posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 04:17 PM
That's right it's that time of the year when your new and blossoming limericks are brought into the open for all to enjoy! Here's a few of mine,
and I warn you, they make NO sense!
There once was a bucket of fish,
That granted your every wish,
I asked for a car,
It was quite bizarre,
But it made a very fine dish!
And as if that wasn't good enough:
A thousand women per day,
Discover their boyfriend is gay,
They scream in sheer fright,
But then overnight,
They find that their man is okay!
Finally, adding insult to injury:
I once saw a man with no face,
Who I guess lived in outer space ,
He attempted to speak,
And after a week,
He was killed by a falling suitcase.
As you might have guessed, these were just made up at random! Does anyone else have any great limericks to share?