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Again, has anyone noticed the irrational hatred of Obama?

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posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by pooty

I agree with you (I gave you a star) but to a point.

I thought Hillary was the be damned "socialist" "libbbbbeeer (clear throught and spit and frown) aaalllllll". Until she became labeled the corporatist...and now Obama gets the nomination, and now he's the liberal socialist communist avatar...except wait! No, he's a corporatist now too!

Oh dear god. Where oh where has my little dog gone, oh where or where can he be?

What is it? Is Obama a pinko commie, or is he a McCain-Bush Corporatist?

You can't have it both ways.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by skyshow

Thank you for confirming the gist of my last post.

Democrats are obsessed with the issues, and stopping the continuous and tired, worn out, smear campaign that seeks to distract us from the issues

One can say this about both partys, not just one.

Remember General Patraeus.... General Betrayus??

I found this to be in extremely poor taste.

They are politicians. Bartering the souls of the public to remain in office...and the tactics of both partys clearly illustrate this. It became obvious when it was Hillary against immature they could be if needed. I dont think much of tabloid politics from either political party.
I also dont think much of tabloid news media..all of it who are shilling for thier respective candidates...and I mean all the media. They too can be as immature as the political partys. They are to me an extension of the party machine..all of the media.

I dont hold more hope for the GOP here on this either. I too dont like the smear tactics..but I know both partys will use them when needed.

I dont trust people or partys who try to put me on an emotional rollercoaster. No thanks. Ive been to enough union meetings and seen this played out...good guy bad guy...good cop bad cop. No thanks.
I've concluded they are all bad. This is why you watch both of them closely.

Also I have been around long enough to know that obsessed with issues does not mean the buisness of the American pubic..but oftten the "appearence of the American public's buisness." By this I mean both partys....

In this I am in agreement with Dark Elf.

Something else you need to know SkyShadow....I am talking about the Democrat party....not individual democrats..also about the Republican Party..not individual republcans.

I find just more hate and outright disrespect from the democratic party...even immaturity in the manner it is carried out when they disapprove of a dissenting view or opinion.

On a personal level or opinion...I dont think much of the two party system. They represent the partys first...not the buisness of the people.
I've been around long enough to see this demonstrated over and over and over. They are a buisness..first...Just like the Unions.
When I began to detect that the Unions used the technique of "victimization" and emotions to keep us on an emotional rollercoaster when needed...I began to overlay this template on the body politic. It became obvoius that there was a relationship with the "victimization" programs so popular on a drug habit. The emotional hook became the control drug....the control mechanism.
Dark Elf is precisely correct here.

What is also obviious to those of us trained in that politics is a religion with devout and zealous adherents/flocks/followers.

The religious term for the appearance of a thing or idea rather than the real counterfit...another word for it is occult..concealed..from those it is intended to affect or control.
A catch word or phrase in real occult books on this religion and it's practices is...

"It least doth mean what it most doth say."

This applies very closely and appropriately to the body politic. What is also known is that the use of drugs/music is important in occult religions. Not all Drugs are chemical per se...they can also be emotional.

Nonetheless...thank you for confirming and demonstrating my point in my earlier post.


[edit on 9-8-2008 by orangetom1999]

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by TheRepublic
reply to post by Curious_Agnostic

i laughed...
but if you had said "just like mccain this thread will let in a bunch of illegal immigrants, poop its old people diapers, and die before being sworn in"
i might have laughed harder...

people dislike obahma because he is inexperienced cnt make up his mind on any issue and he presents himself like he's already won no one likes a shallow presumptous ass

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 05:56 PM

I don't think disliking a liar is irrational.

Apparently the Obamas of Kenya have been reading those scurrilous emails to which Barack likes to refer, because they have no doubt—contrary to the claims of the Obama campaign, that the presidential candidate was raised a Moslem. They take that as a given.

As the Jerusalem Post reports, “Barack Obama’s half brother Malik said Thursday that if elected his brother will be a good president for the Jewish people, despite his Muslim background. In an interview with Army Radio he expressed a special salutation from the Obamas of Kenya.”
The Obama brothers’ father, a senior economist for the Kenyan government who studied at Harvard University, died in car crash in 1982. He left six sons and a daughter. All of his children - except Malik—live in Britain or the United States. Malik and Barack met in 1985.

In a remarkable denial issued last November that still stands on the official campaign website, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs issued a statement explaining that “Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised as a Muslim, and is a committed Christian.”

Apparently Malik Obama, himself a Muslim, had not read the press release.

Melanie Phillips is the most recent commentator to draw attention to the massive body of evidence that leaves no doubt that Barak Hussein Obama was born a Muslim (Islam is patrilineal) and raised a Muslim (so registered in school, acknowledging attending Islamic classes, reported accompanying his step-father to the mosque, and able to recite the Koran in the original Arabic.)

Reuven Koret, Aaron Klein and Daniel Pipes have previously pointed to the attempts by Obama and his campaign to conceal the candidate’s Muslim background. The well documented evidence draws upon the on-the-ground interviews by researchers in Indonesia and Kenya, published quotations of Obama’s childhood friends and his school records, as well as the candidate’s own autobiography.

It is not clear whether Barack Obama will now disown his half-brother Malik, or throw him under the campaign bus, for acknowledging that shared family background. In any case, some one should notify Obama’s “Fight the Smear” website. Perhaps they can get him with the program.

[edit on 9-8-2008 by calcoastseeker]

[edit on 9-8-2008 by calcoastseeker]

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by skyshow
reply to post by pooty

I agree with you (I gave you a star) but to a point.

I thought Hillary was the be damned "socialist" "libbbbbeeer (clear throught and spit and frown) aaalllllll". Until she became labeled the corporatist...and now Obama gets the nomination, and now he's the liberal socialist communist avatar...except wait! No, he's a corporatist now too!

Oh dear god. Where oh where has my little dog gone, oh where or where can he be?

What is it? Is Obama a pinko commie, or is he a McCain-Bush Corporatist?

You can't have it both ways.

The united states of america is a corporation.It's corporate headquarters is in washington DC.There is no two party system.They are owned by the english crown through the federal reserve bank.Open your eyes.Bush(a far right republican)commits the crime,Pelosi(a far left democrat)protects him.
Pelosi rams Bushs fisa bill through the house and Obama votes yes.Do some research.The courts in this country are admiralty courts you have no constitutional rights in an admiralty court.You were taken off the gold standard in 1913 and FDR and his congress declared bankruptsy and sold the country to the federal reserve owned by the bank of england.You are a debtor when your birth certificate is signed by your mother.The main stream media is controled by world bankers.That is why you see very little of people like Ron Paul.Talk of the constitution is not something they want to hear.They prefer you to argue over McCain or Obama and they care not which one wins because they own both of them.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by pooty

Wow Pooty.....where did you learn all that about the bank of england and corporate America in Washington DC? Not many Americans have a clue about this kind of thing and its connection to Admiralty Maritime Law...the law of the sea enroaching onto land...the law of the Merchants. It is so rarely taught today and especially not in public schools or colleges.

Very gratifying to see another who is aware of it. This explains some of the intresting court cases which from time to time occur and also the strange behavior from time to time of our leaders...if you want to call them that.

And yes...we so often see them using this left right dichotomy/dialectic to keep us on the emotional puppet strings and debating placebos to keep us from independently thinking much less acting on or for our own.

Thanks for an encouraging post.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by ZuzusPetals

Obama sucks. Want to know why?

He, like the current retard in office can't even spell Constitution, let alone follow it.

He is in advocate of income redistribution.

He has zero knowledge of the 2nd Amendment.

Need I go on?

Irrational? Lets talk about irrational: Those who would vote for him simply based on his skin color or party affiliation.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 11:42 AM
I thought I would make the footnote to my other two posts here to SkyShow and others who would so obviously take the tack that they are wont to show on boards like this.

I say this after consideration in reading so many posts here on ATS/BTS...and this pattern seems to hold.

Do not make the assumption with folks like many of us in that because we are very conservative that we are automatically by defaut...Republicans. This is not so.

Many of us hold no more faith in the Republican Party than we do the Democratic Party. As far as many of us are concerned thier is little difference in the two partys on key issues.
Both of these partys will sell, swap, and barter the souls of the American anyone for a chance at the remain or get into power.

Also in a similar pattern not make the mistake that because we do not agree with a candidate or issue that it is automatically default....."Hatred."

I first became aware of this thought pattern or fingerprint when someone sent me a page from the Urban Dictionary...defining Hatred.
It became very quickly obvious that thier definition of hatred was to be disrespected..or the perception of disrespect. I found this to be extremely intolerant...and immature...very self the tack and fingerprint of the definitions in this dictionary. Any kind of disagreement was disrespect and to be treated just so.

This becomes very obvious in many of the posts on this thread as well as others on both ATS/BTS. It is also obvious that many have bought into this as a working religion/dogma in thier lives.
It is intolerance of others while they so often claim tolerance. It is a double standard.
It takes some thinking and analyzing to be able to spot it but it is become a more standard paradim across the board for many people today.

There are those of us out here who take a dim view of this tack and are training other to spot this in people, politics, and the news media.

Just wanted to get these points out here.


[edit on 10-8-2008 by orangetom1999]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by pooty

I was trying to make the point of how rediculous the sheeple behave regarding the two candidates and how they have a perception of who the person is but that it is just a perception and not based on reality because from the perspetive of the far right it matters not who the candidate on the left is or what he or she stands for...they simply make it up in a Machiavellian attempt to achieve the goal at all cost and everyone be damned if you dare step foot in their way.

Also regarding your reply. I have read this, and have been aware of these views for many years now. However, conservative and liberal ideologies remain regardless of who owns the banks, the courts or if we say the US is a coproration or a nation. Read a few writings from Jefferson regarding the two party system or the bankers...yet his ideology (generally liberal) remains.

Don't be so quick to throw the baby out with the bathwater and shoot the messanger, and don't let that term "liberal" above my avatar blind you! I'm on your side!

[edit on 12-8-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Astyanax

Thank you for proving OrangeTom's beautifully illustrated point!

THe body politic quickly saw that this could be a useful tool to silence or at least neutralize opposition on many issues. This political tool quickly degenerated into the fad known as poliitical correctness. Race issues quickly fell under this blanket/umbrella of control mechanisms...

Maybe it is time to get off the emotional rollercoaster and provide a measured

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by paxnatus

Why thank you for this ...

Thank you for proving OrangeTom's beautifully illustrated point!

However I must caution you are in grave danger of thinking on your own.

God forbid any of us should think sufficiently far and individually enough to cut the emotional roller coaster control strings and think for ourselves.

However...if you are able to accomplish congratulations....Well done!!! Well done!!!


posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

Good point Orange Tom. I whent back and re-read your original post that I responded to on here, and perhaps I mis read it and/or misunderstood you at first, and I'm sorry...there have been a ton of really nasty posts on here though as of late aimed at Obama, and after a while it becomes a waste of time to even bother opening them up because there is little substance to them and just made up mud and so I was very disgusted with all of that when I read your post about hate and then the part about where you thought that most of the hate was coming from the democratic side I hit the roof, and so today I reread it and I understand now better what it is you were tyring to say, and think your right regarding the emotion part even though I think the bulk of the nastiness is coming from the G.O.P. (Perot even said they made an artform out of it). Your post was well thought out and one of the better more clear level headed on here actually, and I'm a bit surprised I didn't see that then...but guess it was my emotion based on all the mud and cheap shot posts I had just read that put me under duress as it were (lol) to the point where I couldn't read your post straight!!!

I understand this also; we have some conservative rep's and some conservative libertarians, and the neo-cons. Likewise, not every liberal is a strict dem...there are liberal libertarians, socialists, greens etc...

It would be nice if politics could always be so soft and cuddly...unfortunately we see time and time again that it is not. I just get so frustrated at the silly things that people believe and then type out on here...I roll my eyes at the talking points; the ones that the party dishes out daily and asks the faithful to bring up on talk shows etc...It maybe true that the dems have them also -- I don't know, because I have only seen the talking points on the G.O.P. web site.

While I am human too, and sometimes get a little carried away as anyone might, I do try and stick with statements on ATS that can be backed up with some substance or atleast some theory based on reason, and not just parroting the party line.

That said, if it's something backed up with solid theory, and that theory you subscribe to happens to be conservative, I won't be intolerant of it, however I may debate it. I don't however have much tolerance for blind accusations and mud slinging cheap shot smears that are well funded by a party or propaganda campaign. I would hope you wouldn’t blame for my intolerance on that one, and that includes any and all no matter what ideology it comes from. I also do not tolerate putting someone down based on their sex, their race, their orientation (Equal rights and not just political correctness and also that is sort of a double edged sword because if you disagree with someone over something it can easily be cast aside as "oh they're just being political correct")…but nobody can be blamed for taking a stand on an issue and backing it up with some reason why it is that they stand by it. Anyway, I respect you and your post, and wanted to appologise for what looks like me jumping your back...I've even gone back and starred your post

Am I off of the hot seat now?

[edit on 13-8-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Scorched Earth
Irrational? Lets talk about irrational: Those who would vote for him simply based on his skin color or party affiliation.

As opposed to the white men that did the past 200 years?

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 07:38 PM
Tonight,Aug.28-08 Mr Obama will take the stage in the mile high city.He will spread his message of change and hope.He will raise the spirit of all his faithful followers.
This speech shall come to be known as The Sermon on the Mount II,as he is surely the second comming. Lo he shall feed the multitudes fish sandwiches,and the greater parts of the scraps shall feed those that hunger in this nation. For he is the appointed one at the appointed time.
There will no longer be a need for health care as he will lay hands upon the infirm,and they will be healed.
This has to be the case,as he has made no mention otherwise how he will accomplish these things.Feeding the poor and healing the sick by way of miracles.Barring that, one must have a plan that they could explain to the stupid masses.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by darkelf

Someone rational

I do not hate him either but I very much distrust the political machine that has served him up to us. There is very little to judge him by. If I recall correctly the Global Poverty Act is one of the very few national bills he has sponsored. Checkout' where I analysed that bill.

Aside from his color I see nothing to recommend him over any other polititian, certainly not his experience or abilities.

"Suspicion is a Virtue, if in the interests of the good of the people." Patrick Henry

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

I do not hate him either but I very much distrust the political machine that has served him up to us.

Neither do I hate him, however, like you I too distrust the machine which has served him up to us...well stated..well said.

Aside from his color I see nothing to recommend him over any other politician, certainly not his experience or abilities.

To my limited understanding ..colour is not a requirement for the office. Certain skills, character, and knowledges/experience are the requirement.
In other words a level of confidence by the aforementioned traits. Not colour. When I read your quote above I did a back flip.

I have not watched any of the democratic convention. Neither will I be watching the republican convention. If I want to watch a back slapping, brown nosing, pep rally....I go to work and do so on the clock.


posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by skyshow

What is it? Is Obama a pinko commie, or is he a McCain-Bush Corporatist?

You can't have it both ways.

No one ever accused a politician of telling the truth to the public especially when he has been bought. After all it is so much easier to sell socialism than a corporate run government. So that is what the sheeple are meant to see.

The Global Poverty Tax is a good example of a socialist seeming bill cloaking a pro-corporate agenda

To see how it all ties together check out my analysis of Obama's Global poverty tax. The last page(6) tells you exactly how US tax dollars will be spent to further corporate plans. I quote Sec. of Ag Ed Schafer directly.

Remember "Deny Ignorance" is Above Top Secret's motto. If you plan to vote you should have all the information about each candidate you can get.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by mabus325
It's funny that the left complains about hate. The left is nothing but hate.

I saw your convention. Did you?

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 06:28 PM
While there are a lot of people who hate Obama irrationally, I think the majority of the people who dislike him(Not hate) feel that way because of the media. The MSM, with the exception of Fox, as been promoting Obama as the next president since he went to Washington. Most of America is not as stupid as the Media would have us believe. We know when we are being manipulated and we resent it.
I have listened to Obama, Biden, McCain and Palin. I think I like the the conservatives better than the socialists. Obama has flip-flopped like a fish our of water so many times that I am no longer sure where he stands. When the media quits supporting one candidate over another, maybe we an get back to real politics.
The MSM needs to realize that the American people are not all sheep. We can, and do think for ourselves. We can make our own decisions. If we make the wrong one, then we will have to live with the consequences.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 04:34 PM
I apologize for starting this discussion.

The Irrational Hatred of ObamaTM is not part of McCain's official platform you super crazy conspiracy theorists. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. Coochie, coochie, coo.

Now go back to sleep and think you're smart.

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