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How can you justify voting for Kerry??

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posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 03:34 PM
I'm tired of reading about these tree-hugging liberal democrats rant and rave about John Kerry. Give me a break.
This man has back problems from how much he sways on issues. And crooked? The mans so crooked their going to have to bury him with a cork screw.
"Presidential candidate John Kerry, pressured Congress and the Pentagon to fund a missile system on behalf of a San Diego contractor who years later pleaded guilty to making illegal contributions to Kerry and other politicians, according to the Los Angeles Times,"
Let's look at his care; job training; education funding.... well no (c) sherlock. We have been providing this for a number of years already.
It's like good ole' Rush says, "We're looking at Howard Dean without Howard Dean's charisma or emotional stability. "
So what I want to know is how can you vote for this man.

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by cheshire cat
I'm tired of reading about these tree-hugging liberal democrats rant and rave about John Kerry. Give me a break.
This man has back problems from how much he sways on issues. And crooked? The mans so crooked their going to have to bury him with a cork screw.
"Presidential candidate John Kerry, pressured Congress and the Pentagon to fund a missile system on behalf of a San Diego contractor who years later pleaded guilty to making illegal contributions to Kerry and other politicians, according to the Los Angeles Times,"
Let's look at his care; job training; education funding.... well no (c) sherlock. We have been providing this for a number of years already.
It's like good ole' Rush says, "We're looking at Howard Dean without Howard Dean's charisma or emotional stability. "
So what I want to know is how can you vote for this man.

The lesser of two evils.

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 03:37 PM
You can't be serious. Comin on here in with your repugnant loudmouth, attacking a democrat and quoting a drug addict when we have Shrub the drunk in the white House.

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 03:39 PM
ANYONE who runs against bush ill vote for...

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
You can't be serious. Comin on here in with your repugnant loudmouth, attacking a democrat and quoting a drug addict when we have Shrub the drunk in the white House.

LMAO!! Snap!

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 03:48 PM
Oh, I'm sorry Colonel, I forgot that Kerry is SUCH a saint and that the slutting, toking Clinton did such a wonderful job. Right???lol:
Attacking a democrat is quite easy considering the bullseye they put on their backs.
How can you justify voting for a liar/crooked politician. Sure he was a Vietnam Vet, but the vets won't even vote for him.
Hell if Bush wasn't on the ballot, I'd even take Nader before Kerry

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 03:48 PM
There will be no haven for the repugnant to lie while he plots his nefarious schemes. I will hunt him down everyhwere for the safey and protection of the free world!

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by cheshire cat

Oh, I'm sorry Colonel, I forgot that Kerry is SUCH a saint and that the slutting, toking Clinton did such a wonderful job. Right???lol:
Attacking a democrat is quite easy considering the bullseye they put on their backs.
How can you justify voting for a liar/crooked politician. Sure he was a Vietnam Vet, but the vets won't even vote for him.
Hell if Bush wasn't on the ballot, I'd even take Nader before Kerry

I'd rather have a slutting, toking president than a coke-sniffing, repressed, in the closet faggot like our president and most of your repugnant party!

You think I'm lying?

Have you read this article?


[Edited on 12-3-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 04:01 PM
So, don't come in here like this was some freeper site and think you can bash any democrat you feel like. The Dems have a lot of real firepower here.

Nobody moves and nobody gets hurt.

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 04:04 PM
What's your reason to vote for Kerry.... because he's not Bush?? Why don't you just vote Nader or... let's see, is for all of you Bush-haters.... is there anyone running for the socialist party?
Take a look into Kerry's past voting in the senate.
Keep in mind Rush's problem was personal, not political.
You can bash Rush for the truth... but he's not running for president?

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by cheshire cat
What's your reason to vote for Kerry.... because he's not Bush?? Why don't you just vote Nader or... let's see, is for all of you Bush-haters.... is there anyone running for the socialist party?

1.) Yes!

2.) Because getting Bush out of office is too important to split up the votes of those opposed to Bush. I am voting for whoever is the most likely to beat him. Be it Kerry or a wad of used gum.

We have already seen how bad Bush screwed things let's give someone else a chance.

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 04:12 PM
I've been wondering why all the junior Republicans have been getting so mouthy and covering the smae old same old as if it were new.

Hit post.

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by cheshire cat
What's your reason to vote for Kerry.... because he's not Bush?? Why don't you just vote Nader or... let's see, is for all of you Bush-haters.... is there anyone running for the socialist party?
Take a look into Kerry's past voting in the senate.
Keep in mind Rush's problem was personal, not political.
You can bash Rush for the truth... but he's not running for president?

Damn right. I'd vote for anybody but Bush but anybody means somebody with a CHANCE OF WINNING. If a monkey could do the job better (and he probably could), I'd vote for it.

This Bush is a loser president from a loser background. Everything he's done he's lost at, but needed someone to bail him out...LIKE NOW. His whole career is one where he was GIVEN a leadership position in some enterprise, fouled it up somehow, and needed someone to help him out.

Anmd get this,"Rush's problem was personal, not political."

Look, he needs to go to JAIL like the rest of the criminals! Just like he said! But, wait, he's a drug addict repugnant so he's above the law. Oh, I see.

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 04:33 PM
in holland we have got the problem that rightside (republic) have to take action on things which has been don wrong by leftside.

- all kinds of things prohibited by law where being seen through the fingers of the ones with the job of controlling. example drugs.

- letting to much illegal imigrants in.

- to many asylium searcher in to the Netherlands

my point is in the netherlands now we have a rightside governement things are clearing up there are less imigrants and less applications of asylium a drop of 29 % in one year and there are many other things go much better. sometimes a hardhand is necassery only lefties are against it.

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 04:35 PM
Well, "rightsider," how do the Hollanders like Bush?

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
There will be no haven for the repugnant to lie while he plots his nefarious schemes. I will hunt him down everyhwere for the safey and protection of the free world!

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by Colonel]

safty and protection? i dunno think so. your liberal pals want to donwsize the military! hell we cant even beat china thanks to you people!

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
I'd rather have a slutting, toking president than a coke-sniffing, repressed, in the closet faggot like our president and most of your repugnant party!

You make me sick. You point the finger yet you will sit there and call people sterotype names like "faggot". Fine, how about I call you stupid "N" monkey? I have seen you trash threads claiming people were race baiting, but then you play the same BS game.

You the biggest loud-mouthed hypocrite there is.

Face it, you and all you degenerate kind (yes, I mean Democrats) are nothing but baiters. You try the bait game and point fingers. But don't let the finger point back, or its all "unfair" and "how dare they".

Just like Al Gore...look what you said in another thread "I invented the word "repugnant" for his degenerate party." Now THAT is too funny. Al invented the internet and you invented that word. Maybe that is a clue as to how easily you will lie. It's like second nature to you.

Then you bring out your (oooohhh) sex allegation, which is what it is. What about the fact that there is PROOF of Democratic CRIMES. I have posted for you once, but you conveniently didn't "bring your A game" and let the thread drop. Just like a Democrat, the truth is right in front of you but you'll sweep it under the rug. You probably have a blue dress in your closet too don't you?

"There will be no haven for the repugnant to lie while he plots his nefarious schemes. I will hunt him down everyhwere for the safey and protection of the free world!"
All names. Name calling monkey-boy
dancing with the tin cup again. The world savior! All hail!

See, THAT is where YOU are the twisted one. What makes you think that your the big savior of the free world? Your a joke and a name calling coward, just like your Hypo, I mean Demo-cratic friends. You think YOUR the answer to everybody's problem. The sad part is you don't even have the wit to are the problem.

With people like you, no way Kerry should win.

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 07:19 PM

How can you justify voting for Kerry??


posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 07:45 PM
MarkLuitzen is right...the left go too far...but so does the right. You guys in Holland better watch out, though. Give the right too much room and you'll lose just about every freedom God gave man.

Three cheers for a happy medium...we have a republican congress we need a democrat in the white house and vice versa. I'm not Kerry's biggest fan but just about anyone beats Dubya.

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by Saphronia]

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
I've been wondering why all the junior Republicans have been getting so mouthy and covering the smae old same old as if it were new.

Hit post.

Sorry, I'm not a junior Republican, just about time I speak out. Same old same old?? That's about right. You see the US does indeed have problems, that Bush is trying to fix.
You can't tell me that Clinton left Bush his legacy of a perfect nation, especially after Clinton squandered the treasury on his own wants instead of in the best interests of the nation. It was not Bush who created the problem we have now. It was Saddam Hussein, bin Laden and others; and Clinton made it worse. Personally, I do not want my children to grow up in an America that lives in fear of biological attacks and nuclear war. Bush is trying to ensure that that eventuality does not come to pass; and we, as a nation, should all be right behind him, every step of the way

Search.. Read.. Post, what a concept, try doing a search for John Kerry or Bush and when you finish reading all of the replies let me know. The multitude is outrageous.

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it Voltaire

Thank you for your input. It's about time a voice of reason comes to light.

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by cheshire cat]

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by cheshire cat]

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