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John McCerry??

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posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 09:58 AM
As i was watching TV, just before falling asleep last night, i had an thought:

More often than not, John McCain is called things like John McBush, John McSame, but then i realized, in terms of this election and the last, and more than one similarity, John McCain is better resembled by John Kerry.

Here is a list of their similarities.

  • They both share the same first name - John.
  • They're both the "under dogs" of their respective elections.
  • They've both come under fire for their military records
  • They're both pathetic offerings from their political parties as a formidable foe for the opposition. In 2004, all you had to do to beat Bush was promise safety from the terrorists......John Kerry lost an unintentionally fixed election.

    John McCain can't beat a newbie. His campaign strategy, so far, is absolutely horrendous....and he musters little support, in comparison to Obama.
  • They've worked together on various bills. S. 909: The McCain-Kerrey Bill | 105TH Congress
  • Kerry and McCains own supporters are more excited about the V.P. running mate, than the actual contender themselves. John McCain and John Kerry - meet John Edwards.
  • They've both flip-flopped on more issues than a school bus full of cheer leaders at the local Pay-Less shoe store.
  • They both completely lack any form, what so ever, of Social etiquette. Numerous references to both men using racial innuendos and sexist remarks to support their claims. "tar baby" for Kerry and "gooks" for McCain

All of this, really, is only an indication of one thing. That is what is in store for our country.

Conservatives. You may THINK you're voting for another Bush. But you're really voting for another Kerry.

Do you really want John Kerry in the white house?

The man LOOKS insane.

oh well. Its a free country i guess......waste your vote if you want to

©This message should be paid for by the campaign to elect John Mcbush Cain Cerry we dont know any more.

[edit on 7/30/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:00 AM
you lost me at

They both share the same first name

John is one of the common names in USA.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:03 AM
You know, most of us conservatives don't like him either. I have no idea how he won the primaries because I don't know a single conservative that voted for him.

I haven't decided yet if I'm going to vote against Obama, abstain, or do a write in but I'm leaning towards a write in at this point. You don't really have the right to complain if you don't vote, so that seems like the best way to vote my conscious. I'm considering a write in for my father, he'd make a great president.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by CzErased

I guess that says something Cz........

The first one was meant to be funny in a silly way.

If you refused to read past that part, i said. That says something.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

what i really meant by that is, you pro-Obama anti-McCain campaign just sound silly.

all of it, not just the first part.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by CzErased

Okay. Hindsight is 20/20.

Pro Obama Anti McCain?


I support Obama. Do you think you're the first to realize that?

HOWEVER, this Thread is about McCain. Not Obama.

Care to stick to the topic of John McCerry?

or should i point you in the direction of this post ?

[edit on 7/30/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

well that is my point with your McCerry theory, you twist facts and reality to fit your Obama campaign.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by CzErased

Name one fact that got twisted.

I'm comparing the two men. Not twisting facts.

Furthermore, show me one place, in the OP where i mention Barack Obama.

Oh? I didnt?

Are you sure its not forged and im just lying?

This thread isnt about Obama. Its about McCain.

Again i ask - care to stick to the OP?

You can still stick to the OP and tell me how im twisting facts?
Dont be so presumptuous that im going to stand by and watch you make false claims and then tuck tail and run.

[edit on 7/30/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by BlueTriangle

he won the primaires because he stole the election through vote fruad with the help of the media. i live in SC and was at the myrtle beach debates, no one in SC liked him. They had to bus in a bunch of his supporters for the debate at the last second so he didnt look completely pathetic.

then come vote day with the help of electronic voting machines john mccain somehow wins a state that no one who lived there wanted him to win. never saw a single john mccain sign on the road. hunreads of huckleberry and romeny signs. lots of ron paul signs. heck even a guliani sign or two. no juan mccain signs.

after he won SC that is when he started his "rally"

this election was stolen no if ands or buts. thats why no conservatives like him. becuase we never wanted him in the firstplace.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:37 AM
Ahhh the sound of silence.

Make a claim that im twisting facts, and back it up with nothing.

Nice job.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

do you honestly exspect conservatives to defend juan mccain?
thats like trying to get a bunch of jews to argue with you over you calling hitler bad.

we dont like him anyway.
big whoop.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by TheRepublic
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

do you honestly exspect conservatives to defend juan mccain?
thats like trying to get a bunch of jews to argue with you over you calling hitler bad.

we dont like him anyway.
big whoop.

you dont like him

but you nominated him?

And my logic is flawed?

What has the GOP become?

A bunch of political sadomasochists?

[edit on 7/30/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin
Do you really want John Kerry in the white house?

The man LOOKS insane.

Here's an interesting question. Obviously you don't have to answer if you don't want to...but I'm curious.

Did you vote for John Kerry in 2004? Did you really want him in the white house? The man LOOKED insane.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by BlueTriangle

no actually i didnt vote for John Kerry in 2004.

I opted the write-in.

If you're curious as to my personal voting history in recent years

it went

and soon enough - Obama

I learn from my mistakes, and i offer my deepest apologies to this country for helping get Bush into office the first time.

im only trying to fix my mistakes.

Allow me to say though, that just because i support Obama now, doesnt make me a liberal.

I believe i get to choose my own label, thanks

[edit on 7/30/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:21 AM
That's really scary.
Now I have to choose between Kerry and Carter.
I myself have been looking for the name a good write in candidate, so far no luck.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

you dont like him, but you nominated him?

what part of "stolen election" do you not comprehend?
is it the "stolen" part or the "election" part?

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by TheRepublic

Sounds awfully 2000 democratic of you.


[edit on 7/30/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

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