posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 06:43 PM
Yeah, American casualties go underreported, because they exclude a lot of things from the official statistics. Often they don't include friendly
fire incidents or deaths to most things other than direct confrontation with insurgents. This doesn't even include the number of soldiers who have
been maimed in various ways, like those who lose a limb, or like that guy whose story was on ATS recently, who suffered massive burns to his body.
Their quality of life has been severely hampered. And yeah, even including all that, it's nothing next to the Iraqi deaths, which also go
underreported, and most of which are 'collateral damage'.
If the USA is going to wage such an immoral war, the least they could do is TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN SOLDIERS, instead of treating them like
expendables. It seems like those in charge just treat them as another bit of ordnance, like 'oh, we used up 1000 bullets, 500 grenades, 100 tanks,
and 50 young Americans' in that last attack, as if they are worth nothing more than that. I hate this war, but I really have to hand it to these
soldiers who are going through pure hell and getting very little in return.