posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:11 PM
It's pretty obvious that the world is (forgive me George Carlin) goin down the tubes. The depression that America is entering, the corrupt
governments, the stupid wars, police brutality, mindless masses, etc. etc.
Now I am wondering what would happen if a group of people got together and bought an island somewhere and started their own colony where they all just
took care of each other tribal culture style. They wouldn't rely on the "mainland" for anything, would grow their own food and medicine, no
currency all bartering and whatnot, not a government so to speak but more like a true democracy with maybe an elected triumvirate or something, very
tolerant culture, and promoted peace, harmony, and unity.
Now I know that the mainland governments wouldn't care for this too much and would probably start propaganda against it calling it a cult or try an
assassination or something and would probably try to take it over or disallow it somehow.
I would like to know what others here think and if anybody else likes the idea. It is something that I would like to see happen but I'm not sure
exactly how to get the ball rolling. My thoughts were to go out and try to get support from people around the world by hitting up events like the
Burning Man festival or something like that.
Anyway, I realize that it is most likely wishful thinking I would just like to know everyones thoughts.