me.

Have you considered (and I am not saying its so) it might be your attitude towards them?
I live in the South, and most of the local business are owned by good old boys that consider you a foreigner simply because you haven't lived here all your life. They're not bad people, just set in their ways.

I'm always courteous, and I truly wouldn't mind paying a little more for a local product, but a 90-100% markup is out of the question. I have to consider my family too.

For example: When they start supporting me, I'll do likewise.

All I meant by that remark was, when they set their prices at a reasonable level, I'll once again patronize their establishments. I have to eat and pay my bills too, and if that means I must buy from Wal Mart to do so, then I will.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by LLoyd45

Ok I understand where you are coming from but I'll tell you something I have noticed over the years... I am a chatter, and I cultivate a friendly attitude with the businesses I deal with and I have found in many, not all obviously, but in many cases after awhile when i buy something I am given a discount... Why? One I make them feel appericated, two if they treat me well, I send business their way and three they feel I am worth it. Of course if you are living in the boonies with only a handful of businesses hanging on for dear life, that is something all together different.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Lecter

I have been a BAC member for 3 years now,before that I work as a non-union bricklayer.Since I became a member I can look back and I have to disagree with you sir.Non-Union companys cut corners,do sloppy unethical work.We set our work standards to the highest,yes we might take a little while longer to perform a job that your illegal mexicans do,but WE do it right the first time! WE want all of our men to go home safe every night,and WE do demand a fair wage for our services.Non-union companies can not even come close to the skills that we offer.If you want your job slammed up so your profits are larger,have them do it,But if you want your job done right,done safely and not want to have to go back and spend your easily earned profits for the maintnance .Have US do it.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by AJT345
reply to post by Lecter

I have been a BAC member for 3 years now,before that I work as a non-union bricklayer.Since I became a member I can look back and I have to disagree with you sir.Non-Union companys cut corners,do sloppy unethical work.We set our work standards to the highest,yes we might take a little while longer to perform a job that your illegal mexicans do,but WE do it right the first time! WE want all of our men to go home safe every night,and WE do demand a fair wage for our services.Non-union companies can not even come close to the skills that we offer.If you want your job slammed up so your profits are larger,have them do it,But if you want your job done right,done safely and not want to have to go back and spend your easily earned profits for the maintnance .Have US do it.

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