posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:59 PM
This may be a case of selective recognition on my part, but it seems to me that the number of UFO reports involving Very Large Craft has been
increasing over the last 5-10 years.
If this perception is accurate, could this fact signal a change, or furhter development, in "contact" strategy?
Admittedly, it would be naive in the extreme, and potentially dangerous to boot, to assign human social characteristics to thoroughly non-human
entities; however, lacking a viable alternative, I'm forced to submit the following as an example:
I believe that it can be successfully argued that no "first contact" between human cultures, resulting in long-term, peaceful, and mutually
beneficial relations, has Ever followed from the more advanced civilization parking the technological equivelent of an "aicraft carrier" in
the "home port" of the less advanced civilization.
Such an act has been, and most likely would be, interpeted as an act of dominent intent, if not out-right aggression.
Successful first contacts have generally been the result of small parties, primarily tasked with exploratory missions, making contact on a
"one-to-one" basis, often furtively at first. Then, as the two cultures became more comfortable with each other, larger and more "formal"
introductions were arranged, often culminating in exhibits of wealth and power as demostrations of "honoring" the other culture.
Granted, this is a simplification of the process, and a rather "rosy" view of human interaction over the centuries. One could argue that there has
never been an instance in human history wherein two distinct cultures, not separated by time, has been able to maintain peaceful and beneficial
relations indefinately.
Throughout recorded history the appearance of UFO's has, I believe, generally been described on a very "human" scale: even what would have then
been considered a large UFO would have been described as being "as big as a barn" or a "flying palace".
Most UFO's are described as being far mor modestly sized: the size of a car, "as wide as the road", "a few hundred feet long".
But in the last few years there has been a notable increase in the size of the strange objects folks are reporting. Airline pilots over the English
channel reported a mile long UFO a few years back. More recently, Ricky Sorrels of Stephensville, TX reported an object hovering a few hundred feet
above his head that was so large he "couldn't see the edges" of the object, it virtually blotted out his view of the sky above him.
If the anecdotes are to be believed, and we now have the opinion of no less a cultural icon than a former Apollo astronaut (Dr. Edgar Mitchell)
telling us that those anecdotes are likely true, Earth has been under the scrutiny of alien intelligence(s) for decades, if not millenia.
Could the recent, more frequent appearance of "The Really BIG Ships" be a signal that our "visitors" have changed how they intend to
"contact" us?