posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 12:38 PM
Since skeptics
failed at my last challenge, I thought I'd issue another challenge
that shouldn't be too hard to win.
Officials are saying
most of Flight 93 was recovered, in which
80% of the plane was found in the pit, thereby officials are saying that most
of Flight 93 burrowed underground.
So for this challenge, you have to
show 3+ pieces of
recognizable plane debris*
being excavated** from the Shanksville "pit."
Tons of photos were taking at the "crash" scene, so this challenge shouldn't be too hard, especially if a "80%" of a 100+ ton Boeing 757 was
supposedly excavated from the pit there.
(*As in obvious it came from a plane and not just unrecognizable pieces of metal, cloth, plastic, etc.
**Being excavated and not just lying on top of the crater before excavation started.)