posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 12:22 PM
Here's how you post a screenshot.
Open paintbrush or your fav paint program
Find the "Print Screen" key up above your numeric keypad and press it
Toggle over to your paint program and press 'shift-insert' or Control-v
The image of your screen will be pasted into your paint program.
Crop as needed.
Circle the area or draw an arrow.
Save as .jpg to your desktop (so it's easy to find)
Go to ''
See the 'upload' button.
Make a trash name for your upload like 'dump-1'
Click the browse button and find your file
Click upload.
When the upload is done it will come back, just click on the
Direct Link for Layouts
[ click here]
Then go back to your new ATS message and type
[ img ][ /img ]
Without the spaces...
[ img ]paste here what tiny pic has on your clipboard[ /img ] (without the spaces)
will look like this:
[ img ] [ /img ]