posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 02:10 PM
I think there is entirely too much time wasted on the question of "Do aliens actually exist?"
So, lets pretend for a minute that all the people who have had some sort of contact or sighting of something unconventional in this world does in fact
actually exist and those people are not crazy.
So, I guess maybe we could try to make a few observations and see where that leads us. Taking out all the pre-conceived notions that the average joe
may have about these aliens, maybe we could try (as a community) to understand a little bit about "them." Lets try to see if the physical features
(that are commonly associated with these beings) can shed any light on their habits & customs (if any), sexual orientation (if any), emotions &
personality traits (if any) and/ or desires & wants (if any).
And then maybe go into the features and settings of some of the sightings and "encounters" themselves i.e. the physical surroundings, the reported
mental state of the abductee and the experience/ interaction with the "beings."
All opinions are welcome, but if you are in the profession of anthroplogy and have an educated guess to any of these qustions please chime in! Same
thing with any psychologists. I think it is fair to say your opinion might be welcomed by the rest of us.