Since 9/11 we have created the Department of Homeland Security and with that we have a new cabinet member.
I have been thinking lately that maybe the structure is not appropriate and the Vice President should be charged with Homeland Security instead.
Here is my thinking. We look at the President as the commander in chief. His primary responsiblity is the saftey of Americans and the defense of the
US. Our Vice President has really very little official duty or power. Since security of the homeland is now critical to any administration why not
have the #2 man in the country in charge of that. You then have the #2 guy talking to the #1 guy and all accountability lies within that realm.
Additionally as the VP is 2nd in line for President in the event he moved into that role he would already have experience in a critical portion of the
It just seems to me that this role would be better suited to the VP. He would command the homeland security forces and intelligence while remaining
visible to the country leading this effort.
Just wondering if others had any thoughts on this idea.
Do you know where Dick Cheney is right now? Neither do I. To the best of my understanding, he is still being kept at undisclosed locations since 9-11.
Do to the threat of greater attacks on the U.S., the President would likely be a target(God Forbid), The VP would need to run the country. So keeping
him in the public view would not make sense from a political standpoint.
VP's are probably the least needed political position in the country, there only reason to be around is in case something happens to the
president.....and to break a tie in congress which doesnt happen all that often.....They basically are figureheads in case of emergencies and thats
BTW, I dont think the VP should be anything but a figurehead.....He doesnt need the aditional power for the simple reason he is there for emergencies,
not to run agencies.