posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 09:58 AM
As i was watching TV, just before falling asleep last night, i had an thought:
More often than not, John McCain is called things like John McBush, John McSame, but then i realized, in terms of this election and the last, and more
than one similarity, John McCain is better resembled by John Kerry.
Here is a list of their similarities.
- They both share the same first name - John.
- They're both the "under dogs" of their respective elections.
- They've both come under fire for their military records
- They're both pathetic offerings from their political parties as a formidable foe for the opposition. In 2004, all you had to do to beat Bush was
promise safety from the terrorists......John Kerry lost an unintentionally fixed election.
John McCain can't beat a newbie. His campaign strategy, so far, is absolutely horrendous....and he musters little support, in comparison to
- They've worked together on various bills. S. 909: The McCain-Kerrey Bill |
105TH Congress
- Kerry and McCains own supporters are more excited about the V.P. running mate, than the actual contender themselves. John McCain and John Kerry -
meet John Edwards.
- They've both flip-flopped on more issues than a school bus full of cheer leaders at the local Pay-Less shoe store.
- They both completely lack any form, what so ever, of Social etiquette. Numerous references to both men using racial innuendos and sexist remarks
to support their claims. "tar baby" for Kerry and "gooks" for McCain
All of this, really, is only an indication of one thing. That is what is in store for our country.
Conservatives. You may THINK you're voting for another Bush. But you're really voting for another Kerry.
Do you really want John Kerry in the white house?
The man LOOKS insane.
oh well. Its a free country i guess......waste your vote if you want to
©This message should be paid for by the campaign to elect John Mc
bush Cain Cerry we dont know any
[edit on 7/30/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]