posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:43 PM
Everyone is different. Everyone has good traits (i.e being considerate, forgiving, friendly, outgoing). Everyone has bad traits (i.e being flaky,
manipulative, mean, annoying). And when people interact, they are forced to deal with both the good and the bad traits of other people. Some people
just can't tolerate other peoples' bad traits which leads to resentment which leads to confrontation which leads to conflict.
A lot of conflict stems from insecurity. Some people feel the need to treat others poorly or talk about others behind their backs to make themselves
feel better. From what I've experienced, a LOT of conflict comes from people talking smack about other people, that person finding out about it, you
know the drill.
I hope you know that you can be intimate with someone who's not a significant other. You can put your trust into a friend, and they can easily abuse
your trust.
And like you said, some people just start stuff because they have nothing else to do and want something to talk about. I've actually met people like
that. It's kind of sad, but it's a sign of immaturity and eventually they'll grow out of it.
And if you don't often get into conflict with people, good for you! I wish I could say the same....