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Anyone on Dr. Atkins?

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posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by snowflake_obsidian

Yeah that's bad when the 'At-kids' get in yer face about their eating. There's a tendency to be a proselytizer. Sorry about that.

Did you know the body makes its own cholesterol?

I only eat cheese and dairy sparingly. I also don't eat red meat but maybe 10 times per year, and the rest is fish, seafood (some of which is also "high in cholesterol"), and some chicken.

On temporary maintenance I'm tending towards more of a vegetarian type diet, but still with a least 0.8gm of protein/lb per day.

I'm going to start adding a super-green segment, including cuckes, spinach, broccoli (which I eat by the pound) and green peppers and kale plus shots of wheat grass.

I also consume a lot of watermelon and cherries. I go through about 1-2 watermelons per week. (again, that's just me). Also it's supposedly not indicated for the initial phases of a 'low carb' based diet. After you hit maintenance weight it might work, but for some LC peeps it might not...maybe causing carb cravings again, IDK.

Sorry to hear about your fiance. Is he on statins and ACE inhibitors if you don't mind saying?

2 cents

[edit on 29-7-2008 by Badge01]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Badge01

He is on a drug called Lisinopril but I can't remember if that drug is for the high blood pressure or the cholesterol or both.

His diabetes educator actually told him that as a diabetic he can have up to 60 grams of carbs per meal and good carbs such as veggies and whole grains help his situation, especially with the high cholesterol.

They have cut all his meds in half since his blood sugar has been consistently normal since he found out he had diabetes, without cutting out all carbs so I think he is doing pretty well.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:07 AM
Here's my current and planned anti-bad cholesterol, anti-plaque build up plan:

It's a work in progress and I invite anyone to add factual data to it or to redirect me if I have let a 'factoid' creep in.

I think it's relevant to this topic since there are claims that eating 'LC' or Atkins can raise cholesterol. (mixed results occur, afaik).

Fish oil caps
Cayenne Caps (40,000 HU) 1x per day

Green leafy vegetables
extra virgin cold pressed Olive Oil (I'm trying to locate Bariani's)
Here's a link to that and an in depth article on the truth behind 'extra-virgin'.

Planned Supplements:
Natto-K by enzymedica -
Still researching claims...
Garlic supplements (I used to take these all the time, but had stopped). (anyone know the best brand?)

Doppler scan of the neck arteries (Planned for next week)

I really do not want to take statins. For one thing the side effects though maybe rare are thought BY SOME to be very dangerous. (RLS).
If you have any liver problems, statin use can be extra dangerous (perhaps/speculation).
If my doppler comes back positive I may be forced to take them, but I'm still trying to convert over to a Mediterranean type diet, and want to give it another month before I submit to 'big Pharma' remedies.

Also my doc is giving me a rough time looking at me like I'm already in a coffin and told me the last time I visited if I didn't start taking these I'd have a heart attack 'for certain' and I'm in some super-dangerous group. I'm having another test next week so at least we have two data points. If it drops significantly, then I'll continue with the diet and supplements approach and retest every two months.

If my diet and weight loss plan works and if the Doppler is low, I plan to mock him openly.
(j/k) Finger's crossed. I'm getting tired of being told I'm already in the box and the grave diggers poised. (sheesh)

One thing he forgot to consider is that he's basing this doom-and-gloom comment on the results of ONE cholesterol test. Not a series of tests with a doppler confirmation, mind you, but ONE test and without trying a diet shift. (Though I did go ahead and lose nearly 70lbs).

[edit on 29-7-2008 by Badge01]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by MrMysticism

Thanks for the edit. I'll keep that in mind.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by MrMysticism

That quote has several inaccuracies
o gorging on fats and meat is no longer done - calories matter;
o absence of fiber? C'mon, At-kids all eat psyllium and flax seeds;
o kidney scarring? Please. People with previously existing, or current kidney disease should not be on a LC diet without MD supervision.

Plus most of the more 'extreme' restrictions are only done for 2 weeks.

As you've seen, many people use a modified LC, TKD, PSMF and other regimes.


[edit on 29-7-2008 by Badge01]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:13 PM
Hey Whaaa I'm on a diet myself...

I am cursed beyond all genetic good fortune.
Last november I was exercising about an hour and a half a day everyday for 35 days
and eating at about half my normal calorie level. I ate heavy on thanksgiving and thats it....

Dude I lost nothing, I looked a bit more toned but I could not lose to save my life.

I do know two things that have worked for me in the past both Atkinsesqe .

One is the unofficial Mayo clinic diet... I lost ten pounds in five days once but I felt like killing...

Second is a NO bread, pasta, sugar, chips diet which I am doing now.

With both I feel starved about and hour after eating which is very strange.

Both consist of Protein, veggies and anything that will help you succeed that is non carb.


Believe it or not on either diet I start to lose very quickly, but it effects my mood so much it is very hard to commit...

here the unofficial Mayo clinic diet -- All I know is that it has worked for me thats all I know.

scroll down past the warnings... Try it for a couple of days, it couldn't hurt...

good luck!

[edit on 2-8-2008 by mental modulator]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:23 PM
Thanks for that MM! I'm still carb/sugar free for week 2 but still at a steady 175. I'm not a big guy and should be at about 155.
What I like about Atkins is that I don't feel hungry and my spirits are good.
Junk food made me cranky. Must be what they called the Sugar Blues.

Thanks all for your fine information and support.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
Thanks for that MM! I'm still carb/sugar free for week 2 but still at a steady 175. I'm not a big guy and should be at about 155.
What I like about Atkins is that I don't feel hungry and my spirits are good.
Junk food made me cranky. Must be what they called the Sugar Blues.

Thanks all for your fine information and support.

Thats not very fun...???
Losing is a pain!!!
How old are you? I only ask because I have read an article on age and metabolism...

I myself am 235 pounds of viking power. Unfortunately the power is all coated with a nice layer of nordic blubber

I should be about 190-200... I'm 28... So my metabolic rate has not completely flat-lined yet which is a plus ( the sugar free kool aide shinning through).

Anyways I also wanted to mention cinnamon, grape fruit both are supposedly thermogenics with help normalize blood sugar.

I will check back to see if you have made any headway...

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by whaaa

Well, I could help you but you gotta ask.

Chances are you're making a simple, but fundamental error on the diet.

How many calories are you eating now? (U2U me if you don't want to say on the forum).

How are you tracking your calorie intake or are you?

Can you cut and paste what you ate for one day or U2U it to me?

Otherwise, hang in there, and good luck!

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by Badge01

I'm askin Badge01. I'm not calorie counting. Perhaps my snacking on peanuts has pushed me over the line. My meals seem small ex. breakfast, 1 egg and 1 sausage, similar for lunch and a big salad with cheese for dinner.

And I'm walking about an hr. a day.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

From that link:

This is a copy of the fad diet - and it IS NOT RECOMMENDED. Representives from the Mayo Clinic have disavowed this diet. From the Medical Edge Newsletter July 2005:

"Versions of a Mayo Clinic Diet have been circulating for decades. Most push grapefruit, eggs, cabbage soup or meat and promise dramatic weight loss. None of these diets is associated with or has been endorsed by Mayo Clinic."

The nutrition isn't that great:

Macro breakdown:

Not sure you read that.

The 'Fad' Diet listed calculates out to about 2000 calories if the meat is no more than 4 thick slices of roast beef lean, or two 10 oz tenderloin steaks. So if you're under 170 lbs you probably won't lose weight (or lose less than 1/2lb per week) unless you eat smaller portions.

FYI, YMMV. Good luck you guys!

[edit on 3-8-2008 by Badge01]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by whaaa

OK, how many handfuls of peanuts are you eating per day?

If you really get 'stuck' you may have to 'track' calories for maybe two or three days or up to a week.

You can just send me what you're eating and I can calculate for you.

Thing is, if you're only estimating, then my analysis is only as good as your accuracy.

Let's start out with as accurate a gauge of the amt of peanuts you are eating on a typical day. Give me the numbers off the can/bag or give me a weight in ounces (say you go through a large jar in two-three days) Then I can give you a rough idea where you are.

[edit on 3-8-2008 by Badge01]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 01:33 AM
In case you don't get back, here's a sample breakdown for peanuts.

First most people don't realize how small a 'cup' of something is.

But a cup of plain peanuts is:

Amount Per 1 cup, NFS
Calories 848.26
Calories from Fat 647.8

So, say you are getting about 1500 calories from your B, L, D estimates but you have a handful of peanuts twice a day. Or say you have a half a cup, but several times a day and you don't count.

You could easily be getting 1600 additional calories, putting you above maintenance for your weight.

Now make those nuts macadamias:
Amount Per 1 cup
Calories 962.12
Calories from Fat 922.83

Those are specifically suggested by Atkins, so you can see the calories will really pile up.

Many people say, no problem, because on the low carb your appetite will eventually decrease until you aren't eating that many nuts. But for some it doesn't decrease that much.

Also people will snack on things besides peanuts, such as beef jerkey and dark chocolate. Those calories start to add up.

Finally people will do strange things on diets and it's not their fault, really - they're not aware of what they're doing.

One lady had a problem losing weight even though she ate well below calorie cut off and tracked her foods obsessively.

Finally when pushed it was discovered that she was eating 1500-2000 calories she wasn't reporting. Why? Well she ate after midnight and since that was the next day, she didn't write them down on the current day's total. By the time the next day rolled aroud, in the morning, she started a new sheet or page and thus missed recording any of that 2000 calorie binge from 12 am to 2am.

Funny but true.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 12:19 PM
I'm glad I found this thread. Great Information already.

reply to post by snowflake_obsidian

I have a question. Is your fiance a Type I or Type II?

If you want an alternative to the Atkins Diet, check out the Rosedale Diet. This diet was designed by one of the first doctors to discover the hormone Leptin and it is based on increasing leptin and insulin sensitivity. This is why it's so good for type 2 diabetics. Hell, it's good for nearly everyone.

One thing you should keep in mind, snowflake, a diet that is high in dietary cholesterol does not necessarily produce high blood cholesterol. It's important to understand what really causes your cholesterol to rise and seeing that your fiance is diabetic, I can almost guarantee that Insulin is the reason for his high cholesterol and blood pressure.

The best way to treat his high cholesterol and blood pressure is to treat insulin itself.

His high blood pressure is more than likely contributed to his Insulin Resistance, that is if he is a type 2 diabetic. Insulin stores magnesium and if your cells are resistant to insulin, they become magnesium deficient. That intracellular magnesium relaxes your muscles and if you don't get enough, your blood vessels constrict, which in turn increases blood pressure.

It's kind of a lot to swallow.

Also, the reason why people gain weight after dieting is mainly due to calorie restriction. When you restrict your calories below your RMR(resting metabolic rate), as soon as you go back to eating normal, your body will store even more fat in response so that it's ready for another "starvation", so to speak.

But really guys, the main problem here comes about when your body starts to become resistant to Ieptin and Insulin.

I have so much more to contribute, I'll save it for later.


posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Badge01

Wow, thats a funny story. Jesus! 2000 calories in 2 hours, she must've been eating double cheeseburgers!

I would definitely stay away from all those peanuts. Instead, I would eat macadamia nuts or Almonds. Man, I love me some almonds. All of those wonderful Mono-Unsaturated Fats.

Edit: By the way, if any of you guys need some exercise and nutrition advice, I happen to be an Exercise and Nutrition Counselor/Personal Trainer. I would love to help give some direction to some fellow members here. Just shoot me a U2U.

[edit on 4-8-2008 by DevolutionEvolvd]

[edit on 4-8-2008 by DevolutionEvolvd]

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Badge01

Just say "NO" to cholesterol lowering drugs. Lower your blood sugar and Insulin levels and you should have normal Cholesterol.

When you take cholesterol lowering drugs, they inhibits your CoQ10 production. What is CoQ10, it's involved with energy production in your cells. When you are CoQ10 deficient, your muscles feel heavy. And guess what, your heart is a muscle too. What is the main reason for lowering cholesterol? To prevent a heart attack or stroke. Unfortunately, by treating a symptom, high cholesterol, we are in affect making the problem worse.

It's kind of like when you go to the doctor for a cold. Usually, you get a decongestant. But why? That's just a symptom of being infected by a cold virus. So in treating the symptom, the sickness is prolonged. Same concept.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 07:47 PM
I'm almost embarrassed to tell how many peanuts a day I was eating.
It must have been close to 2 cups o nuts if not more. I guess I shouldn't
be surprised that Atkins didn't work.

I will be much more diligent in my diet starting now.

Thanks for all the advice and input all.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

Yes, I have some inkling that statins are just bad for you, but haven't done a lot of research on them since I don't plan on taking them.

Here's what I'm doing now, if you'd care to comment.
1. keeping my weight down to under 190lbs;
2. eating oatmeal and a tblsp of extra virgin Bariani's olive oil 4-6 times per week;
3. taking cayenne supplients (1 per/day 40,000hu);
4. Carlson's fish oil cap 1000x4/day;
5. high allicin garlinase tabs 1/day (enteric coated);
6. several cups of fruit per day (watermelon, cherries, green apples;
7. 30 min exercise per day (sometimes 2x/day) 7 days per week;
8. infrequent consumption of red meat - mostly fish, seafood, protein powder protein sources;
9. lower fat consumption (30-60gm/day);
10. broccoli, greens 2-4x/week.

Any others?

Does it make any sense to take CoQ10 supplements? Isn't it degraded in the stomach? If not what sources/amounts?

Can you give a link on the statin CoQ10 link of which you refer?


posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 08:38 PM
whaaa, I just started a diet, a Raw Vegan diet, you can learn more about it on my thread in this forum title Best Diet Ever!!!.
I've seen a high success rate and pretty much nothing bad coming from it.
It's a complete lifestyle change though, not just some instructions to follow, you have to do a lot of the research yourself and there are plenty of friendly folks to help you along the way.
Look into it and give it a try if you feel it's the right thing for you.


posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by Badge01

Yeah, CoQ10 is supplemented by many, especially the elderly and sick. It's my opinion that if statin drugs are the cause of this deficiency though, ridding yourself of that drug and fixing cholesterol through your diet would be the best way to alleviate the problem altogether.

Stain Drugs & Coenzyme Q10 Depletion

There are 15 published trials on statin-induced CoQ10 depletion in humans. Of these 15 trials, nine were controlled trials, eight of which documented significant CoQ10 depletion. Statin-induced CoQ10 depletion has been shown to be associated with a fall in left ventricular function, an elevation of lactate to pyruvate ratio and an enhancement of LDL cholesterol oxidation. The current data on diastolic dysfunction further confirms the clinical importance of this drug-nutrient interaction.

You Do Not Want Statins In Your Body!

#2 is great if you eat that oatmeal after a workout or for breakfast.

#3,4,5,10 are great! But more vegetables.....lots more....

#1 is useless unless I know your Height.......

#6 I would suggest eating less fruit and eating more vegetables as snacks. Or instead of watermelon, eat grapefruit.

#8 Red meat is great as long as it is grass fed and not grain it's really up to you. If you do eat it though, go with the leaner choices.

#9 what is your carb/protein/fat ratio?

and #7 I have a problem with this one. Because judging by the frequency of your exercising, I'm guessing that you are doing mainly aerobics training. That is, Jogging. Right? Are you doing any resistance training? What exactly does your exercise consist of?

Also, I would try to add more nuts to your diet.......Mono-Unsaturated Fats. Avocados and Almonds and other healthy nuts. You're already getting some from your Olive Oil but this will help you during those snack times between meals.

Hope this helps!


Edits: For clarification, spelling, grammar.

[edit on 5-8-2008 by DevolutionEvolvd]

[edit on 5-8-2008 by DevolutionEvolvd]

[edit on 5-8-2008 by DevolutionEvolvd]

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