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Give a cop a DVD Month is here... August

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posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by BornPatriot

Its always laughable to see the truther community createa a conspiracy out of why their pet candidate didnt win.
Gee it couldnt be because they simply didnt have enough support or that they are nuts NOOOOOOOOOO it was more deep and sinister then that!
It involved trickery!!!

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by BornPatriot
you mean to tell me -- you haven't given out your first DVD yet...
well get busy man... freedom is free, you have fight and some times die for it... i think a DVD is a short cut to freedom, since they will be our local oppressors....

well gee of course they will!
Dont you think that we should give a cop a really really good porn DVD?
That might win them over to ourside once they are ordered by the supreme NWO council to start randon executions.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by BornPatriot
5 DVD's so far today ... got handed back one from a real NWO'r
today, and I said thank you, at least there is one rogue cop on our local force. and two just smiled and one asked has it came to this, And I said yes, the news media is not telling us any of this... and he was the other rogue cops partner... whew, you should have seen the look on his partners face when he took it out of my hands.. he just sat there rubbing his chin.... see there are real americans in those police cars.. they are ever bit as concerned as we are... they just dont know what to do.... and I can see none of us know what to do... or we would be doing it...

Dont you think thought there is a BIG CHANCE thet the ones who TOOK THE DVD are actually the REAL agents of the NWO?
They would rather blend in and conceal their identity so they would take the DVD so as to not arrouse suspicion
ESPECIALLY your suspicion!
BTW you seem like a rather sharp individual!
YOU are doing a great job!
Please keep up the hard work!

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 11:11 PM
Go easy on the confused kid there Bobert..heh.

Your going to make his noodledome short circuit ..and soon he will resemble that malfunctioning Yule Brenner robot in Westworld.

Bzzrrbt.."nine eleven"...Bzzerrrbt.."inside job"...Bzzerbt..."New World"...Bzzerpt.."Oroooooodoooooor"..crackle..fizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..fin.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 10:08 AM
well opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and well I think we should consider your motives for posting such garbage. at least you have the balls to write it down. thank you, your opinion is noted and judged not worthy of a response.

[edit on 9-8-2008 by BornPatriot]

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by BornPatriot
well opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and well I think we should consider your motives for posting such garbage. at least you have the balls to write it down. thank you, your opinion is noted and judged not worthy of a response.

[edit on 9-8-2008 by BornPatriot]

I appreciate your response!
My handler needs documented proof in order for me to get my NWOBUCKS which I turn in at the end of the month at the NWO STORE.
It is sorta like wharehouse where we spend our NWOBUCKS and get to network with other agents.
Listen they like it when we spice things up and leak some info about this so PM me and i will let you in to the wharehouse!
You cant tell anyone though!

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by TheBobert
I appreciate your response!
My handler needs documented proof in order for me to get my NWOBUCKS which I turn in at the end of the month at the NWO STORE.
It is sorta like wharehouse where we spend our NWOBUCKS and get to network with other agents.
Listen they like it when we spice things up and leak some info about this so PM me and i will let you in to the wharehouse!
You cant tell anyone though!

I love it how believers keep showing how immature they are and that they are living in a fantasy world.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 06:49 PM
OK, sorry I am trying to understand the intent / suggestion of OP.
Are we supposed burn "evidence(?)" to a DVD and distribute to our local Law Enforcement?

Like this:

ME: "Hi Officer, not sure why you pulled me over, was I speeding?"

OFFICER: "No actually.......But that BUCK FUSH bumper sticker on your trunk is Obscene and as a result of the Patriot Act....Illegal. I am going to have to arrest you as an "Enemy Combatant".

ME: "OK, but just to show you I harbor no hard feelings, here is a tasty little DVD I prepared which suggests the US Government involvement and subsequent cover-up of the Terrorist Attacks on 9/11."

OFFICER: "All right thanks. Now, step away from the Prius and put your hands in the air."

ME: "Awesome, I hear Guantanamo is lovely this time of year."

OP, does that work for ya?


[edit on 9-8-2008 by kinda kurious]

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 07:04 PM
Taxi Driver, I notice you fly the Rogue Nation Flag. well tell your boys Thanks But No Thanks.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 07:07 PM
well it aint there yet brother, I would rather it not get there -- how about you..

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 07:14 PM
OK... That's Enough Discussion About Each Other... !!!!

Discuss the Thread and NOT THE MEMBER..

Stay On Topic

Courtesy is Mandatory


We really can have an intellectual discussion and remember the old adage...

"If you don't have something good to say, don't say anything"

Member and Moderator

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by TheBobert
I appreciate your response!
My handler needs documented proof in order for me to get my NWOBUCKS which I turn in at the end of the month at the NWO STORE.
It is sorta like wharehouse where we spend our NWOBUCKS and get to network with other agents.
Listen they like it when we spice things up and leak some info about this so PM me and i will let you in to the wharehouse!
You cant tell anyone though!

I love it how believers keep showing how immature they are and that they are living in a fantasy world.

Please try and stay on topic.
Does ATS have a stalking rule?

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by TheBobert
Please try and stay on topic.
Does ATS have a stalking rule?

Thats funny since your response had nothing at all to do with the topic.

You beleivers need to follow your own rules.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 02:58 AM
I believe that I was addressing born and you are now hear being disruptive.
I think you need to unplug for awhile before a mod steps in and suspends you.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 04:02 AM
I'm not all that keen to have the crap beat outta me and tazered 19 times while I am "resisting" to hand over the "evidence"

I think those COPs who believe stay quiet to avoid ridicule, those that DO believe...well good luck

seriously tho, not a bad crusade

we need more stuff like this across the board

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by _Heretic
I think those COPs who believe stay quiet to avoid ridicule, those that DO believe...well good luck

Yes, its also hard for military and government people to speak out becasue they are often threatened or punished.

I mean look at this statement made by the Army.

Army: Doubting Official 9/11 Story Is ‘Disloyal To The United States’

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:27 PM
Absolutely, but Colon Powell -- I really respect that man.. but now, well I'm not sure anymore. lets say the UN performance has mixed reviews...

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 02:03 PM
time for another advertising Bump...

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