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What is effecting us all?

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posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:33 PM
I think alot of this has to deal with diet and stress

alot of people are stressed from money, job, relationships

diet, we as a whole are eating more and more crappy and not what our bodies really need

headaches, can cause insomnia, which can cause nightmares which can cause aches and pains which can cause frustration and or irritability

its all cyclic, its knowing where and how to stop that cycle

Im not compeletly vegan but I try hard to watch what and how I eat, granted my downfall is wine and beer, which usually makes me tired

I do have sleepless night sometimes, do to the 2 cats we have and their internal nocturness

or either from stress i have re money or relationship stuff, i still havent found a sure fire way to deal with my stress right there on the spot and sometimes i bottle it in only to blow one day

and in that stress is where my headaches come from

i honestly dont think this is a huge conspiracy to make the whole world tired and etc

we need to start with ourselves and treat our bodies how they were meant to be treated, its like a machine and if you dont keep it oiled itll get out of whack and act funny

so many factors are involved in the body, we are complex machines with many boody systems and they all need to be calibrated

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by Duality

I agree. I feel great. I feel strong, happy, clear, focused. But I also work out, read and frequent farmers markets whenever I can. Oh, I also selectively read ATS. If you read everything here, your anxiety levels are bound to skyrocket.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by pondrthis

get a multimeter,set it on 2 volts DC. an left thumb and index finger negitive or positive,other hand/fingers othehr probe,and squeeze real hard.
Humans put off .029~.190 volts dc,u can increase this amunt through visualzation and will,not a great increase,but noticable.And on a side note there are many things that run on that small of a amount of power.
this is the concept behind touch on lamps and such,ur dc volts activate a zener diode and allow the greater electricity to flow,Many future human divices will be activated by the bioelectric field we produce.The movie the matrix is a movie,but the information of how much energy a human produces through electromagnetic,and biothermal energy is correct.
tesla done many experiments with human holding lightbulbs and lighting them for the energy flow of the human in relation to the high voltage feild produced by high frequancy ac.
For example human bone has a peizoelectric effect,not as high on the scale as say quartz,but the peizo electric charge is present.We human run or tighten the muscle system they squeeze on the bones which are encircles in muscle.The electrical charge emmited transfers through our body and we feel this,some as a runners high,or just well being and peacefulness,this is why exercise can be important,i should say also the bio thermal energy produced also helps in eradicating harmfull bactira and such,much like a fever is for.
Blood pumping through your vain's squeezing the bones slightlly in a rythmic fashion gives your body its electromagnetic charge,wich is used to fire nurons,and basic information assimilation.That why u die when ur blood stops pumping most times,the use the paddles on u in hospital to try to give your body a charge to start the heart,which starts the bloodflow,and in turn starts the internal peizoelectric system.
Now there is also the enviroment that effects us,for example.Next time u see a big storm comeing take off your shoes,and stand barefoot in the ground and watch the storm roll in,be aware of how u feel while this happens.Mostlikely (lest from my expirance,and anyone i have spoke with) you will feel mmm static,or energy riseing,and in reality there is,that way storm are storms,hot cold charged mass'a colliding.
the point of this expiremnt is to show your potential,electricly,tesla loved the one electrod potental machines. basicaly the air is a capasitor of .25 Fairdays,the ionisphere is +charged ions being charged by cosmic rays from space,the earth is a -negtively charged mass,collecting electrons from matter.Lighning occurs when the POTENTIAL of the earth and the ionsphere rise so high as to break down the capasitance of the air,craeting a spark gap I.E lightning.there is energy around ous everywhere this isnt a disputable fact,and as any transformer works on magnetic principles and coil winding #'s i.e. directed mass,so to does the human body.just as a electric motor we live within 2 strong magnetic fields of north and south.These magnetic fields are produced by the earth mass,and are tuned to a freq. = to 12.5~13 Hz, meaning the magnetic flux transforms its energy into electromagnetic energy by magnetic induction through the earth -negative charge, ionsphere +charge system which relflects this in 12.5~13 Hz.
Ok now that you understand that,and if you dont,please read tesla' work or marconii and you will understand the earths magnetic/electromagnetic transformer system better.
ok next post ill talk about they outside manmade effects

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by HatTrick
If you read everything here, your anxiety levels are bound to skyrocket.

with alot of posts ive seen here, isnt your remark the truth

people on edge over certain subjects, i think its the passion of enjoying info like this that can elevate body systems into such a manner

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:51 PM
Every day, 2.2 million Americans complain of being tired. Most of us chalk it up to having too much to do and not enough time to do it in, especially during extra-busy periods. But often the true culprits are our everyday habits: what we eat, how we sleep, and how we cope emotionally.

I agree with several posters here. It has to do with stress, how we eat, our habbits (ie:do we stay up too late, do we leave a light on when sleeping etc.). I think it also has to do with humanity learning to cope in just a couple generations here with a whole new lifestyle.

Tips that should help:
Have breakfast... even if you don't feel hungry
Eat every three to four hours. (very small portions, not a giant meal)
Fill up on more fiber.
Fuel your brain with omega-3s.
Stay hydrated, with clean healthy water not full of flouride etc.
Watch caffeine intake after noon.
Energize Your Spirit (does not have to be christian/etc.
Splash some water on your face or take a shower when you're feeling burned-out.
Suit up in a "power" outfit to beat the blahs.
Vent your feelings in a healthy manner, don't keep things bottled up.
Turn on some tunes.
Let go of grudges.
Take belly breaths, relearn to breath.
De-clutter a corner as clutter can be emotionally exhausting/depressing.
Do some good as acts of altruism can lend a little pep to your step.
Get a Restorative Rest
Cut back on TV and computer time after 8 p.m. If you're already a night owl (you go to bed late and sleep in on weekends), the bright light emitted from television and computer screens can make falling asleep at a decent hour even harder. The reason: Light suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone secreted at sunset that tells the brain that it's nighttime.
Hide your alarm clock. Watching the clock to see how long it's taking you to drift off or how much time you have left before your alarm goes off can result in a poor night's sleep.
Give your pet his own separate sleeping space. At night, pets snore, jiggle their tags, move around a lot, and even hog the covers and bed space.
Lower the thermostat.
Skip the nightcap.
Follow the 15-minute rule. If you can't fall asleep, or if you wake up and can't get back to sleep within about 15 minutes, get out of bed and do something relaxing that will help clear your head. Otherwise you can become more anxious "waiting" to fall asleep.
During the day write down your worries, it helps relieve them to "put a name to them".

LOL Now that I have said all that, I am always exhausted, to the point of sometimes getting dizzy spells and nausea while trying to continue my day. I am always in pain, which makes you tired.
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was explained as being the culprit in my case.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:04 PM
Ok now for outside effects,the a/c power grid, effects your electromagnetic system through phase cycling at 60Hz,around every power line is a electromagnetic field,some have use this effect to use magnet induction to steal power till they where tracked down.This constant 60Hz cycling on a manmade spiderweb across the globe isnt helpfull,It about .2 cycles out of phase with the earths electromagnetic field,if you know how to make coils u also know that there has to be a relation in freq,to make the coils function with a certin outcome.divide 60 by 12.5 and u see the slight phase diffrence.Not enough to cause immediate effect but overtime the standing waves produced create a interferance effect from the 2 electromagnetic systems.So you ask what does this mean?It mean it creates disharmony,your body is aware of this and reacts to it,they ways it reacts realy depend on geography and the concentration of the disharmony,citys always the worst.Ergo the concept of going to the woods,or nature camping,peace u feel in the woods away from the electric grid ect.
another factor is one highlighted by telsa,and used by the goverment today,dealing with scaler tiny areas where the wave interferance is greatest the devolope microscopic areas of destructive force.These can devolope anywhere and are at the atomic level,even in you head or body they devolope.Theses cause shutdowns or injury to parts of you on a subatomic level slight ,but the accumulated effects can manifest in diffrent way.Like people seeming to turn into animal like behavor,as if part of there brain was shutdown,or cancerus disese's liken to radation sickness.
Now you ask What can i do?Well first i would suggest moveing somewhere quit,but that isnt alway possable.The other thing i would tell you is to increase your potental,much like a telsa model.It sounds corny ,but there is a reason all great spiritual teachers taught about good will,love ,peace can raise your potental though positive actions,and thoughts,there by increaseing the possable flow of energy from around you,this isnt religion,or hearsay,thsi is the facts of the electromagnetic world we live in.All the motors we have all the electrical things we have everything works on this same principle,only we have made a phase interuption freq. with the earth electromagnetic sphere,and this effects us on many levels.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000

I quit buying junk foods like pop and cookies and chips. Also i quit fast food completely and within a months time i noticed i had more energy and within 2 months time i had lost a considerable amount of weight. I now excersise regularly.

Don't take this the wrong way I am not trying to call you out or bait you but you're making the point about eating right and excercising in yet another "I am tired so therefore we are being controlled" conspiracy thread...

Like somehow we all didn't already know that eating junk food and being a couch potato was unhealthy. This is not news at all. Eat right and you'll feel right.

As for the rest of this fun bunch...
I don't get this.. those who are tired, unhealthy or depressed flock to threads like this to claim, they too, feel the same way!! You're looking for answers without actually looking for answers.

Why are so many of you hell bent on blaming a third party instead of looking at yourself???

Depression is a powerful thing, lack of self worth, lack of self importance.. all bad. It'll make you "feel" tired, worthless and more. It's not something in the air/water/twinkies

Poor diet is also BAD FOR YOU.. Eat junk, feel like crap, simple.
No excercize, feel like crap.. simple.

For the TV hater crowd...
Too much TV is also bad for you and it isn't because you are being controlled, it's eyestrain, lack of cognitive thought and general laziness.. It doesn't require any thought at all to watch reruns of Three's Company no matter how Crissy looks in her sweaters.

Repeat after me.. the TV is a stupid box, not a mind control device... the TV is a stupid box, not a mind control device...

The advertisers want to get you to buy stuff so they come up with jingles, visual candy and absurdly beautiful people to sell it to you.. if you think it's a conspiracy, it is... only not the kind you think. It is not evil, it is not out to get you, it is out to SELL to you.

I swear some of you look so hard for answers that are right in front of your faces. It's really sad.

Here you go.. instant solution to your tired/depressed/fat/lazy/lonely self (if so afflicted)

1. Eat fruit for breakfast, veggies and fruit for lunch, fish/chicken/veggies for dinner.
2. Go for a long walk every day (or a jog or bike ride)
3. Turn off TV (or computer) for a few hours and go OUTSIDE.
4. Talk to someone in person instead of posting on ATS (novel idea.. eh?)

Most Importantly....
5. Stop watching the news and reading the paper (and ATS Doom and Gloom posts) for ONE week.

6. Go to Doctor if 1-5 doesn't help.

Case in point (for # 5), I was feeling crappy before I went on a business trip this week, I had one hour to read the news and ATS.. one hour in a full week.

I felt SO MUCH better not reading the doom and gloom we are subjected to every day.. the politcial baiting,, gotchas and one upman ship. I eliminated the 6 oclock news and the Reddit diet I was on and in one week I felt great again.


posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:40 PM
I think I know what's effecting everyone here. It's the fact that since all of you are on the computer so much you are getting tired because of it! I'm being serious here. The computer energy draws you over to the computer and when you find yourself stuck in the blackhole that is ATS you really can't get out of it. What do I recommend you do?

I recommend that you take walks. Take a 15-20 minute walk each day. Try to get outside. Try anything.

Take some vitamins. I bet there are vitamins that would give you an energy boost.

Stop blaming the world's/the us's food supply. There are a lot of healthy foods out there. I guess since I don't eat processed foods that much I'm not tired like the rest of you. Eat more organic foods. They are great.

Don't eat unhealthy foods. Drink more water. Don't drink liquids that make you feel nauseated.

If you're a smoker try cutting back on smoking. This could be one of the reasons why you are depressed.

Don't blame your feelings on the rest of society. Just because you feel some way and someone else feels another doesn't mean that it's the government that's doing that to you.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by mirador

Mirador has an excellent point. My son is a diabetic and when his diet changed, it was just easier for the whole family to get on board: Healthy food, exercise and at least 7-8 hours of sleep. That was 14 years ago. Well... my son grew up and moved; and we got junk food back in the house.

Little by little, motivation deteriorated and the TV replaced exercise. The result was: symptoms of fatigue, insomnia, a feeling of "withdrawal", irritability, sense of impending doom, etc. My daughter was the one to first tie the recent change in diet and exercise to the way we were all feeling. No more junk food and TV, more exercise, healthy meals, and rest. Symptoms improved in less than 2 weeks.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 10:03 PM
I read in a book that flouride has been used by elites to dumb down the population so that we're easier to control. Could that be it? Could it be what's in our water supplies?

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

Running is the cure to all this that is happening to us. We are being bombarded tby all this shady machinery of the government. Its difficult.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:24 AM
Live, laugh, and love one is the only method to relieve this feeling.

Forgive yourself for anything you've done wrong and forgive others for doing wrong (either to you or to others).

Sleep at night knowing you have a place to sleep. Don't think of sleeping but just do it. Fade away into the night and not worry about tomorrow. Do not worry about war or rumors of war. Put your faith in the love for something greater then you love yourself.

Let go of anger, hate or jealousy. Take a break from something and do something else. Find the person you are meant to be not what society tells you to become.

When you find yourself hating others for no reason think of something that was done to you and forgive and let go of the hate.

Often what we see in others we dislike within ourselves. When we see the good in others even if they should do others wrong...we become aware of ourselves. That we are more then just pieces of biological cells slapped together. That we are more then just one planet...more then just a government.

Free your mind and let go of anger by not giving into anger. There can be no freedom of yourself if you first let go of the things that bind you.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 03:33 PM
I still don't believe that it's got anything to do with the government. Forget what I said in my last post. Perhaps those of you are feeling tired or depressed because there is something wrong with your life. And you need to see life differently. Just take a different view on life.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

Every single symptom you have is the same symptoms of depression. Even the leg cramps. muscles that are always tight are gonna cramp, and be sore.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

I am almost certain I have Lyme again. Today at work I had difficulty figuring out how to make change for a five dollar bill, among some other problems that I had. My thought process is degenerating rapidly, and joint pain has increased.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:43 AM
Wow, jack, you need to get to a doctor then. I hope it`s nothing bad.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:15 AM
So it seems to be the opinion of the members that have posted that whatever might be effecting us all can be fixed through diet and exercise, and a trip to your doctor for some much needed anti depressants.

Truth be told I'm disappointed in the replies, we live or we serve in a society that caters to the top 1% or the elite as it is called. If I were to go to my doctor and tell him my symptoms I agree he would label me as depressed and start writing prescriptions, but I'm not depressed.

I posted this on a conspiracy discussion board and the majority of replies have been of mainstream thought. I'm not complaining but it is interesting none the less.

I will not take this advice with a grain of salt, I will be changing my diet further and will start exercising even more and we will see if my changes effect the change I hope to see in the world and people around me.

Jackinthebox you definitely need to seek medical attention STAT!

[edit on 30-7-2008 by LDragonFire]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:27 AM
Nightmares -Check
Migraine headaches -Check
Insomnia Even though I’m dog tired all the time. -Check
Irritability; almost like I’m mad for no reason. -Check
Cramp like pains in my legs, neck, back, and hands.Check
No energy -Double Check

I have all these my freind and im having some messed up thoughts
Like my reality has become warped and everything i think about (old or new) seems brand new yet echos thoughts off being old , Yeh i know sounds weird
Its like im thinking about thinking...thinking about thinking my next thought , and then thinking what im thinking about in my next thought in my next thought
And my thought process (like other members) has gone down the crapper, i cant say a long sentence without putting a wrong word in a wrong place, wrong name etc..
Also my memories are just ..Gone, i mean i can remember most things from the past few years but i cant picture myself being at those places at those times, all i remember is example X happend in year x at X, very little visual memory left

Ive been having awful nightmares, I'm almost scared to sleep, And they seem so god damn real

My head starts pounding about an hour after i wake up everyday and stops and starts till i fall asleep again

The rare time i sleep i get a solid 12-13 hours because id have been up for so long (right now ive been up for 15 hours) , and when i wake up all i want to do till i fall asleep again is climb into bed and sleep for the next few days , but i cant

Irritability?, Dont get me started, Ive flipped on all my freinds latley and i just cant stand anyone even more i got so angry last night i smashed a pint glass off my wall and i slit my toe open (by accident)

I have awful cramps in my arms and legs, and groin for the past few weeks,
Like a dead pain,

No energy...i just feel tottaly drained for the past few days , i cant do anything i just dont have it in me

Whatever is wrong with all off us , I DONT like it and all i want it to do is stop

[edit on 30-7-2008 by WERE_ALL_GONA_DIE]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:13 AM
In my opinion Those who are being affected are depressed because they are stuck in the same old trap. Humans are not designed for repartition. Our ancestors didn't have to deal with it because the world they lived in changed every day. It was always new challenges. Now hardly any thing is new in peoples lives.

We get up in our very expensive box. Get ready for work like we did every day for years. then we get in our rolling box, and drive to a really big box to make small pieces for other boxes. Or we stare at PC screens all day putting in data about all the little boxes that were made. We then get back in our rolling boxes again and drive back to our home box fall onto the couch mentally exhausted then get up and do it all over again. We beg for the week end to hurry up and get here so we can have a break from the repetition.

Its not some big government conspiracy We are killing ourselves with the same old thing every day. Look at all the Repetitive stress disorders out there. That in itself should tell you we are not designed to do repetition.

Thats just the psycicial side of things.
Mentally we are even less capable of handling it. That is why our minds wander so much on the job. In our heads we invent different scenarios to keep us sane.

Well thats the way I see it any way.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:32 AM
Many possible reason could account for those symptoms
number one would be
Stress crazy things happening
chemical imbalance
GMO foods (unknown)

I believe it is stress because of the situation in America today
how does a man making 40k who has a mortgage and a Suv loan
get by paying 80$ a week on gas
add on top of this stress your house is worth30% less your lost 40% in the value of your dollar over last 6 years
you have not had a raise in 10 years
food prices have gone up by 15%

and then if this wasn't enough he has to endure the loss of Habeas corpus
and impending financial collapse
then the torture committed by Bush
black white race tensions over the presidency
It's a tinder box out there mate

[edit on 30-7-2008 by solo1]

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