posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:58 AM
_Bede_, welcome to ATS, it indeed is a great place, if you have any questions or concerns there are a few people that you can talk to.
The forum moderators are quite friendly people, they are here to make sure you enjoy your time on this site. If you have any questions make sure to
shoot off a U2U to any one of them for an answer. Also members like myself or enjoies05 are also very helpful and will be glad to try and answer any
questions you may have.
First thing you should visit this thread;
Index of Important Website Related
Threads *Read First* This thread is invaluable for all the frequently asked questions about this site and what you can do here.
the ATS Handbook can answer a lot of your questions about the site, it's quite informative and helpful
if you have questions regarding your Avatar, Signature, or purchasing perks in the
ATS Store.
Points are a valuable commodity around ATS and some members want to know how to gain points quickly. There are several ways to do this. One is to
podcast, Podcasting if you don't already know is kind of like making your own little
radio show about some subject that you’re interested in. Also contributing to
TinWiki is a great way to make some points in a big hurry. Also by joining up with
Twitter, you can get a lot of points right of the bat. In BTS one can also find fun
games and contests that are happening now and also get you those points.
One should also familiarize themselves with the
Terms And Conditions Of Use for proper
ATS etiquette and site rules, this helps everyone avoid problems.
Again welcome to ATS and I hope you have a great time around the site