A Lecture by Hartwig Hausdorf
(I translated the following lecture -- originally in German -- using an online translator. I have made only a few corrections in spelling and
punctuation. The highlights and notes are also mine -- Webmaster, 20kWeb.)
References: The lecture is by Hartwig Hausdorf, German author of UFO & Ancient Astronaut Theory, it was given on August 9, 1997 at Lucy & Orlando
Plá house in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
During the last years, lost of dogmatic truths were pushed down from their throne, because there are indications that our past was more fantastic than
we can imagine. Light fell down on so many mysteries from millenniums long gone. Let me take you on the trace of two enigmas from Ancient China.
I want to begin with a mystery of the Century which allegedly was discovered 60 years ago. It's ranking around a UFO-crash that probably happened at
a time 12,000 years prior to now a "Chinese Roswell" if you like this term. First I will like to introduce you to that intriguing story.
It was at the turn of the year 1937 to 1938, when an expedition led by archeologist Chi Pu-Tei came across the pathless mountain area of
Bayan-Kara-Ula, located in the Chinese province of Qinghai. In some caves, they discovered lots of tombs with numerous strange looking skeletons
buried inside. All the buried had an abnormal big head, along with a small, thin and fragile body.
There were no epitaphs at the graves, but a number of 716 stone disc with strange-looking hieroglyphs on them. From a hole in the center of each disk,
a spiral-like groove went to its rim, and the archeologist had no idea which information were hidden in these hieroglyphs. It was not before the early
sixties, when Beijing fellow of the Academy of Sciences, Professor Tsum Um Nui, succeeded in translating some passages of the inscriptions on the
stone discs. But when completing on his report, lots of trouble came to the brave man: The Academy of Sciences banned his publication of the result of
his research work. It's not surprising when we consider the unusual conclusion, that Tsum Um Nui and four assistant fellows came upon: They were
certain that the hieroglyphs on the stone-disks were talking about the crash of an alien spacecraft, that happened in this mountain area some 12,000
years prior to now!
After lots of quarrels and fights, Tsum Um Nui got the permission to publish his work. Herein, he told the story of alien beings called DROPA, who
crashed down in the Baya-Kara-Ula mountains after a long space flight and had no possibility to repair their craft. The scientific establishment
considered the whole story as nonsense, and Professor Tsum Um Nui was said to be a complete fool.
What the skeptics ignored was the fact, that in the Qinghai province, in the area of Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains, old traditions tell about small and
skinny, ugly beings with big and clumsy heads, who came down from the skies a long time ago. People have always been afraid of the strange-looking
invaders from the clouds.
So shortly after publishing his report, Professor Tsum Um Nui emigrated to Japan. Embittered from the reactions from the scientific establishment, he
died shortly after completing a manuscript about the stone-disk-mystery.
There was much criticism on Tsu Um Nui's person. Skeptics said, that the name of the Professor does not exist in Chinese language, neither in
Mandarin nor in Canton Chinese. But in my book "Satelliten der Gotter" (Satellites of the Gods), co-authored by Peter Krass, we could point out from
where the name was originating. A friend's wife, born in Singapore and speaking fluently Japanese, told us, that Tsum Um Nui is a former Japanese
name, but adapted to Chinese language. Now think about German immigrants in America: Their former names was Herr Schmid now their name is adapted to
Mr. Smith. Consequently Japan was the right place for the Professor to retire from his enervating defeat in China.
Primary source for the report on the Bayan-Kara-Ula findings are information coming from Japan. They were first published in German in the July, 1962
issue of the magazine "Das vegetarische Universum". And here the ends could meet one day: In the summer of '96 the book Satellites of the Gods was
published in Japan. Peter Krassa and me hope that Japanese readers could give us new information on the late Professor Tsum Um Nui. Where is his
burial place? And which library contains his reports on the translation of the stone disc-hieroglyphs of Bayan-Kara-Ula?
What was obvious for a short time's duration but lost again by now, are two of those mysterious artifacts. An Austrian engineer had the opportunity
to make these photographs in 1974, when he was on a guided China-tour. In Banpo-Museaum in Xian, the capital of the Province of Shensi, he came across
two discs which exactly met the descriptions we know from the Bayan-Kara-Ula report from 1962 and upcoming publications. And he could even recognize
hieroglyphs in spiral-like grooves but partly crumbled way.
Knowing of the artifacts background, Mr. Wegerer asked the former managers of Banpo-Museum for more details on the pieces in the showcase. I guess he
caused a lot of trouble, because the poor woman didn't know what to say. She was able to tell a complete story about all the other artifacts made
from clay, but all she could explain about the stone disc was that they are but unimportant "cult objects".
Anyway - the Austrian engineer was allowed to take one of the discs in his hand make photographs of both of them. Ladies and Gentlemen, the
photographs I'm showing in this lecture are the only existing in the world, made of the Baya-Kara-Ula stone platters. Mr. Wegerer estimated their
weight at one kilogram or two pounds, and the diameter at 28 to 30 centimeters, that's one foot. And there’s been all of the details reported: A
hole in the center plus strange hieroglyphs. I regret they're not to be seen here on the photographs, because they are crumbled away partly and - for
second reason - Mr. Wegener used a Polaroid camera with integrated flash. This wasn't quite good for the contrast of the photograph. Peter Krassa got
these photographs not before the end of the eighty's.
And this was the status quo when Peter and me tried to take up trace of this mystery of the Century directly in China. It wasn’t that easy to do
research work on an event that could be compared easily with the Roswell Case in the United Sates. Meanwhile, China had suffered under the
"Proletarian Cultural Revolution" that raged from 1966 till 1976. Lots of people and innumerable cultural objects of value fell victim to this
ruthless rage. I'm sure this was the reason for a great number of artifacts to be dislocated from the Capital Beijing into the provinces.
In March, 1994, Professor Wang Zhijun, Director of the Banpo-Museum, welcomed us for a discussion on the stone disc. At first, he wasn't willing to
give us further details, but after a while he revealed shocking information. His predecessor, the above-mentioned manager, was called away from her
job just a few days after Mr. Wegerer had visited the museum, without giving her any reason. She's vanished since that, and both from her and the two
stone discs, any trace is missing! What happened to the woman? I don't know. But I had feeling that Professor Wang Zhijun didn't feel well during
our inquiry. When we asked for the artifacts present place, he told us the following (I quote): "The stone discs you've mentioned do not exist, but
being extraneous elements in this pottery museum, they were dislocated." (End of Quotation)
Isn't it a strange phenomenon making such a turn in just one sentence?
For objects that do not exist officially, the Bayan-Kara-Ula stone-patters are surprisingly concrete. Professor Warg Zhijun showed us a book about
archeology where we could find this sketch of a stone-disk. Is it only a phantom that I'm running after?
Nearly unknown in German-speaking countries is the content of the book Sungods in Exile, published in 1978 by a certain David Agamon. This book
pretends to be a documentary in the 1947 expedition of the eccentric scientist Dc. Karyl Robin-Evans from England. He allegedly succeeded in reaching
Bayan-Kara-Ula mountain range in Central China and found a dwarfish people in there, called DROPA".
On his way through uncanny regions, he wrote, his Sherpas left him frightened by disturbing incidents. But anyway: The Chi-Pu-Tei expedition in the
late thirties reported in fact, that Bayan-Kara Ula region is avoided by the people living around, because of some uncanny inhabitant there. Under
great efforts Robin-Evans reached his goal - and pretends to have a sensational finding.
According to the book Sungods in Exile, he found a few hundred members of dwarfish people, 4 ft. in average, living in a remote valley of that
mountain area. He stayed there for half a year, learned their language and was introduced in history and traditions of the dwarfish beings. They told
him that their ancestors came from a planet from Sirius, and crashed down in this mountain area a long time ago. Lots of them lost their lives, but
the survivors were used to living conditions of this planet.
If the details are correct - or at least, there's true essence behind the weird story - it is to be supposed that descendants from alien visitors
could still exist in remote areas of Central China. Could they look like these two in 1947? Have a look on their faces - and be aware, that they were
just 4 ft. tall.
A few months ago I got a letter from Ukrainian scientist Dc. Vladimir Rubtsov. He wrote, that Sungods in Exile was a science-fiction story, designed
to fool those among us who are credulous to each and every story about alliance and that stuff. Science-fiction stories, rumors and legends. After all
with a true essence? In this case, uncanny legends took shape - and since the end of 1955, the events went head over heels!
It began with news from Associated Press, coming from China in November, 1995. It was just a week after I've been fiercely attacked by a skeptic,
while talking about Bayan-Kara-Ura UFO-crash in German TV talk show. In Sichuan Province, Central China, some 120 dwarfish beings were discovered -
with the tallest among them to be 3 ft. 10 inch, and the smallest adult to be 2 ft 1 inch! It's really incredible - scientists are helpless: some of
them think about poisoned environments, others presume a certain genetic configuration to be the reason for their stunted growth. Maybe they are
Thrilling news, that introduce a new era in the research work on the Bayan-Kara-Ula mystery. Meanwhile I could find more details on this, and I’m
pretty sure this could be the last living descendant of UFO-crash survivors from 10,000 B.C.
120 dwarfs cannot be created only by chance, as the probabilities for stunted growth is one case among 20,000 - all we know about the theory of
probability is against chance! Poisoned environments are not practicable as well, since the "Village of the Dwarfs" is far away from major cities
and industries. I got this information from two faxes sent by Chinese Tourist Administration, and from several telephone calls with Secretary of the
Chinese Ambassador in Bonn, Mr. Dai.
In January, 1997, a new theory leaked from Chinese ethnologist - revealing their helplessness in a case that grows more and more mysterious. They
attributed the dwarfism to a high concentration of mercury* in the soil, that poisoned the drinking water for generations.
Norbert Felgenhauer, PH. D. at the Munich Institute for Toxic Surgery, stated this theory to be absolute nonsense! Mercury is a malicious poison,
harmful to any organs in our body. Perhaps some among us can remember the disaster that happened in the sixties, leaving a trace of misery in the
Japanese town of Minamata. Some factories had introduced water contaminated with mercury into the sea, and the people were badly poisoned from the
fish they have eaten. Lots of them died after agonizing, long-term sickness.
But there's one thing mercury is not able to: It's not possible to change the human DNA, carrier of all the vital information. Mercury is not able
to cause hereditary decease!
*Whether the mercury had anything to do with stunted growth or not, it is interesting to hear that there is a "high concentration of mercury in
the soil" in that area. Sanskrit texts are filled with references to gods who fought battles in the sky using ancient crafts called Vimanas which
were powered by mercury! -- webmaster, 20kweb.
It is significant for the information I got from China that the authorities did not deny the existence of the "Village of the Dwarfs" - but they
kept on directing me to the fact that the place isn’t open to foreigners. So I can be sure, that in case of being some kind of ghetto, Chinese
Government would have denied any existence of that place. On the contrary: they admitted that scientists are simply helpless, and the evidence is
clear if you read between the lines!
Last but not least the so-called "Village of the Dwarfs" is located only a few hundred kilometers east of Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains, almost near the
east spur. At this point, Chinese provinces Qinghai and Sichuan are adjoining.
Basing on these information, I can offer two possibilities:
First: Not long ago, the tribe called DROPA decided to migrate from the high altitudes from Baya-Kara-Ula mountains, here they've been hidden
for thousands of years, into lower parts of the country. This could have happened in 1995.
Second: Not long ago, Chinese authorities forced them to migrate in order of better supply and control, and also for study purposes.
For the second possibility would result in denial by Chinese Officials, I'd prefer the first of them. But anyway: The little beings must have been
isolated for a very long time, otherwise they would have mixed up with other tribes or races. In this case, they would be taller by now!
The discovery of these beings is the preliminary culminating point of a story haunting our literature since more than 30 years. But I could - in
addition to this - find out more indications for the existence of dwarfish people in this Central Chinese mountains.
Mr. George Dendl from Berlin, who takes a doctor's degree in History, found a report from the year 1911 that spoke about repeated sightings of
extremely dwarfish beings in Tibet and its Central Asian neighborhood.
I received additional information from another part of the world. When holding some lecture in Australia in June, 1996, I was contacted by a young
couple one eve in Brisbane. They told me about their grandfather, who was on duty with the Allies in Central China during World War II. Until he died,
he never ceased talking about several encounters he had with members of an extraordinary dwarfish tribe in Central China. According to his reporting,
these dwarfish folks were far smaller than the Pygmies from Africa, who usually grow by 4 ft 8 up to 5 ft. These latest and dramatic news cry for
intensive research work. I have resolved to do my very best to clean up the mysterious incident that happened thousands of years ago in a remote
mountain area in Central Asia. It's the "Chinese Roswell" that demands for enlightenment, as well!