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Member Query - Need Info - Any Help Appreciated

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posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 04:35 PM
In the light of Dr. Edgar's latest statements I am dismayed to find that nearly none of the MSM outlets so amazed at his latest claims even dare to mention that he is not the first Astronaut to publicly denounce NASA for covering up knowledge of Alien contact.

I was wondering, thusly, if some of the more knowledable members among us here could provide a definitive list of Govt. employed Astronauts, Cosmonauts, or Scientists who have publicly claimed knowledge of Alien encounters here on Earth (or in nearby space).

Please list only those employees who's employment with the US or other Govt.'s are not in dispute (i.e. not Lazar)

I. and presumably other members, would be most grateful for this list as it can help provide further weight to discussions surrounding Dr. Mitchell's latest public revelations.

Thank you in advance!

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:42 AM

We can begin I believe with

Gordon Cooper - Astronaut
Edgar Mitchell - Astronaut

J. Allen Hynek - Civilian Scientist working for Project Blue Book

Any more? I am particularly ignorant about the various Cosmonauts and their testimonies.

All professional and amateur UFOlogists here should really try to get this list together to help contextulalize Dr. Edgar's recent testimony - particularly when discussing it with media outlets or other poorly iformed citizens.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Let's also try to keep this list to govt. scientists and astro/cosmo nauts - as although there are many military professionals with excellent first hand accounts - that would make the list to unweildly for a more cursorary discussion of Dr. Mitchell's remarks.


posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 11:05 AM
Here is a link with some who have given statements and such.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by TruthMagnet

Truthmagnet,good post.
Don´t know if this helps but here´s a list of quotes from prominent,high ranking government scientists,academics,politicians and military officials concerning the UFO subject
Theres a few interesting quotes from NASA employees including an intruiging one from atmospherical physicist Lee Hitchen:
Cheers Karl

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 11:31 AM
Most Excellent! - Thank you both for your help!

Although there is an abundance of tremendous information out there on the web for amateur researchers such as myself - I often find it hard to compile it all to present strong arguments when speaking to the uninitiated.

I am hoping that we can come together and perhaps create a well moderated Wiki that will serve as the difinitive encyclopedia for Ufological studies.

This is a great start - thanks!

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by TruthMagnet

TM your welcome,there are some other quite interesting UFO quotes from various highly credible,prominent people here..
..but I don´t know if all have been substantiated.
Also,heres another link which details astronaut encounters with UFOs:
Again,I don´t know if all these incidents have been authenticated but the sheer volume of them is quite intruiging.
I´ve always liked this clip of Buzz Aldrin talking about his UFO encounter on the way to the moon,the footage of the two green spheres he filmed whilst in space can be found at 1:12.
Other links:
As Isaac Koi has mentioned before in some of his posts concerning this subject,authenticating some of the more eyeopening UFO quotations can be fiendishly difficult and you may spend days on the web just to validate one quote-but its interesting anyway
Heres an excellent thread on the subject posted by Esoteric Teacher,some great quotes here:
Cheers Karl
PS You mention Dr J. Allen Hyneck in your previous post,his case is interesting as he initially started his work for the U.S. Government as a major UFO debunker and proponent of the swamp gas/misident explanation.
Yet,after several years extensively and objectively investigating the subject (and arriving at conclusions AFTER dispassionately examining evidence) it appears he completely reversed his position and beleived the UFO subject to be a very real one and fully deserving of scientific investigation.
He´s not the first or the last-the UK Government´s Nick Pope was also hired by the Ministry of Defense to look into the subject,he was at first initially sceptical but after years of impartial research is now a major contributor/author on the reality of the subject.

[edit on 01/12/01 by karl 12]

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet
Any more? I am particularly ignorant about the various Cosmonauts and their testimonies.

Theres some good Cosmonaut/Astronaut quotes here.
It would be interesting to here in the future if theres any eyewitness testimony from Chinese ´Tychonauts´ as well

Cheers Karl

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