posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 09:17 PM
This is really sad IMO. The mad was a corrupt bastard, but he did quite a bit of good for the people of Alaska.
Without him, our state would be shat upon, trampled upon, forgotten about, and raped.
It was time for him to retire anyway. When he calls it the "internets" and talks about it being "like a system of tubes" --
I think
it's time to get your arse into an old-folks home. The man is 86 for god's sake! He barley makes any sense when he talks!
This is big news up here...
The oddest thing about this is that I didn't hear about this until after I got to work. The morning news hadn't gotten a hold of the story.
The night before however, I had a dream in which the Senator was being read a long rap-sheet of charges whilst he just "ignored" the woman.
I began to get really angry and started yelling to everyone that he doesn't care!
I wake up, go to work, then at about 9am AK time I hear about all of this.
I'm pretty creeped out.