reply to post by DeadFlagBlues
I agree with you.
And that goes back to what i've been saying all along
You dont really have a choice in a corrupt vs. non-corrupt politician. They're all corrupt - its part of the job description.
So. You have to choose the one who best suits you and what you want.
For me: Thats Obama.
I learned a long time ago (through quite a few elections) that if you choose to cry and moan about the candidates, you'll never be happy. (no
offense intended)
So i learned to accept them for who they are - and vote accordingly.
Is Obama corrupt? Yep. He's a politician.
But he's my kind of corrupt. He not only says things that i agree with, but as an Illinois senator, he's done things that i like.
As a US senator (despite length of time) he's voted for, and officially stated, many things that make me smile.
His out in the open stance AGAINST the iraq war, publically speaking, since the start, gives him brownie points for me.
His approval for a credit card bill of rights, whereas bush and mccain signed them away to the credit card companies themselves, gives more points.
See. McCain and Bush both (along with others) pushed for a bill that makes it almost impossible for a MIDDLE class American to file for bankruptcy.
its easier than ever for the super rich, and even easier for the super poor.
But if you work a decent job, making a living, and something happens to you or your spouse
you're *snip* ed
Bankruptcy is no longer an option for THOSE people, thanks to the likes of McCain.
Conservatives, like mccain, are corrupt after 2 things:
War and Money.
Liberals, like Obama, are corrupt after 1 thing:
Oppose conservatives.
Since i despise most everything conservatives stand for.....i've voting for Obama, until such event that McCain does something to impress ME.
i'm a tax paying citizen, and i vote for whoever does the best for ME. Is that selfish? You bet your ass it is.
And i have every right to be