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6-legged deer gets new home after dog attack

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posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 04:31 AM
Mods, I had no idea where to put this, move it where you think it belongs please.

This deer was found about 8 miles from my house a few days ago. It was located on Berry College property, which happen to be the world's largest college campus, and the deer are so plentiful there you see them in the fields like cows grazing all day, in herds of hundreds. I am not suprised to see such an anomaly, it suprises me more to NOT see things like this in the area, the backside of the college had a GE plant there, GE of course has pulled out and left town, but they left behind years of toxic waste for us to clean up, there are huge holes being dug, the dirt hauled away, while they try to get, literally, to the bottom of the toxic soup. The street I grew up on, also on the backside of the college, every house had at least one death from cancer. Not hereditary cancers, ones that were picked up from exposure to toxic crap.

edit: sorry I forgot the link:;_ylt=Aj9PlyWtUbBZ4BFNUWm2TrsuQE4F

[edit on 29-7-2008 by space cadet]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 04:56 AM
Guess nobody gives a hoot about a 6 legged deer, or toxic crap causing this kind of anomaly. 'sigh'

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:11 AM
6 legs and it couldn't even run away from a dog. Whats the point of having a couple extra limbs if you can't use them Bambi.......

I shouldn't laugh, poor little thing was probably scared out of its little Bambi mind.

If the deer was in a group it's nice to see that dogs are the same as humans , picking on something different. Its like a person picking on someone with downs syndrome or something.


posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:15 AM
thats what happens when you eat too much GMO corn
your offspring gets extra linbs
stop eating that slop folks

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:07 AM
by the looks of things that deer wasn't exactly at an advantage with those legs. A bizzar example of the effects of toxic waste indeed. i would have expected this to be from the Red Forest near Chernobyl, but hey it just goes to show.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:19 AM
I highly doubt this is a problem with toxicity. It had 2 complete pelvises, and no deformity to normal parts. It was a siamese deer, and the other fawn never developed. It happens.

I hope the little thing gets to lead a good life. It was very lucky to be found. We have thousands of deer near where I live, and sadly, the runts or "different" deer usually are found dead on the side of the road.

I am more saddened to see deer with missing limbs or arrows through their snouts because of bad hunters. I tried to catch a fawn who had had its front leg blown off (probably by a shotgun), but it got away from me and died the next day.

Its nice to see a story with a happy ending, eh?

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:34 AM
Here is the deer in question:

Yea he is probably not going to get away from a dog carrying that load.
I'm glad he found a home.

I wonder if there is a connection to a six-legged deer and the apocalypse?
Must be in there somewhere.

- Lee

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 05:21 AM
I was glad to see some responses to this thread. The deer has now made national news, I saw it on CNN. He will surely have a good life now, and lots of attention!!

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 06:32 AM
Thank you for sharing this with us,
Gosh how cute is that deer! Poor thing getting hurt by a dog and im really glad its got a new home,

Has there been tests on the ground in your area to find the toxic levels there may be? What is the talk in the town about that?

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by asala

We get an 'annual report' in the mail, it updates us as to what the clean up effort is, and GE's participation. At first GE just pulled up and left town, but they were forced back here and now they are assisting in the cleanup effort. I will have to get some pictures of the largest holes they have dug already. My lil sister owned a house in West Rome, she was told the ground was contaminated due to a creek that ran through the property, apparently the creek also ran through the General Electric property too. All the homes along that creek are considered contaminated. At first they told my sis that she would not even be able to sell her home, and that her outdoor pool was not safe. She never used the pool again and moved, but got a letter later for the EPA telling her she could sell the house. No explaination why the change, but there was no kind of cleanup at that point. We know people who lived around the plant that many of them had children with severe disabilities, and a elementary school was located on the edge of the GE property too. I had 2 cousins that lived behind the plant, their family still lives in that house. The cousins were both born retarded and blind. Her parents have yet to associate the two factors.

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