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Yeti like creature seen in Meghalaya,India

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posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:20 AM
Hot on the heels of the ‘Mande Burung’

Guwahati: The Meghalaya government has been trying to verify claims by local residents of the State’s Garo Hills that they have sighted the ‘Mande Burung,’ a hairy, ape-like giant creature resembling the ‘Yeti’ which is said to inhabit the Himalayan region. We have been trying to ascertain the facts through the Forest Department. So far none of our forest officials has sighted it or come across any evidence to confirm it,” the Chief Minister added.

We have been trying to ascertain the facts through the Forest Department. So far none of our forest officials has sighted it or come across any evidence to confirm it,” the Chief Minister added.

The Achik Tourism Society (ATS) — formed by a group of ‘Mande Burung’ believers — has been documenting tales by local people and signs like “giant foot prints, its hair or impressions on tree and other signs” since 1997. The group has been sending its teams on the trail of the unknown creature whenever they came across news of villagers seeing it in a particular area. Last year, the villagers reported to the ATS that the creature was sighted between Norkek in West Garo Hills and Chokpot in South Garo Hills district.

However, the ATS team which went on its trail could not sight it or record any footprint. Locals, who claim to have sighted ‘Mande Burung’ describe the creature as a big and tall ape-like creature that walks on two legs.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:26 AM
Its a very hilly region covered in forests. You never know what lurks there!

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:36 AM
Very interesting, i wonder if this is the same Yeti that's provided the hair thats being tested in the UK right now? could be.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:38 AM

(ATS) — formed by a group of ‘Mande Burung’ believers — has been documenting tales by local people and signs like “giant foot prints, its hair or impressions on tree and other signs” since 1997. The group has been sending its teams on the trail of the unknown creature whenever they came across news of villagers seeing it in a particular area. Last year, the villagers reported to the ATS that the creature was sighted between Norkek in West Garo Hills and Chokpot in South Garo Hills district.

Oh, the irony.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:10 PM

Very interesting, i wonder if this is the same Yeti that's provided the hair thats being tested in the UK right now? could be

I guess it is.

British scientist hopes for 'yeti hair' breakthrough

Lawson was given the hairs by yeti believer Dipu Marak, who retrieved them them in dense jungle in the Meghalaya state of India after a forester allegedly spotted the creature on three consecutive days in 2003.


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